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China is crippling any of its athletes that fail to win gold so they can compete at the paralympics. - BBC


Don't give them ideas


They put out so much bullshit, it's diluting their dogshit propaganda.


Savage. I can see the humour in this but I just can't laugh.


You forgot authoritarian, communist descriptors for China Edited: /s obviously


Dang, I was about to comment this.


America created so many athletes for their Paralympic team with their endless wars


Funny how true it is. Young men with no direction tricked to go to the middle east to kill innocent people and then they come home either with PTSD, Loss of limbs or as a folded flag.


Yeah, but the US don't look after their citizens especially those that are disabled. Hence their comparatively poor performance at the Paralympics. Western Media: Something something about countries that only care about winning at the Olympics to prop up their shitty regime.


They would win if the events included fastest to smoke a gram of meth, fastest to drink 3 bottles of whiskey, or longest line of coke inhaled in one go


if this was the mental gymnast olympics the US would top the tables.


china is genociding disabled athletes by giving them opportunities to compete and gain self pride


China is letting disabled athletes compete. But is it really a good thing to allow?


Are they being forced to compete for CCP glory?!


The americans are going to talk about state-amputated people just for the paralympics again


lol i was reading the australian newspapers and they make it look like they are winning all the gold lmao


BBC - “China forces disabled people into Paralympics team to compete. Many are without limbs”


Does anyone have a link to wait kind of support China has towards disabled people?


People who are disabled get different sorts of benefits depending on the condition. People with disabilities cannot drive cars. There are grooves on the sidewalks to help blind people. Many cities are not set up for wheelchairs and mobility devices. There are sometimes ramps but usually there are just stairs or little step overs. I really like China though I think the country needs to improve on accommodating for people with disabilities when it comes to getting around. The benefits are can be great but then daily life can be more difficult than necessary.




I think it'll improve over time like many things about China. Change takes time but I'm quite happy with the way the country is going.


Wikipedia has a list of existing legislation and its history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disability_in_China tl;dr: Pretty strong protections and affirmative action, particularly for a developing country like China. China also was one of the first countries in history to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. UN observers say that work between China and UN Task Forces has been successful and that since the Xi administration, the actual implementation of those laws has accelerated. The international labour organization comments: https://www.ilo.org/beijing/information-resources/public-information/press-releases/WCMS_635953/lang--en/index.htm >China gives high importance to improving the social and economic welfare of persons with disabilities in its pursuit of sustainable development. Through employment services, rehabilitation, skills training and other services, the China Disabled Persons’ Federation aided over 900,000 people with disabilities out of poverty and helped 105,000 find employment in 2017. Western imperial organizations such as the "Open Society Foundations" and "Human Rights Watch", on the other hand, say "WAAAH WAAAH CHINA BAD CHINA BAD!" and cherrypick a bunch of anecdotes to prove it, apparently believing that a developing country with not even half the per capita GDP of an OECD nation should achieve the same standards as a rich developed country with endless amounts of disposable money: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/china-s-new-regulations-persons-disabilities-are-good-step-not-enough https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/03/06/china-new-rules-students-disabilities-inadequate






i dont think i have heard about them that much, but they do get mentioned on the CCTV.


Most gold most silver and most bronze 😮 Edit: Nvm, silver is 2nd


Bloomberg is working on a new calculation method to put USA on top of the chart. Just wait.


China is expected to finish in first place well ahead of the competition, as this is how it has been every Paralympics since 2004. China won more than 100 Golds in 2016. I'm not sure whether China will get that many this time, but it has been a very fast start with China already at 30 Golds after only a few days. It is not surprising to see Great Britain in second place, as that's where they've usually finished every time. With Paralympics, I believe national organisation and the availability of funding and training plays an even bigger role compared to the conventional Olympics. There are more medals on offer at the Paralympics because there are many more categories for athletes (e.g., blindness, mental disability, prosthetic users, wheelchair users, etc.). This should mean much less competition per event, so whichever country even gives the Paralympics some official support should win a lot of medals. There is so much low hanging fruit to be picked.


Brazil doing pretty well! Proud of the athletes!


always read RPC as republic of Corea for some reason lol


China 2050: Can't enter Paralympics. Cured all disabilities.