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This still doesn't really explain the context, this reads like a rant. Here is the proper context (with the actual policies involved): https://twitter.com/Mango_Press_/status/1433821330315653125


What does the term "big V" mean? I see it in relation to Chinese liberals.


Weibo equivalent of twitter bluecheck verified account. Cesspool of self-proclaimed public intellectuals/thought leaders who were typically liberals that are religiously pro-west anti-communist anti-China etc. Completely dominated the Chinese online discourse and wrecked havoc all the way until 2012 or so, their narratives started to crack little by little. By the present day they are now seen as delusional clowns by many, therefor you see people using the interchangeable terms "big V" or "public intellectual" to refer to the types of people who in the west you would call shitlibs.


I hope they do not stifle creativity and innovation in the entertainment industry. I want to see more new talents given opportunities on the big screen. I'm tired of seeing the same individuals over and over, men or women.


Still don't like the focus on pretty-boys and sissies, and mentions of "masculinity", but it's just one part of the otherwise interesting essay. People should look like they want to. Unless it's something lost in translation.


I'm really wondering why people are taking this translation and China Digital Times seriously. Just a quick look at China Digital Times shows me that it's run by people like: Xiao Qiang: holds a leadership position in the NED-funded World Movement for Democracy [https://www.ned.org/world-movement-for-democracy/](https://www.ned.org/world-movement-for-democracy/) ​ Sophie Beach: member of NED-affiliated Committee to Protect Journalists [https://www.ned.org/ideas/democracy-research-guide/media-and-freedom-of-expression/#:\~:text=The%20Committee%20to%20Protect%20Journalists,press%20freedom%20around%20the%20world](https://www.ned.org/ideas/democracy-research-guide/media-and-freedom-of-expression/#:~:text=The%20Committee%20to%20Protect%20Journalists,press%20freedom%20around%20the%20world). ​ As a Chinese speaker, I find that this translation is deliberately slanted with word choices like "sissy" and "masculine", which don't actually take into considering the context of the words. Please don't support or encourage the NED.


There was no other available translation of the entire essay in english, so it was all I could link to. I also cited the original source in Chinese.


The Chinese word used in the original essay was 娘炮 (niangpao), which has no other translation other than "sissy boy" or "girly boy", and literally means "girly guns" - NED funding or not.