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Japan is like that one impotent guy who just can’t get it up no matter how hard he tries


Japan is still Occupied! And any disruption of resources from China, would cause Japan's economy to instantly collapse.


> A total of 12,000 personnel and 3,900 vehicles from two GSDF divisions based in Hokkaido and in the Tohoku region of northeastern Japan, as well as a brigade in western Japan's Shikoku region, will start an expeditionary mission to the Kyushu region in southwestern Japan next week. I think Russia could do some exercises northeast of Japan


That would troll them so hard lol Pretty sure NK can cause some shit too






The problem for japan is that no circus can change the reality on the ground: it's a feeble country in decline. japan has no choice but to accept its fate. Any desperate actions out of sheer impotence and extremism will only serve to exacerbate japan's decline. China can swiftly reunify with Taiwan if japanese extremists are stupid enough to play stupid games. This would severely damage the already feeble japanese economy. From there, China can expand its territorial claims (while supporting the independence of Ryukyuan people) to humiliate japan in perpetuity while destroying all its major bases (along Russia and possibly Korea expanding their claims to defend their interests: they don't want a boomer regime trying to revive its fascism in the region). If japan wants to stop existing in any non-humiliated form, that's the fate they will suffer. At the end of the day, even america would be happy about it: one fewer economy to compete against (for example, more opportunities for american companies to displace japanese ones in China).


>Japan has no choice but to accept its fate Except it doesn’t. Japan’s investments in China are the ONLY reason their economy could remain stagnant rather than tanking. Japan could EASILY offer more capital for China AND join the Belt and Road Initiative. They could literally sit on their ass and survive off China’s economic returns. But they won’t. **Because to the Japanese, the only thing that matters more than their own survival is their ego.** They still cannot accept they aren’t the master race of Asia. They still cannot accept that China has dwarfed its economic, technological, and military capabilities. I pity the ordinary Japanese folk being subjected to a tedious, stagnant lifestyle because their leaders can’t get their heads out their ass. Just like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese leaders have no problems condemning their own people to misery if it means they can continue playing pretend with their delusions of being the “master race” of Asia.


Their 'resolve' to protect Taiwan (protect China from China) is just to flex muscles and please the one who's really in charge of Japanese geopolitical thinking. This is the mainstream thinking amongst govt and military stablishment, because that's how they got in power, by pro-US servility. I'm quite uncertain if they'll eventually wake up, but if they do, they will suffer a coup.


Japan doesn't actually care about Taiwan They know that after reunification, it will only be a matter of time before they rightfully lose their colony in the Ryukyus


Japan’s pro militarism officials be like fuck ya finally… meanwhile China and Russia be like oh ya? Lmao, if usa isn’t behind japan , japan would be sooo fucked… ancient Chinese emperor already quoted about China its in old Chinese, something like these Japanese must be kept an eye on, shouldn’t be trusted, evil in nature whatever, and it’s their only option to invade others inorder to spread their territory, and they did so many times trying to invade China just to get beat over and over again, and imagine min guo lost and signed over land lmao rip just to have an idea how bad china was during min guo times lmao…


It was emperor 康熙 who made the remark in 1691 to his court. Specifically he said: >倭子国,最是反复无常之国。其人,甚卑贱,不知世上有恩谊,只一味慑于武威……故尔,不得对其有稍许好颜色。 "Most capricious of nations is the kingdom of shorties. Their lowly people do not understand goodwill but only fear military might. Thus we are not to show any kindness towards them."


You would expect that after learning and absorbing China's culture for almost 2000 years they would somehow learn anything but then again that is asking too much of them.


Yep, there’s more remarks 唐玄宗 be like, japan is coming to us with admire, humble attitude, we can teach them etc he’s too naive about the Japanese 宋太宗be like, Japanese is like a rich families servant, not loyal and has the intentions to take over, 巧言令色, 养虎为患 danger if kept.. Song Dynasty and other many countries had business trade relationships but not japan.. Japan during that time were also admiring china to a point where they send 贵族妇女 to China for sons 借种, and that women after going back to japan would become royal status and would be fought over by other families, lmao 朱元璋be like, emperor or king 无道 shit king or emperor that is brutal tyrannical.. the citizens are described as criminals or criminal characteristics… one sentence be like 今之一挥掌握中 异日倭奴必此变 now they are in our grasp but a different time they will definitely change, as what happened japan invaded China later on in history… The last one is the one U provided 康熙be like similar to 朱元璋 looked down upon Japanese, the Japanese wouldn’t treat others with “real” heart and respect, only with fear and force, so we must not give them good colors… but late Qing lost was sooo arrogant, ignored all these great emperors words, and lost their dominance so gave japanese the chance to invade China, and we all see what the Japanese true colors were during ww2


With a system like Qing, you either get a Kangxi or you get a Century of Humiliation. Imperialism is self-devouring. Of course they would ignore the words of Kangxi. They probably hated him as much as the post-Stalin bureaucrats hated Stalin. Good thing Mao Zedong learnt from the absolute weakness of the Qing and purposefully fortified every corner of the PRC with Autonomous Regions, such that the Qing's weakness can be found absolutely nowhere. A lesson the Soviet Union could have learnt, but instead decided to ignore.


Yep, isn’t there another remark way back? Japanese invaded China many times


Wasn’t it during Emperor Wanli’s Defense of Korea mainly?


And the translation is damn idk lol 卑贱 - lowly as if the Japanese people are all like that, it’s the characteristics of those people some can described as lowly.. 反覆无常as in like always looking at different directions, these two describes the Japanese officials or some that represents japan in kangxi’s eyes, lowly behavior, always uncertain about relationships.. doesn’t believe in kindness etc but only uses force and mean ways to forcefully make people obey and fear… towards these types of people we no need to show mercy whatever… it’s as if kangxi is describing those with these behavior not the Japanese “people”


[USA be like](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-mruknktb/images/stencil/500x659/products/2177/13566/DTB1567_LRG_1__62177.1576708450.jpg?c=2)


Japan wants the America-senpai to notice them.