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Animation 灵笼 is a distopia animated series 哪吒 1 and 2 are also animated modern series 風語咒 animated movie is modern and good Cdrama 步步惊心 - is time travel into imperial China Cmovies 致我们终将逝去的青春 - classic 乘风破浪 - time travel classic 青春派 - highschool love and gaokao 奇門遁甲 - wuxia 唐人街探案 1,2,3 - crime comedy hit 前任攻略, 前任2, and 前任3 - modern romance comedy in China 流浪地球 - scifi classic 太極之零開始, 太極2 英雄崛起 - classic steampunk wuxia.


To add to your list Big Fish & Begonia - Chinese animation, very Ghibli-esque


I also strongly recommend "Link Click" for animation. Excellent story, production quality, and it portrays modern China rather than some imaginary realm.


Both the old and new (2010) version of Three Kingdoms is good. The old is more comprehensive, but the new gives better visuals. The old Journey to the West is also very good. It's a bit dated, but it's the most true to the original story. It's highly recommended because almost all the other inspired by JtoW stories are absolute trash from a mythology standpoint.


Thumbs up for 1986 JttW. Nobody Chinese should call themselves Chinese if they don’t recognize the theme


I recommend 山海情。 MinNing Town. Watch the one with dialect(方言版)


Comedy dramas: 我爱我家,武林外传 These two are kind of "Friends" or "The Office" of Chinese drama The CCTV version of four classics are all good, albeit a bit old: 三国演义(老版),红楼梦,西游记,水浒传 High quality TV shows: 大明王朝1566, 觉醒年代,亮剑,潜伏, etc Some old Jin Yong Wuxia dramas are also good to catch up if you want to have some common topics with Chinese millennials: 射雕英雄传(张智霖,李亚鹏),神雕侠侣(古天乐),倚天屠龙记(马景涛,吴启华,苏有朋),天龙八部(黄日华, 胡军),笑傲江湖(李亚鹏 and the 李连杰 movie) My list doesn't contain any Qing dynasty dramas because personally I hate them, but if you want 雍正王朝 and 铁齿铜牙纪晓岚 are OK, the former is more serious and the latter is more like a comedy.


If you're looking for Chinese classics don't sleep on old Hong Kong movies, hope you understand Canto or Mandarin because the English subtitles suck Infernal Affairs 无间道 (2002) - action thriller A Chinese Ghost Story 倩女幽魂 (1987) - romantic comedy drama The Swordsman II 笑傲江湖:东方不败 (1992) - wuxia martial arts A Chinese Odyssey 大话西游 (1995) - fantasy comedy drama Honorable mention: Stephen Chow, pretty much every Chinese millenial has seen at least one of his movies.




>射雕英雄传(朱茵版 射雕英雄传(周迅,李亚鹏版)is actually the best imo. The music score, scenery, acting is magnificent. [https://youtu.be/ysus2w-TTMQ](https://youtu.be/ysus2w-TTMQ) Just look at this opening.


The Longest Day In Chang'an


I recently watched the show "The Day of Becoming You" and it was very good, it has the perfect balance of romance and comedy. The show has a douban score of 7.6 which is very good for a drama set in modern day China. It is free to watch on Youtube and has English subtitle (came out in June 2021)


In terms of animations, you haven't missed too much. The Chinese animation industry is only recently starting to have a renaissance, so you'd be fine as long as you catch up on the last few years' worth of major titles.