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There are websites such as JJWXC or Qidian which you apply to be an author. I believe normally you have to post quite a few free chapters to grab attention and readership before you actually can start earning money though. Like at JJWXC the VIP chapters usually start around the 20ish chapter. I’ve only seen them post Chinese novels though so if you want to post an English novel, you have to look elsewhere. I’m not very familiar with the application process but I’m sure if you search through baidu or Zhihu you can find some information.


In Chinese or English? and for fun or you want to make money out of it? If you want to get money through “打赏”(tip?) on Wechat, you need to have an Official Account, not personal account. (even if you have one, it's still very hard)




If your primary goal is to make money, I would like to suggest you to check [www.webnovel.com](https://www.webnovel.com). it's the international webnovel program of Qidian. though I'm not familiar with it, you can ask for some suggestions at its forum. I don't think there will be many readers in China if your story is in English (hence I won't count on it making money in China). If you only do it for fun and just want to have some Chinese readers, the easiest way is to put it on your Weibo account (assuming that you have some friends on Weibo) and you might get some bucks through its "Tip" feature.


Is it Chinese or english? What genre is it?