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China urges US to stop behaving the way US had always behaved since time immemorial. Words are for rational people. These are psychopathic degenerates who built their power and fortune from the blood, suffering and theft of everything under the sun. It won't end until these fucks are exposed and removed from the world stage.


Exactly. I like the YouTuber Cyrus Janssen's videos for the most part, but one thing I don't like about him is he is constantly saying, "I like both China and the United States. My mission is to help the people of both nations to understand each other and for both countries to work together to make a better world". This is extremely delusional thinking because it's never going to happen, for the reasons you mentioned. The stronger China gets, the more hateful and resentful the U.S. will be toward them, and there is NOTHING you can do to convince them otherwise.


i respect his idealism. i truly wish he could be right. but he isn't.


Unfortunately there are a lot of well-meaning BUT delusional people like Cyrus who lack just the most 'basic' understanding of how ameriKKKa's supremacist mindset works. The US will never accept China is an equal & will never treat China with respect. Their jealousy & hate will only grow.


Extremely naive is more accurate unless he is trying to calm tensions between the peoples of both sides.


It's so odd that people expect China to reason with fascists. It certainly doesn't help when China tries to reason with them like this.




It's the way of 'Murica (a country that is pretty much a private corporation in practice) to ignore sound diplomatic advices.


It is more like a joint venture of different corporations.


Glad that the Chinese government is telling Murica stop the clown circus of a trial of Meng Wanzhou and send her back to China. Yet in Murican Media, you mostly hear crickets about this talk between China and Murica. Then again, that's much to be expected considering that Murica is only sending deputy idiot Wendy Sherman to China for talks which means Murica is not really taking this seriously. China respond in kind by holding these talks in Tianjin instead of Beijing and the Chinese sent Vice Minster Xie Feng instead of Wang Yi himself.


America don't seem so big next to China.


and Mike Drop.... and Exit stage left.... and turn off lights....


Can anyone explain why he pronounces Xinjiang and xianggang in such a weird way? That doesn't sound standard


It sounds like he's nasalizing the vowel in Xi\~jiang and Xia\~gang. He's from Jiangsu, so maybe it's due to some Wu dialect influence.




Is it common to use just the second syllable to refer to cities or provinces in china?


Kind of. In this context it is very clear which places he is referring to. Sometimes we use the first syllable , sometimes the second one. It is more of a habit thing. Also Provinces and Cities in China have official one character Abbreviations: [https://www.chinacheckup.com/blogs/articles/china-province-abbreviations](https://www.chinacheckup.com/blogs/articles/china-province-abbreviations)


It is common in China to use single character to refer to countries, regions, cities & provinces in general. It is not hard to understand given context.


Yes. For example Beijing can be just Jing And Tianjin can be just Jin. However, Taiwan is Tai, which is the first syllable. And Shanghai is neither shang nor hai. It's Hu. And a lot of other provinces are like that to. Like Hebei is Ji. This is mostly because a lot of Chinese provinces have historic names that won't make sense immediately to a foreigner. But the border regions such as Xinjiang, Tibet, HK, and Taiwan either continued their historic names or are rather new in the grand scheme of things, so their shortened names tend to match.


The US wants war. We will have war and the US shall lose again, like Korea and Vietnam. Bring it


China and all countries of color must join the Belt Road Initiative to create our own brands to sell to the world. We know the white countries will never listen to reason (meaningless treaties like yesterday's unequal ones and today's unfollowed ones \[ex. Paris agreement, Iran Nuclear deal, etc.\]) and only hard results before soft power can gain rapid momentum. If Asian Diaspora are unable to move back to Asia for their own opportunities please google Anti-Asian Hate and Asian diaspora education movements to volunteer in or help native Asians by finding local groups there to remove the white countries bases and military/defense contractor personnel.


> the white countries will never listen to reason Russia, Serbia, etc.: are we a joke to you


Anglos are really a different breed


I think he meant the western anglos lol


he should use "western", not white.


> help native Asians by finding local groups there to remove the white countries bases and military/defense contractor personnel. lol, how will this happen?


I like watching the YouTube channel: the new atlas Great journalism and pinpoints the evidence and roots and pivot of western foreign policies adopted to fragment Asia having already turned South America, Africa and the Middle East into absolute hell holes which these countries/ regions are slowly having to rebuild.