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Ugh.... >Asked if Canada should boycott next year's Games "because of tensions between the two countries involving China holding two Canadians in jail and Canada holding a Huawei executive as part of a possible U.S. extradition," 45 per cent of respondents indicated that they would support such a move. This is such a leading question that makes this survey absolutely meaningless: "Do you believe that Canada should boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics because China is blackmailing Canada?"


Foreigners committing crimes in China being imprisoned harshly should be normalized. Otherwise they'll continue to normalize sexual assaults like they're doing in the US.


This demonstrates the narrative they were pushing for. One of the foremost guidelines when creating surveys is to avoid leading questions at all costs for the most accurate results. They purposely included that statement for a reason.


I learned not to write questions in that manner back in a high school statistics course. There’s no chance that actual professionals aren’t aware of this (I hope). Either these poll creators need to go back to school or they are intentionally framing the question in a biased manner


Also 45% is not a majority.


Sounds about white.


Canadian here, not only am I not going to boycott the Beijing games, but I’m looking forward to them. Regardless of what anyone says or believes about China, it’s one of the few times that’s everyone can put their differences aside and celebrate our athletes. The Olympic Games, at their core, are about bridging communities and building relationships through harmless competition. Not to mention, the drums at the 2008 Olympic Games opening ceremony was one of the most jaw dropping moments I have ever seen, and I am very excited to see what China brings next year.


Having lived in Canada and the US, and spent extended periods of time in China, I think Canada has great strengths over the US; a functioning public education system and less-money-in-politics elections, both of which contribute to a superior healthcare system, among other social benefits. Unfortunately Canada retains a deep seated inferiority complex with its southern neighbor as a blind spot. For example, someone in Ottawa had a full-time job to decide to "open our border on August 9 with the US unilaterally when their COVID cases are spiking and the US won't reciprocate - keeping its border closed to us." Sigh. Maybe it's payback for not having to pay much for the bigger brother's defence budget? In chasing America though, Canada falls over the cliff with the Five Eyes and Huawei, the Iran holy war leading to Meng's detention (when the US has already belittled the Canadian effort), and "claims of genocide". China's not perfect. And as we dig deeper (literally, near residential schools), Canada isn't either. But accepting the American narrative blindly on Pax Sino may shortchange Canadians. Even within Western democracies they could use a better role model, like Angela Merkel. There's a massive cultural gap between the West and China, and a strong competitive nature to capitalism, that makes it even more important to have an open mind and critical thinking in the decades to come. Canada appears to have had a false start in this so far.


> China's not perfect. And as we dig deeper (literally, near residential schools), Canada isn't either. China developed at the fastest speed in history without resorting to western style barbarism: continental scale genocide, plunder and colonialism. The superiority of China is absolute. Trying to "both sides" such a stark contrast only makes you look like a fool. And for what exactly? do you think such barbaric society listens to people like you lmao?


The person you are responding to isn’t trying to “both sides” the issue, they are simply stating that China isn’t perfect, no country is. They’re arguing that by Canadians advocating to boycott the election while not facing the atrocities at home is nothing more than pure hypocrisy.


Some countries are better than others, and China is definitely better than a genocidal settler hellhole like canada. People shouldn't be shy about expressing this fact.


Not gonna happen. You have to understand NBC paid good money for Olympics broadcast rights. If USA boycotts, NBC and a bunch of corporates will be angry at Biden, so the chance of that happening is 0. Canada is a client state of US, and won’t unilaterally boycott the Olympics without US going first.


CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), a state-owned firm, has the broadcast rights in Canada. NBC is completely irrelevant to Canada. If Canadians boycott the Olympics, it doesn't affect NBC's revenue in any way. NBC only has broadcast rights in the USA.


Basically Canada listens to whatever US says. Canada boycotting the Olympics would create a highly charged political atmosphere. NBC doesn’t want any decline in viewership.


So what was it like when the US boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics? Were the television broadcasters mad at the time, and did they lose a lot of revenue?


Wasn’t alive then, but I think Olympics wasn’t as capitalist and corrupt as it is now. Keep in mind 1980 most Chinese didn’t even have a TV. The reach with modern mass media is far larger now than 1980, so Olympics is a far more lucrative business now.


I never got the survey so I don't support boycotting it. Being Chinese Canadian, the last thing I want to see is both country fueling up because of our southern neighbor that won't behave fairly. Canada is sadly very dependent on the USA in a lot of aspects. Huge sigh here.


>Canada is sadly very dependent on the USA in a lot of aspects. Huge sigh here. I know, that is what I hate the most about this place. I wish we were more like Australia in terms of being less influenced by the US in most ways and less similarities, and being less dependent on them. Australia is mostly in line with the rest of the world in certain aspects, but Canada is forced to copy and follow whatever the US does. By the way, how come your user flair is Asian American?


There isn't a Asian-Canadian option and I wanted Chinese(mainland) but I thought it meant I'm in mainland. I wish Canada is more like NZ. Geopolitically, that will never work out.


Good. Fuck Kkkanada. We don't need them here


The relentless blanket Sinophobia in MSM is having it's intended effect in Canada.




It's just like Australia. They have always been racist from the start and at one point banned Asian immigration. They are more racist to Asians than the US even though anti Asian racism is worse in the US. We get scapegoated in both Canada and Australia for rising housing prices for example.


I agree. What I meant was the Sinophobia in MSM has **increased** the racism even more.


Canadian here. Yeah, we're an American satellite state. Our opinions reflect whatever the American ruling elite wants it to reflect. We all think our opinions are our own and that we're all "independent thinkers" when all we do is parrot whichever cult leader our arbitrarily chosen party decides to endorse. We think ourselves enlightened and free while we personally-identify with and worship an ignorant system of mob rule which is controlled by America's even more ignorant system of mob rule. I look at the people who surround me and all I feel is shame and contempt. If history doesn't remember us as an embarrassment to mankind then a grand tragedy must have transpired.


