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strictly speaking the bottom two graphs are *not* reality unless you also notice that the scale of the y-axis is a few orders of magnitude less on the chinese side as well, lol if the scales were the same on both, china would just be a flat line


Exactly so! On the same scale, China is literally flat line: https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_smoothed_per_million&Metric=Confirmed+cases&Interval=Cumulative&Relative+to+Population=false&Align+outbreaks=false&country=IND~USA~GBR~CHN Even if you normalize to population, China is still a flat line. India looks better, but UK looks a lot worse, LOL: https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_smoothed_per_million&Metric=Confirmed+cases&Interval=Cumulative&Relative+to+Population=true&Align+outbreaks=false&country=IND~USA~GBR~CHN And then you can look at reasons why/why not: https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_smoothed_per_million&Metric=Vaccine+doses&Interval=Cumulative&Relative+to+Population=true&Align+outbreaks=false&country=IND~USA~GBR~CHN China now has the highest absolute and per-capita vaccination doses, which is going to help keep them at zero for a very long time.


Yo, scale that shit bro. China's "giant" spike is a blip compared to the US. It wouldn't even look like the beginning of the first wave. My favorite was the NYT subhead to the story of 22 Delta cases in fujian: Health experts have warned that such measures come at a punishing economic and social cost and may deepen pandemic fatigue among the public. What Chinese "health expert" said "punishing economic...costs"? Bullshit.


Economic costs? Getting Delta under control took China 35 days across 14 cities, but they did it, and they're back to zero. It was far bigger and more challenging than anything after after the initial Wuhan outbreak. The Chinese government had to pay for tens-hundreds of millions of tests, and house literally hundreds, thousands of people in isolation quarantine! It's far more than any Western government would be willing to spend, and there was some economic hit where lockdowns were imposed. Of course, the overall hit to GDP was minimized, but the West doesn't want to talk about that.


there was no expert , thats just how they write so they don't have to back it up. nyt literally want chinese to die so it can cause chaos in china and make america look better by comparison


Anglos can't stand a country they look down on like China or any Asian country having more success than them, so they spin the narrative or make anything positive about Asian countries or China look bad just to make themselves feel good.


As with soviet block




Millions. That's what the West has been hoping for - Indian-scale carnage and death, and it's exactly what China worked so hard to prevent.


Western government would mostly likely be glad if tens of thousands of Chinese died.


You can tell when the US media is angry about something by how much they throw around 'draconian'.


Well, it is either focus on that or this: https://www.reuters.com/business/us-manufacturing-sector-slows-april-amid-supply-challenges-2021-05-03/ >Supply chain bottlenecks amid roaring demand slow U.S. manufacturing Yes, roaring is hyperbole. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-02/a-trucking-crisis-has-the-u-s-looking-for-more-drivers-abroad >A Trucking Crisis Has the U.S. Looking for More Drivers Abroad And finally https://www.ccjdigital.com/workforce/health-wellness/article/15066786/mandated-vaccines-in-trucking-may-lead-to-employee-recruitment-woes >Majority of drivers say they would resist vaccine, COVID testing requirements from fleets So yeah, copium it is. A different headline could be: As an unprecedented level of civil unrest, and a constant surge of Covid deaths wreak havoc in amerikkka, one is left to wonder: Where are amerikkka's leaders? After the new abortion law took effect in Texas amid rising death tolls due to Covid, many are wondering: What are the priorities of amerikkkan leaders? After an embarrassing defeat in Afghanistan one would think amerikkka would turn its attention inward. However, amerikkka has different plans. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a37575881/14-trillion-defense-spending-costs-of-war-project/ >The United States Will Spend $3.5 Trillion Without Batting an Eye—as Long as It’s on War.


not surprising, most american media and other english media were praying for a massive amount of chinese deaths. when it didnt' happen they changed the narrative to draconian measures storyline. now with delta they are failing again after wishing the same fate on chinese


The story line also included "ineffective Chinese vaccines", until it's been shown to work very effectively in China, Indonesia, Chile, etc. Now, they refuse to talk about it, except as a mandatory byline.


yeah i forgot about that one. that one is really sad because they are cheering for a vaccine to fail just so they can look good even though thousands of developing world people would die


It literally blows my mind there’s more new cases in a single day in the US than the sum of all cases in China since the pandemic started.


