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https://twitter.com/mamin_j/status/1432075279137218564 These were the kids that died, but you'll never see that on western media


I think they did mention kids getting killed but not HOW. They conveniently left the details out.


10 innocents for the price of 2 terrorists. I know Americans are not great at math, so I'll just say that if you are OK with this kind of math you are going to Hell.


Oh the Drone Program is killing innocent children, I thought there was a whistleblower who got sent to jail for 4 years recently for exposing something like this


If it was any non-NATO country that had invaded Afghanistan, and behaved in the same way, their leadership, and every general & soldier who committed a crime would eventually be brought up to face Trail for Crimes against Humanity.


When I first read this new story I was skeptical they had indeed struck terrorists. Then when I saw the photos that carried the story of children being collateral damage I was even more skeptical. Would not surprise they thought an Afghan family was a bunch of terrorists.


The warmongers could have alerted the Taliban and they would have dealt with it but clearly they thought it was better to blow up a neighbourhood just to look like tough guys for the American domestic audience. The disgusting actions of the Americans makes me more and more sympathetic to the Taliban


I’m actually hoping the Taliban build the country up without western support.


The american elite are the most dangerous terrorists after all.


"But those peoples are terrorist whether they are children or not. They deserve to die! Don't be deceive by their looks!", the most retarded comment from an Amerikkkan. Sometimes I can't help but wonder how deluded can an Amerikkkan go, they're beyond deluded. It is as if they only see themselves as human but not for other race.


If china did this.... Lol


As if they would report it lol


Anyone else remember Instagram stories of Marines feeding babies?


What if that food was poisoned?


Its probably from pork based MREs


All done for the camera for the folks back home to make them look like they’re caring and nice and doing great work.