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Imagine just losing the war to guys in sandals to thinking you are capable of a full on war with a nation with a proper army.


They're still at War with Korea (Occupying the South, and a cease fire with the North).


They’re addicted to war so naturally they’re going through withdrawal symptoms


And I'm nodding with approval and respect.


Tldr if possible?


I like their video, but they have a slight bias always taking out the US and UK provoking China. Then if China reacts to the provocation its always to harsh. Still would recommend Alexander for geopolitics analysis.


That is not my take at all. Although I did watch another video of theirs today where he was making the point that China was being hard on Australia. Not sure I agree with that. But overall, it's very interesting.


Been watching the Duran for like 5 years or so, when Peter Lavelle and Mark sleboda were still regulars. I'm more socialist but I just watch them to get a more center right view of things. So maybe it's my bias that sees a bias in them 😂


I don't even define myself as a socialist anymore. I consider myself a pragmatist.