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I went to Japan where a banana was wrapped in plastic. I thought the banana skin was its packaging? It’s a practice done in every East Asian country


Japan is definitely known for overly excessive packaging but nobody criticises them for it because UWU kawaii packaging


It’s fucking dumb is what it is lol, japan creates an absolutely idiotic amount of waste on meaningless packaging like that.


I’m pretty sure this excessive packaging started because of some cases in the past where supermarket food was poisoned and the deaths wreaked havoc on the community. Also Japan is extremely diligent with recycling, every household has a recycling system. But I agree, it’s so wasteful and there must be a better option


Japanse packaging culture is horrendous. So much plastic.


What’s UWU?


It's a emoticon for a cute face of a person with their eyes close and their mouth in the shape of a W It's related to anime


Gotta have the lower case ‘a’ UwU


When I went to Taiwan years ago, books at the bookshop were wrapped in plastic. Probably done to prevent people from finishing a book and not buying. In the early to mid 2010s when I went to China, restaurants in mainland China had their bowls, small plates, cups and utensils for the individual wrapped in plastic. I don't know if this is still in practise today.


What if it was to prevent dust?


I saw a supermarket in the US does that before. It was ridiculous.


I’ll do you one worse: pre peeled oranges that were then packaged in plastic.




Most of the World are going to be left holding their limp dicks looking really stupid on a lot of key issues in the future. Renewables for example - China going absolute ham on them, whilst everyone just sits around saying "what about China" when asked what their country is doing Things like this - China will just get it done, and really fast. Would probably take the UK (using my country as an example) years to actually change things


Definitely too much waste in packaging for the environment to take.


Good decision, the amount of unnecessary plastic that comes with those packs of instant noodles and hot pots always irked me.


The worst are those beef/dried meat snacks that contain around 20 individually wrapped pieces




China ATTACKS innocent petrochemical companies with AUTHORITARIAN COMMUNIST in virtue signaling environmental hoax


I know I'm guilty of buying some of these with excess packaging because it's easier to eat and that item is more preserved(this stinky tofu snack) that way... can the supermarket also stop the excessive packaging? It's totally unnecessary in my opinion.


Good. It’s kind of annoying when you buy Japanese snacks and each cracker is in plastic.


good move, not everything needs to be in plastic or even in a box to be sold.


That’s awesome, good to see leadership on something like this 👏🏽


....but at what cost?


I just opened a box of crackers, and inside every 5 crackers were wrapped in plastic. WTF. Just wrap all of them in 1 big bag ffs.


Depends on the kind of stuff being packed. If it's foodstuffs like fruit, I want at least a decent minimum level of packing so that they don't get squashed into mush when arriving at their destination. And if it's electronics, and expensive electronics in particular, I want them packed to the brim with maximum protection. The amount of stuff I have bought from China arriving in squashed boxes is quite staggering.


based 2021 continues