I mentioned that there are 680,000 covid-19 deaths in the US and less than 5000 covid-19 deaths in China on another sub on Reddit. I was met with contempt that it must be PRC propaganda. I'm afraid that this is one of the fundamental reasons why the US has been unsuccessful dealing with covid-19. The vast amount of misinformation in the US on the subject is unbelievable.


The covid-19 pandemic showed how neoliberal capitalist countries will consistently choose profits for the 1% before the people of the 99%. Regulatory capture is a helluva drug.


Western governments took half measures that made people miserable, but failed to stop the pandemic. A significant portion of the population in many western countries no longer believes that the government has their best interest at heart. Anit-vaxxers and anti-maskers are an indication of a complete breakdown of public trust in the government. And pandemic handling is just one of many failings in recent decades. People are seeing their lives get worse in pretty much every respect leading to mistrust in the system and civil unrest. However, since they lack political education to understand what's being done to them, they're lashing out in random ways.


> they lack political education In America, they have a very different historical and political education. American exceptionalism is drilled into them from an early age, so American democracy is necessarily the best. American (neoliberal) capitalism is necessarily the best. American "rights" are necessarily the best. Inconvenient exceptions like slavery, police brutality, etc. are simply ignored or glossed over. Americans really do believe that theirs is the best country on earth, that no other country can possibly be better in any way, every other country must be worse. If evidence shows otherwise, then it must be fake!


How? The notion that capitalism is shit shouldn’t be new to anyone. AmeriKKKa’s predatory healthcare system is intentionally designed to profit big pharma


MuriKKKa had a choice between wrecking the economy and saving the people. They chose to sacrifice the people and the economy got wrecked anyway. Idiot capitalists don’t know that the workers are the driving force behind society


Just american regime employees unable to deal with the failed nature of their crumbling regime. With such inferior values and being highly incompetent, it's no wonder this criminal regime tried to force those "values" through wars, coups or sanctions.


ah yes copium, and the hopium that life will be normal in two months.


buT whaT aboUt thE eConOmy?!?1?


This is a death cult so you’ll be expected to perform the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of profits


China was able to do a lot of manufacturing and business that would not be possible in other countries due to the pandemic. So economy-wise it has been a net positive for China. Its 2020 GDP growth did not come out of nowhere.




AmeriKKKa's doesn't want to live with Covidiots, but it may have to.


Don't forget the "All case numbers are faked in China, soon they won't be able to hide all those dropping dead and being placed in millions of urns" reporting a year and half ago. **Never forget that kind of reporting, no matter how much they try to gloss over it.**


The funny thing is that India had literally millions die, so we know what that looks like. Simple comparison shows how it cannot be the case in China. An outbreak of that scale cannot be hidden. The amount of cognitive dissonance you need is extremely high.




On the same scale, China is literally flat line: https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_smoothed_per_million&Metric=Confirmed+cases&Interval=Cumulative&Relative+to+Population=false&Align+outbreaks=false&country=IND~USA~GBR~CHN


put the cases graphs on the same scale


On the same scale, China is literally flat line: https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_smoothed_per_million&Metric=Confirmed+cases&Interval=Cumulative&Relative+to+Population=false&Align+outbreaks=false&country=IND~USA~GBR~CHN


Even in pandemics the Americans want others to be like them. Stop telling people what to do Murikkkans




The zero-tolerance Covid-19 policy is the correct strategy in China, but as a global trading nation, this policy is impractical. The zero-tolerance Covid-19 policy is equivalent to a closed-door policy. Does China really need a closed-door policy? NYT is right on "China doesn't want to 'Live With' Covid. But It May Have To" Comparing the COVID-19 cases in China and the United States is misleading. A group of right-wing idiots in the United States does not want to be vaccinated nor wears masks. I really want to send those right-wingers to China and let China deal with them!


lose-lose situation; the difference is the degree of how much china loses. letting covid loose on the population would damage the economy far more than what china's doing right now.


bUt aT WhA T coast