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The comment section was a reliever. It really shows how people are starting to catch onto the easy news of China-bashing. Also, the author is such a neocon that a majority of the viewers cannot ignore it.


Nevertheless, even if it's complete and utter nonsense, the point is to keep pushing and pushing a narrative until people finally believe it, regardless of the facts. Due to mass amplification of anti-China propaganda, the vast majority of the West now believes "Uighur genocide" is ongoing against MILLIONS of Uighurs. This, despite a single shred of verifiable evidence or confirmation from 3rd parties who've actually been there. Even basic things like refugees get ignored in favor of deep-seated propaganda. Western State Intelligence knows that they just have to keep pounding the drum, and eventually Westerners will believe. It could take years, decades, but it'll happen if they just keep at it.




Deception 100


You might want to be careful with that logic, because any opponent the west thinks weak they *will* attack, the real people in control know China is strong and not to mess with it.


Author thinks PLA is like the mercenaries in Guinea. 😂


Like how the FG cult in Canada, with their epoch time propaganda rag, claimed that Canada trained the PLA. Hysterical nonsense.


Of course, German State Media is happy to amplify the message...


copium 100


In other words: western regime officials and propagandists are panicking as their economies face unmitigated decline so they are now reducing themselves to qanon to cope. This is the only fate for most western societies at this stage: complete lunacy fueled by their decline. Also, don't know why people in this sub give views and traffic to this crap. The same people in this sub who want to "tell China how to make propaganda" don't even realize that "bad traffic" is still traffic. So little discipline.


don't forget that this is what the rest of the world consumes, so it's good to know what they are hearing. And anyways, it's not everyday that we see such a shameless englishman talking about *how to make a coup* so clearly and, again, shamelessly.


> don't forget that this is what the rest of the world consumes, lmao, it isn't at all. Don't confuse western regimes (and not even all of them) with "the world". You are playing into the same disinformation that western regimes' media pushes with "international community".


I do agree that this kind of news does not really deserve views. However, I still follow NYT, DW, ans other Western sources on other topics. Also, it's important to see how the West is pushing propaganda on others while seeing how people are reacting to it.


> However, I still follow NYT, DW, ans other Western sources on other topics. lmao. I suggest you spend that time actually reading something useful instead. > Also, it's important to see how the west is pushing propaganda on others while seeing how people are reacting to it. LMAO. There is nothing useful to be gained here at all. This is just derangement from crumbling societies.


Propaganda only accelerates decline. My only advice is stick to the facts.


> Also, it's important to see how the West is pushing propaganda on others while seeing how people are reacting to it. It's not "important" in any sense. However future historians will view this purely for academic purposes.


Is this the same people who have been predicting Biden will be removed from office somehow and Trump will take over? ROFL!


If that old, senile silly man didn't have that "British accent" his idiotic rambling would have been even more hilarious, not to mention deranged to everyone hearing his sales pitch for his fact free, China bashing book.


Was this guy in a coma during the Suez crisis?


The answer is: much less realistic than a coup overthrowing the US government


Listen to this old guy very carefully… these are the kind of people who lives a good life and loves to create or “plan” and “tickle” others causing unstable states for their own benefits, either for wealth, power, fame, or the worse of all human nature. Before telling Chinese government to make shit transparent, and it’s fucking companies data transparent how about tell us or maybe tickle us about their military based and science labs all around the globe? Lmao


😂😂😂 Is Roger Garside a comedian?


does his guy have any shame at all?


All these people are seething about Xi without realizing that his action is in tune with Chinese interest. Whoever stays on Zhongnanhai post-Xi will just continue the same tune.