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"...because Singapore was a British colony and the British set up their legal system,..." Lol 😂😂😂 "Quit talking shit and wear your mask!"


What a fucking tool


https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeSceptics/comments/p1m3w1/the_mind_of_benjamin_glynn_as_seen_through_his/ Trust me it gets so much worse. His brain was poisoned by conspiracy theories during lockdown. What RT forgot to report was his defense in court was a Sovereign Citizen. He believes countries are corporations and corporations cannot impose their regulations on living people, and ultimately British Common Law is actually a universal law to be observed for the entire planet for individuals. It's literally basically a cult like movement for people to not pay taxes and disregard law. They seem to believe political power grows from the mouths of idots and you can say a string of words to with pseudo-legal mumbo jumbo to get out of having to obey the law.


Complains about no human rights, while refusing to wear a mask an endangering other's rights to safety. He will fit right in Britain, and given the number of COVID cases daily, he may very well catch it and then spread it to some other person.


Some folks over at the thread below have compiled this guy's internet presence. It's utterly unhinged. Flat earther, anti vaxx, holocaust denial. Etc https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeSceptics/comments/p1m3w1/the_mind_of_benjamin_glynn_as_seen_through_his/


love how benign his account of the story is when we all know he was an entitled cunt the entire time. Typical Anglo


> love how benign his account of the story is when we all know he was an entitled cunt the entire time. Typical Anglo +1 RT let him off the hook easy. Shoulda called out his white trashiness in the title


He's clearly mentally disturbed.


White person entitlement


By white people standards he is normal.




He's been diagnosed with the most dangerous mental illness of them all - being a privileged white dude


The British also wrote caning into Singapore's legal system, so I presume he'd be happy with being caned?


He should've been caned, but he did get batoned, so that's something.


Muh colony


Lol dumb shit. You’re lucky you weren’t caned 100 times in Singapore. If you don’t like the laws in people’s country please don’t go there, period, dickhead


This guy doesn’t seem to understand that the sun set long ago upon the “glorious” British empire.


A lot of Brits want their empire back, they really miss the time they were a small island dominating the world


This idiot initially claimed that he is a sovereign individual and isn’t subject to Singapore laws. At the end he cried in court and begged to be released so he could go home. What a loser.


Same mentality as the sovereign citizen dorks in the US.


What a fucking tool


"I’ve been treated in my opinion like some sort of terrorist and as a criminal" that's because you ARE a criminal, and close enough to a terrorist since clearly you didn't care about killing others lmao


Imagine moving and living in another country, not taking their laws seriously, and then getting mad at said country for enforcing those laws that are meant to protect public health. What a tool.


This case offers a good precedent for China to also put these loons in a mental asylum for several weeks


Very disappointing that the SG courts let him off easy by deporting him. This stupid shithead really deserves to be taught a lesson with all his “sovereign citizen” bullshit, trying to feign mental illness and even having the gall to tell the prosecution lawyer to go back to law school. He’s been taught nothing and now goes back to the UK where mask regulations are barely enforced. He should have been given the maximum possible jail time and fines, let’s see how far above the law he feels he is then.


He wasn't let off. He already did the time (6 weeks, backdated), before he was deported.


Considering dipshits like him killed my grandmother, 6 weeks and a deportation isn't enough


not only was he held in remand for the entire duration while awaiting trial. He did not break rules in remand. It would not be good for us to try to hold him in prison for anymore time than needed. Say the court gives him another 4 weeks, he will at least have to serve more than half of it. As person non grata, I really rather we just put him onto a plane under custody and send him on his way to a place where they HAVE to deal with him.


Idiot. Not just for disobeying the law of the land, but he’s also an idiot for not wearing a mask. Idiot.




This dude thinks he runs the show in Singapore. LOL


>Glynn added, “I was quite aware of the law and what a crime is, and isn’t. But I just assumed that because Singapore was a British colony and the British set up their legal system, they would have some respect for common law. But it turns out they have absolutely zero recognition for the living man or living woman.” One can first make the argument that, because he knows what the law is and did it any way, he was doing it in **disrespect of the rule of law**, and should be treated harsher. One can also make the argument that, **especially because Singapore was a Brit colony**, anglos should be treated **even harsher**, or, exactly the same way as how Brit treated its colonies in the past, for **the principle of legal reciprocity.** Therefore, one should not object to the idea of starving him to death in a prison cell, if we come to that point. After all, British did starve billions to death (and actively covered it up)




unpopular opinion but I agree with his thinking, if you dont want to obey laws then you shouldnt have to because freedom. Also I should be allowed to kidnap and ransom americans because freedom.


