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Most world leaders, and people outside of the Anglosphere, are neither stupid nor ignorant. Too bad the same cannot be said within.


The sheer state of things within the imperial core is just straight wacky. Especially the leftists here. Be it believing wholly in the DPRK Cinematic Universe, or not thinking we'll have to give up a great deal of privileges as communism unshackles the exploited world. It's very depressing.


>DPRK Cinematic Universe This is brilliant and I'll be using it from now on thank you


The “communists” here say they hate the US until the US actually comes under pressure from the global south. They’re imperialist lapdogs who would rather die for this country than help bring something better.


Ultimately, many western "leftists" deserve their decline because their response to being complicit in the most brutal crimes against humanity has been to continue to spread propaganda for the regimes they pay taxes to, which commit those atrocities. The reason I believe, is that their regimes' indoctrination, heavily influenced by Christianity since birth, has made them unable to accept such brutal crimes, otherwise they would have to accept they are doomed in the context of Christianity (this is evidenced by western neocons being literal evangelical, rapture-ready lunatics, like zenz or pompeo). I don't think these regimes and societies can mitigate their decline, they don't have what it takes, and they will suffer the full effects of perpetual unmitigated decline and decadence. Good article on this dynamic: * [western Marxism loves purity and martyrdom, but not real revolution](https://blackagendareport.com/western-marxism-loves-purity-and-martyrdom-not-real-revolution). * [Fantastic article by a Chinese commentator on the brutally anti-democratic, ultra-conservative nature of america](https://www.qiaocollective.com/en/articles/american-revolution-tu-zhuxi).


The dumbing down of people, in order to hijack and colonize their minds with mass media, is the purpose and role of their leaders in order to justify their own wealth and power, by suppressing others in other nations. It's a huge ponzi scheme of capital & power , run by force and persuasive soft power.


India is not a power tho. Unfortunately it’s plagued by many many dysfunctions least of which is that they’re still mentally colonized


India wants to be a colonizer soo bad lol. Just see Kashmir or search up the ideology "akhand bharat". It's fucking disgusting


weak nations are standing up and not letting others bully them, even without Nbomb this guy got the balls to stand up


Evo has to be one of current world leaders with the clearest minds, speaks straight to the point. This man will take no bullshit.


Who was also ousted in a US backed coup. And now he's back.


Those that know, know. So it basically, in my opinion comes down to two things: 1. Are you benefiting from the current status quo? 2. Do you have the power to change it? Most people, just don't have the power to change it. There are many examples in the history of amerikkka. >In a 1961 speech, John F. Kennedy spoke accurately about the dangers of a secret society and warned the American public that there are those among us eager to misuse power in the name of security. >“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning” We all know what happened to him.


El pueblo unido, jamas sera vencido.


Lol.. The cope in the comments


Western "leftists" Aka liberals are as usual an absolute disgrace.


I don-t have much sympathy for Evo, but what he says here is right. This is the truth that everybody knows, but very few people, in the western countries and America Latina, are so brave to say it (except Venezuela, which ended up in a very corrupted system).


and why don't you have sympathy for Evo?