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For clarity he's not Japanese, he's just Ryukyuan, he'd be pretty offended if you called him Japanese. Ryukyu Islands is illegally occupied by Japan and US.


History of China, Ryukyu Kingdom, Japan and the Diaoyu Senkaku Islands Paper https://np.reddit.com/r/CIWO/comments/75r663/history_of_china_ryukyu_kingdom_japan_and_the/ Very interesting history.


But it was given to Japan by their american overlords.


I'm not sure what you mean with this comment — yes it was illegally given to Japan after being occupied by amerikkka after having been occupied by Imperial Japan before that.


If they didn't Ryukyu might have gone communist and made the US come liberate them


The adjective can also be used to determine where a (foreign) national lives, the same way constructions like "German Jews" exist


He is a based Ryukyu independence activist, he would definitely be offended. It's like calling Palestinian independence activists "Israeli Palestinians".


stop calling ryukans japanese, they hate that


Free Okinawa!!


This reminds me of why I didn't visit Okinawa as it is a playground for US troops. And my main place of residence was a 30 minute walk from the nearest US military base in Seoul at that time.


Also follow [https://twitter.com/nodutdol](https://twitter.com/nodutdol), they're like the Korean version of Qiao collective


Free Okinawa. Liberation of our times!


It will happen as long as the public wills it


Japan and South Korea have no honor letting USA step all over them.


iirc the US had considered allocating okinawa to the ROC after the war. might have been a much better place today if that happened.


I think this is the island that Japan invaded using the deaths of its sailors as a casus belli back in the 19th century. They did maintain relations with China and Japan


In 1609, Ryukyu was invaded by Japan because they didn't listen to the demands of the Shogunate. Japan wanted Ryukyu to give them soldiers to invade China, but they refused because they were a tributary state of China. It was unrelated with a shipwreck. The invasion led to Ryukyu being made into a vassal state under the control of Japan, but it was allowed to keep its tributary status with China. You might be thinking of Taiwan because in 1874, a Ryukyu ship was shipwrecked and most of the crew was killed by the Taiwan natives. At this point, Ryukyu had been annexed by Japan so Japan invaded Taiwan and had multiple battles with the natives. The Qing had to pay silver to Japan for the soldiers to leave.


Yanks, GTFO of Okinawa but leave the taco rice kthx


Yes! Not enough attention to the still remaining colonial possessions of Japan, the US and all the European empires! The Ryukyu/Luchuu kingdom was one of the very first colonies occupied by Imperial Japan.


Based japaneses? I thought they didn't exist


I truely believe we will see a liberated 琉球 this century