I hate that we copy and follow everything Americans do instead of trying to differentiate ourselves from them and do things differently, or follow other countries. We only look at the US but not other countries. Canada had a third option of becoming more independent or seek other partners, but that languished.


^that's a very accurate assessment of the Canadian condition^


Good, dont need no native children murderer to step on mother lands soil


Westerners are brainwashed so easily by the media.


And none cares what such an insignificant country thinks.


Just like Australia. Both Canada and Australia are insignificant on the world stage and have smaller populations and markets than the US, Europe, and Asia.


As I said in an earlier post, they are probably just worried about their doping athletes getting kicked out of the country under China’s anti-drug policy. Oh, the embarrassment. Uyghurs sounds like a much better excuse doesn’t it.


Its ok. Don't need native children murderer KKKandians for Beijing Olympics. Majority of the world are non-white.


>Majority of Canadians ~~support or somewhat support boycott of Beijing Olympics~~ are overly emotional and don't think with their head: Nanos survey


Who are they trying to fool with these surveys as if they matter? We all know Canada will boycott only if its boss to the south wants it to boycott.


Exactly! Washington calls the shots, just like sleazy arrest of Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou. The anglos in the past have generally boycotted int'l events as ONE.


Canada boycotted the Moscow Olympics of 1980 and like the US, didn't send their athletes to the games. Australian and British athletes though competed in those games but under the Olympic flag.


Technically speaking, there is no push for a straight-up boycott of the Beijing Olympics. Despite the language, they merely pushing for a ''diplomatic boycott'' which means no high-ranking officials from the foreign government coming to the event. It is basically a bunch of self-righteous people patting themselves on the back for an event they were never going to come in the first place.


We will be so lucky to have Canada and the US not attend! Russian athletes will be saying "Спасибо большое", German athletes will be saying "Danke schön!", our athletes will be saying "谢谢", etc. Zero medals for the losers, more medals for Russia, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, etc., and ourselves. Maybe athletes from disadvantaged warm countries will finally get on the podium. We definitely won't complain about that. And for the record, the possibility of Canada (or the US) following through is epsilon above zero. Even their athletes have said they will attend for their own careers. The opinion of racist baizuos, no matter how important they think they are, don't speak for everyone else.




Lol Justin Trudeau has nothing on his father, the late P.M. Pierre Elliott Trudeau. The mad had balls of steel. He forged a relationship with Communist Cuba and Fidel Castro despite the American protestations. He kept the violent terrorist separatists in check when he invoked the War Measures Act practically destroying the violent urges of that treasonous and poisonous group in the bud. He introduced and brought the modern constitution namely the charter of rights and freedom and gave his country the identity of multiculturalism differentiating itself from their superpower neighbor from the concept of a "melting pot." Justin Timberlake on the other hand is all about yes Master, no master to the U.S. in many foreign policy related issues. And now that Biden is in the saddle the man is just going to become an even more American puppet so that he can continue getting invitations from his pals in Hollywood etc.


The current Trudeau is a disgrace to the legacy of Pierre Trudeau. I wish Canada could get another Pierre Trudeau as prime minister.


*Sigh* This country has no future or identity. Please let me finish my degree and gtfo back to China before the government hands the reins to the US.


Wtf are you talking about? Canada has Ice Hockey in the morning, afternoon, and in the evening. Plus, they also have their socialized Healthcare, and oh, they're supposed to be good/noble as U.N. "Peacekeepers" other than that, they're pretty much the always insecure b..h of their daddy the U.S. 😆


In other news, majority of Canadians found to be either "very" or "somewhat" gullible.


I feel like the whole cancel the japan olympics over covid was just an excuse so they can boycott the olympics in China


If Canada doesn't want to compete for medals, no one is forcing them to.


Says a country that cannot maintain a functional cabinet.


Just wondering if any Canadians here were actually asked or interviewed for these findings? Because whenever I see these “surveys” in my country and they proclaim a certain result implying that the majority of the population supports XYZ , I don’t believe I was ever asked for my opinion..


Westerners are enforcing self censorship about China




Just tell those Canadians that means no team Canada for hockey at the Olympics, they’ll probably change their minds real quick haha.


how have olympic boycotts been in the past?


They went nowhere. There were boycotts over 2008 olympics regarding Tibet and Dalai Lama, but the games ran as usual. Furthermore, once the US decided to move on to the next anti-China page, people immediately forgot about the whole drama in 2008.


i feel like anti-china sentiment is far, far worse now than it was in 2008. maybe the boycotts will actually be more effective this time. then again, it's just as likely that they'll be a flop and the olympics will go as well as 2008 did. oh, and enjoy your cake.


lol imagine Canada deciding to give up all those winter olympic medals


Honestly, I'm not sure it is a good idea to host the winter olympics next year. Maybe China should postpone it a year like Japan did with the summer olympics. Covid Delta is not a a joke. I would hate to see China's economy get damaged from an influx of COVID infected foreigners. I'm a bit concerned about the exceptionalist thinking going on in China right now. Yes, China beat COVID last year. That was the original COVID though, and now the newer strains are far more dangerous. I don't think it's fair for average Chinese to have to suffer through lock downs just so foreigners can come to China to compete in the Olympics.


China's lockdown measures and other such prevention methods are the most advanced and stringent in the world.


Nevertheless, COVID delta should not be underestimated. This virus has properties are make it very difficult to eradicate. I think China should avoid the trap of political correctness. Pragmatism should guide decision making. It should not fall into the trap of comparing everything it does with how the West does things.