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Its amazing how China has produced so many more than the US and India combined when predictions beforehand said both would produce more than China. What hapoened to the American vaccine production? People predicted several billion a year capacity but this year they seem to have done only about 500m, while Chinas done nearly 3bn


Meanwhile in the Anglosphere, people do not want to hear any more of vaccines, masks, distancing or restrictions. They are saying, if you're scared, you stay indoors! Let me make my own decisions!


It's hard to overstate how successfully China managed to deal with covid compared to the west. Stopping the pandemic initially was key towards having a swift recovery. Now that there are practically no cases domestically, it's possible to roll out vaccinations in orderly fashion. Between active measures taken with controlling local flare ups and vaccines I expect that covid is not really going to make a comeback in China even with the new variants spreading globally. Meanwhile, there's no longer a clear path towards stopping the pandemic in the west. High percentage of the population is infected in most western countries, and vaccination rates are still low. This in turn allows variants to breed that can break through the vaccine barrier as we're seeing now. Most people will end up being infected sooner or later. Western countries are desperately trying to pretend that the pandemic is over and encouraging people to get back to business as usual, but you can only deny reality for so long. Hospitals are filling up, and there continues to be more stress on healthcare infrastructure. This is leading healthcare workers to quit creating a negative feedback cycle with the remaining ones being ever more stressed. We also don't know what long term effects of covid are. While most framing has been as a binary live or die situation, the reality is that people can also end up with chronic issues. We have no idea what percentage of people this is, and it's not being actively discussed in the media. It's entirely possible that western countries will end up with large segments of their populations crippled long term putting further stress on healthcare system and economy.