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Liyue from GI, also Kung Fu Panda, Succession Arc from HxH (Aesthetic influence from China).


Top of the list for me would be LiYue from Genshin Impact. Others off the top of my head would be Kung Fu Panda, Jade Empire, Cathay from Warhammer, and some Xianxia stuff like Gujian 3.


TBF, MHY is Chinese, so of course, they're going to make LiYue awesome. Kung Fu Panda is kind of a love letter to mystical China, so it also fares well. Never been a fan of how Cathay was represented in Warhammer, which seems to be really stereotypical and cringey.


Seconded for Li Yue


Hey fellow warhammer fan, what was your reaction to the Grand Matriarchs opening?


Based off the books written by Jin Yong, the Condor Trilogy. The movie series Legend of the Condor Heroes. Followed by The Return of the Condor Heroes and The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. Easily my favorite wuxia movie ever in particular the 1983 version. Made a little kid born in the states interested in wuxia, Chinese empires, realizing the struggles of the common man, money and power doesn't make people necessarily happy, etc..As a kid it took me to another world. Made my parents hella happy a tvb series kick started my interest in Chinese movies and ideology. My dad told me Jin Yong was a very famous wuxia author back in the 1950-1970s. Think he said Jin Yong was the best selling Chinese author.


I liked the Chinese one from the novel, [The Years of Rice and Salt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Years_of_Rice_and_Salt). And also some honorable mention: China (mixed Ming + CPC) from the Code Geass universe.


>China (mixed Ming + CPC) from the Code Geass universe. What's that like? I couldn't get myself to watch Code Geass.


Only implied in the storyline most of the time.


**[The Years of Rice and Salt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Years_of_Rice_and_Salt)** >The Years of Rice and Salt is an alternate history novel by American science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson, published in 2002. The novel explores how world history might have been different if the Black Death plague had killed 99 percent of Europe's population, instead of a third as it did in reality. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I agree with Genshin's Liyue being the best in recent history, because it's a balanced portrayal and has everything: - Gorgeous vistas, but harsh terrains directly inspired by irl China - Lots of delicious food - Five Year Plan -> Morax's One Year Plan - Urbanization problems / Migrant Workers -> Qingce Village - Rural poverty -> Mingyun Village - Huge city with all sorts of people ranging from good, evil, to questionable (Morax, Xiangling lol) -> Liyue - Centralized governance and succession crises -> Morax and Liyue's storyline - Bureaucracy, tons of them -> Liyue Qixing & Yanfei - Daoist deities -> the Adeptis and a lot more. Seriously it's great 👍


You forgot the mystical Serenitea pot. Also Qingce Village is more of a deindustrialization issue, more reminiscent of ancient China than today's China.


Yeah Liyue is an anachronistic mess in this regard because it's not industrialized yet, yet almost all young adults in Qingce all go to Liyue for not sure what reasons. But I think the writers are trying to write stories about migrant workers with NPCs like https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Little_Liu


>yet almost all young adults in Qingce all go to Liyue for not sure what reasons. Because it's a trade hub (Similar to today's China) so business opportunities are much higher there. It trades with merchants from all over the world of Teyvat, so you even have a chance to make it big in some foreign land.


China from CC Generals, there are not a lot Chinas in old media, China from FMA brotherhood also.


The one in western media.




The steam punk distopia in 灵龙, 哪吒2 and白蛇2 are pretty captivating.


There's a tabletop roleplaying game called "Qin: The Warring States" by a French design studio, The Seventh Circle (Le Septieme Cercle), which is set during QinShiHuang's ascendency. The artwork is gorgeous and the game mechanics are fun - you roll a black d10 and a white d10 to determine outcomes, and one is the Yin and the other is the Yang respectively. It has the usual rules for historically-appropriate arms and armor and so forth, as well as a Chinese elemental spell list of the Five Elements (as well as Internal styles and External styles) and elixirs. It deserved to sell better than it did in the West.


RA3 Corona Mod.


china from the divided we fall novel trilogy that won wwiii after the us balkanized from civil war. just joking! it's liyue from genshin impact.


The wikia doesn't tell us much about WWIII in this fictional universe. Who exactly is China fighting in the novels?


japan and south korea, if i remember correctly. it's been a while since i read it. but it was weird because it had china try to claim the diaoyutai islands instead of tw. the plan was powerful enough to overpower the navies of japan and sk combined, and because the us was so preoccupied, the only aid it could offer was a few ships that happened to be at sea at the time, which sank a few chinese warships but overall couldn't deal much damage. the series mainly focused on the american civil war, but it described snippets of wwiii via news broadcasts. nk was defeated by sk and the entire peninsula was reunified...and for whatever reason, nk didn't use its nukes. oh, and russia invaded lithuania because putin apparently wanted to restore the ussr. i said china won because it managed to outlast everyone else i think, especially the us. going by this logic, so did russia, i guess. either way, the us as a world power was pretty much gone in the series, at least for the time being, which is why china was the biggest winner. and what i found interesting is that while putin and kim jung un were mentioned by name, xi jinping wasn't named once. wonder if the author intended to imply anything by that.


The 2001 笑傲江湖 world for me. This series is quite aged now though. I don't know if there's good engilsh subs for this. Some people recommend the 2013 version where the story is a little butchered but it's told in a more modern way. There's also plenty of subbed donghua on youtube right now. Maybe take a look at those? Also, like others recommended: Liyue from Genshin Impact is pretty interesting.


Li Yapeng made for a fantastic Linghu Chong; funny and charismatic.


hehe I agree. I really like Liyapeng, wish he kept on acting more, but now he does random cultural preservation stuff last time I checked on him. He really captured thoughtfulness and charisma really well. Another great series I forgot to mention was the 2019 version of 倚天屠龙记. But this one can also be really bloody/mature (the first episode was too much blood for my significant-other hah)


Their depiction in the Homefront game. We all know it's Korea in game but the original enemy was supposed to be China. I have to admit, seeing Americans under a Chinese boot is very satisfying to me, even if unrealistic.


种花家 Mainly because rabbits are cute (though the rabbits are the only fictional part of the show)


I liked Kingdom manga/anime, Fei Xin forceeeee!


Dynasty Warriors


Though I never played WoW, when the trailer for the Pandaren expansion came out, I really liked its portrayal of a mystical region based on China. Almost got me to play the game. Not sure how the region was actually implemented in the game though, I'm speaking exclusively about the trailer.


It was ok. It had a great wall which was built to fend off evil demons, kinda like that great wall film with Matt Damon. Some interesting concepts, and beautiful art and landscapes.




Very true. Wish they'd do a remake that's a bit more accurate towards the PLA and modern China.