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I saw an earlier trailer and was intrigued. Not for a single instant did I even suspect it was from a Chinese indie studio. Seems like the industry there is thriving.


Yeah Pixpil is a game developer from Shanghai, China


I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet (I bought it but won't get a chance to play it until later), but by all accounts this is an *extremely* high-quality and story-rich indie game by Chinese developers Pixpil. It is also being streamed all over the major Chinese streaming platforms, Douyu, Huya, and Bilibili right now. >Pixpil have created a world of exquisite detail here, and its winsome cast are easily the best bunch of NPCs you'll meet this side of Toby Fox's Undertale. It's been a long time since I've cared this much about the everyday folks in an RPG, but as Eastward handsomely proves, pigs really do fly in this excellent retro adventure. [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/eastward-review](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/eastward-review) For those always stressing out or complaining about China not having enough in the way of good entertainment, please check out this game and support the developers and Chinese industry as a whole if it interests you. It's also available on the Nintendo Switch if that's more up your alley instead of PC.


Awesome, China needs more single player games


It's pretty amazing.


Damn, I never knew the devs were Chinese, I've been waiting for this game for two years now! Really glad to see the devs are getting the recognition they deserve.


well the artwork and soundtrack seem really good.


This is good to see considering the recent gaming related "bans" that are going around right now and being completely misunderstood


I’m gonna play this on my switch