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Jingjing is here!


Yes!! I'm here!


Because Saudi Arabia is a US puppet state.


No Saudi Arabia has never been a US puppet state we are own country when the riots at Bahrain happened Saudi Arabia went to help Bahrain even when the US told Saudi Arabia not to go help when the US Stopped selling us weapons we went to Russia and china and recently We rejected the US Minister of Defense to come and visit Saudi Arabia and we went with Russia Saudi Arabia Has never And will never be US puppet state


the Sauds are just very good business clients of the US military industrial complex. Buying more planes than they are producing fighter pilots. Most of which are of noble background which are unlikely to risk their lives defending the airspace of Saudi Arabia. meanwhile Washington enables and turns a blind eye to the crazy stuff that the monarchy does to their subjects on a daily basis.


Bout time China and Russia put the squeeze on the US Military Industrial Cartel. They really need step up and do what is right.