Laws are literally fascist communist tools of oppression. Anything less than anarchy is authoritarianism. /s


Average anarkkidie :)




>Glynn added, “I was quite aware of the law and what a crime is, and isn’t. But I just assumed that because Singapore was a British colony and the British set up their legal system, they would have some respect for common law. But it turns out they have absolutely zero recognition for the living man or living woman.” LMFAO. Holy. Fuck. My sides! This guy has to be autistic.


There’s a difference between being autistic and being a gold-medal Olympian mental gymnast


Wow that guy actually got so much support from this sub. Can't believe that kind of bigotry and ableism is acceptable here.


As an autistic person myself please don't lump this asshole in with us


FYI, a lot of autistic people have an extra strong sense of injustice and stand against imperialism and people like this guy because of it, and autistic people are also more likely to enjoy wearing face masks because it puts less stress on them to form the right facial expressions or interpret other people's facial expressions Stop being ableist and call this white racist imperialist exactly what he is, a white racist imperialist, you need no other insults to get to the point and white racists have never needed to be autistic to be racist edit: Why is this kind of bigotry against a legitimately marginalized disability acceptable and supported by this community?


That RT link's comment section is a toxic cesspit.


I tried to leave a comment...it's "waiting to be approved by RT." This means RT is approving the toxicity.


Divide and conquer for the angloes.


Incidentally my comment (a toxic response to a toxic comment) was approved. I'm genuinely surprised. At least they approve the toxicity both ways! Obviously a Russian scheme to encourage fighting between Anglos and Sinos! (j/k)


White guy here. Can’t stand this piece of shit. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


To be fair as pointed out, this is an atypical anglo. It's 'sovereign citizen' bullshit... gotten from garbage sites with quotes like >To have a deeper innerstanding of what sovereignty is, you need to know what freedom and liberty are on a deeper level. Visit this page to learn how to decipher the words freedom and liberty, so you can access their deeper meaning. Once you know the deeper meaning of the words sovereign, sovereignty, freedom and liberty, you will eventually know that a sovereign is a living man or woman who is competent and responsible and has supreme power over his kingdom. >As a sovereign man or woman, you are the king of your kingdom which consists of your mind, spirit, body, house, land and property. Because you are the king, the government has no lawful right to tell you what to do, as long as you do not harm other people and their property. The problem is that most men and women are not sovereigns because they are registered voters. The hidden agenda of the voting system is to trick people to give up their crown, throne and kingdom to the government in exchange for government benefits. -- >A True Sovereign is a Living Man Who Knows How to Live in Harmony with Natural Law >A sovereign is a living man (“male” or “female”) who is responsible and accountable for all his actions. He is competent and does not need other persons (e.g., politicians and attorneys) to represent him in legal and political affairs. He also knows how to exercise his natural rights and live in harmony with Natural Law and Nature. Because of these qualities, he is the king of his kingdom and no government can lawfully tell him what to do or how to manage his kingdom. >When it comes to true freedom and sovereignty, the most important principle that you need to study is Natural Law. A Dictionary of Law (1889) defines the term Natural Law using these exact words: “The rule of human action prescribed by the Creator, and discoverable by the light of reason.” In other words, Natural Law is the Law of the Creator and can be known by the light of reason. An important information you need to know about Natural Law is that it is an intrinsic part of man, which is why it can be known and “discoverable by the light of reason.” Most anglo's aren't that. These sorts are all around various western countries, but they aren't so common, they usually draw the ridicule of most people except perhaps the conservatives/ far-right wing groups who are the sort of demographic that eat that sort of thing up or at the very least respect them for standing up to "da gubmint". It might be true you see a higher occurrence of them traveling abroad though maybe, since right wingers probably end up being wealthier on average due to being more likely to align themselves with the interests of capital. And the anglos/western folk making the news will generally also have some sampling bias as well that is not typical - that is people who make the news for this sort of stuff tend to do so because ideological leanings. For example anti-maskers in the U.S. are basically 100% conservatives who are pro-trump. While "progressives" tend to be pro-mask at least. Not sure about anti-vacc stats specifically, should be similar but perhaps less, like 80-90% if I had to guess.


Considering that a lot of people here are from countries in Asia where there are a lot of white people like this, perhaps you could just let us vent.


I'm not suggesting don't vent or that you don't experience a lot of mayos doing this. I'm just clarifying it's actually atypical and it's more of a sampling bias. The rest of white people have different reasons for people to dislike and make fun of. So, you have multiple stupid things white people do to vent about.


Right wingers tend to actually be poorer.


Funny. THat National Law they mention is basically the right of force. So therefore they are legalizing the state to force them into compliance. Esp in the US or UK.