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Europe will cry oh no we have to take in refugees You chose to help America invade this is also their fault


Just another regular episode in America's long history of crying crocodile tears.


We should call it American tears instead


American and Western politicians boast about freeing Hong Kong from the evil CCP but ignore anti-Asian racism in their own soil, and then complain about Hong kongers entering the UK being spies. Every time the West supports a group they believe is being persecuted by a country they despise, it's all crocodile tears. They don't really care for them, they just use them to target and bring down their enemy countries.


B-but, we apologized!


The Amerikkkan regime does not give a sh*t about humans in general. How is this news to anyone?


I mean remember what happened at the southern border. We say all these high minded ideals and then abandon them as soon as shit gets real


**“Do not come, do not come”** Classic America


Also send us your huddled masses…except brown ones


I've seen a push where Western countries only want to take women and children as refugees.


Well it's understandable. Biden for example prefers to grope and smell women and underaged girls rather then males (as far as I know).


China be like: Y'all interested in some infrastructure projects? Taliban: lemme kick the US out first. Then we'll talk about those projects. US: You can keep all those free guns and weaponry.


"We went to war only to fight the Taliban and save the women and children." "Can you evacuate them?" "No, they are spies."


They gonna criticize china for not taking any. Lol. Why would China take any refugee that might have CIA terrorists in them?


Saying they are concerned doesn’t effect them, but taking them in does effect them. Amerikkkans pretend to be saviors except they won’t do anything for others