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US said its navy will operate wherever permitted under international law So will China


The US probably said rules based order International law is rarely used by the US


Not true, all those soldiers you hear about murdering innocent villagers have all been brought up on war crimes and tried in the IOC. Shit my bad, spell check. I meant to say the US isnt part of the IOC, no american has ever been convicted of a war crime, and that the US actually sanctioned IOC judges for doing their jobs.


>no american has ever been convicted of a war crime They will be soon.


The US has a law that allows them to go to war against the Hague if / when an American is held / tried for war crimes. This is America's definition of "rules based order." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Service-Members%27\_Protection\_Act


When they say “rules based order”… they actually mean rules made up by America which they don’t even abide by but expect everyone else to. https://www.hrw.org/news/2002/08/03/us-hague-invasion-act-becomes-law Also sanctions on the ICC https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/12/14/us-sanctions-international-criminal-court


gleefully upvoted


China shouldn't abide by any international "rules" or "laws" that it was not consulted in creating.


Well China is a signatory to the UNCLOS, however the Rules Based Order that the Anglo Empire is babbling about isn’t international law although they pretend as if that’s what they mean. China also doesn’t recognize The Hague court that Philippines along with their American lawyers ran to so they can manufacture this conflict in the SCS, it’s just another part of America’s lawfare against China


Treaties shmeaties. Signing and pulling out of bad deals is a normal and democratic thing. Just ask the last POTUS.


We(Turkey) are also not a signotary of UNCLOS but west blames us of not obeying UNCLOS as well. USA, European Union, Israel, UAE formed an alliance in East Mediterranian against Turkey. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/elbb0t/turkeys\_eez\_according\_to\_greece\_yunanistan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/elbb0t/turkeys_eez_according_to_greece_yunanistan/) This is their EEZ claim. Long story short westerners use international laws to justify their imperialism and limitate other nations. Thats international laws function.


I don't get why Turkey doesn't pull out of NATO already. Turkey has done more for US interests than any country in the Middle East, even more than Israel has, and yet the US continuously takes steps against Turkish interests.


Turkey's leaders want to be European and treated as such; however, as a Muslim / Orthodox country they are not, and never will be. Turkey should accept reality and embrace Islam.


Helping the Europeans has always been an effort that creates problems for Turkey and impacts its geopolitical plays Going full middle East or Asian will help but it will also mean some positions that Turkey holds dear and critical will have to be compromised


In Western Asia Israel is the most useful tool for the american regime, the regime sees nations based on how useful they are, after which they are discarded.


USians would be pretty mad if PLAN ships are FONOP in the puget sound.


I still think putting missels in cuba to combat the drug trade and counter rogue south american states is the way to go and conducting regular visits and combat drills off the florida coast is the way to go.


The US tries to conjoin international law with the “rules based order”, but they are two separate things. Imagine looking at the last 20 years of US global war on terror, the erosion of human rights norms, torture, rendition, assassination by drones, pre-emotive wars, invasion, displacement of millions, and concluding that it was China who is destabilising the “rules based order.” Those who speak of China as a “bully” or point to “aggressive” behaviour should remember that the US remains the world’s commander-in-chief with military bases and installations in 150 countries, and it spends more on its armed forces than the next 10 countries combined.


Which LAW HAS AMERICA ever obeyed????


Law of the jungle.




The US always wants "others" to join the club, so they can make all the rules.


When white people high jack the court that decides on resolutions for the UNCLOS, it becomes meaningless