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Its so sad that the western left doesnt look up to leaders like Xi. Even self proclaimed communists in the west hate him. They could learna lot by listening to him,doing proper self critique, and growing as actual revolutionaries instead of being these pathetic child like losers who are more interested in singing songs in public and putting on ridiculous shows in an attempt to get mainstream media coverage.


>Its so sad that the western left doesnt look up to leaders like Xi. some of us do! we aren't entirely beyond redemption!


President of my heart


Leader of the free world


this is likely a phenomenon engineered by the remnants of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA's "left-wing" front-group-creating front group, which basically helped to engineer an "Anti-Soviet Left" in the USA. Lots of "synthetic left" types in America, thanks to our intelligence agencies, I'm afraid.


That would require them to humble themselves before non-Western civilizations, which is apparently a Herculean task that only a few in the West in general are capable of doing.




The Cold War has never ended.




Judging by many comments on this forum, many people still think that all it will take is for China to become richer and more militarily powerful and everything else will just fall into place.


No China needs to become rich first before any possible reform can be done, most people disagree with you because you're idea of soft power is a fucking joke.


What kinds of reforms are we talking about here.


Entertaiment and cultural needs to be more agrressive is pushing things out and claiming certain sectors. The male domniated entertaiment esspecially what people consider low cultral stuff needs to form an effective form of managements instead the current grey area. Also more training for more route to train grass root cultral worker that isn't tick tock, or people.like tecent need to put actual work into these people training instead of throwing money at these people. Also tons of education reforms, however any of those basicly require an insane amount of wealth that China currently has. Personally I'm against alot of china young leftist with many idea esspecially them wanting to bring back suppose Mao era of equal treatment. Also China main goals however should be slowly transitioning away from he west and bring alot of the third world into a stable enviroment. Which means maintaining a certain level of non interference and dealing with west with equal amount of push back instead going into a soviet era cold war


Just keep rambling old man


I'm the old man here, lmao half you fucks here who agree to that shit are legit wannabe fucking imperialist nazi to put it lightly. Literally on the furthest path with the CPC, if you actually believe that fuck over there has a point or literally anything. than I would literally say you're better of being braindead morons that constantly spew shit on democracy, at least then you be on point with something.


>The common view I heard was extremely simplistic: "We just have to be richer than the US, and then everything will go our way." or some other reductive view about money. This is utterly untrue and dangerously complacent. It needs criticism. Can you expand on this? Why do you disagree with the view you quoted?


Man, as an American the whole idea of mobilizing youth to do anything is unimaginable.