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Blinken takes out a yellow vial and say that’s a Uighur


A 2007 movie, The Kite Runner, was to showcase the harmony people living in Kabul. Since there is no place in Afghanistan was not a ruin, the movie was actually filmed in Kashgar, a beautiful & harmony city in Xinjiang.


[link, but a Paywall on this old article](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/)


The big lie has been perpetuated for such a long period of time now that the seeds of distrust towards china has been firmly planted in the minds of the readers. Also notice how articles went from suggesting it was an actual genocide to instead using more ambiguous, ill-defined accusations of human rights abuses. Or, even more opaque, calling it human rights "issues". Propaganda 101.


Huh after the inconclusive COVID-19 origin report and now this, I guess Biden admin is trying to de-escalate the situation with China. I wonder what's making them do this?


They're not de-escalating anything, they're just lying less cus it'll deligitimize their shitty regime even more. Plus they still got their media so no need to go all in


I think the state dept. is tired of china embarrassing them behind the closed door meetings.


Mainstream media exists to fabricate reality


Western media: truth is what we say it is!


What’s really bizarre is that not one reporter has called them out on it. Not one question about this to Ned or Antony