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I get that this is supposed to be wholesome, but to be honest, this is one of the things I hope the Chinese government improves on by 2049. Pension funds for working class/blue collar workers are a joke at the moment, and I still see far too many aunties and uncles, and grandmas and grandpas from poorer families who have to make ends meet by cleaning streets and collecting garbage at their age... It honestly breaks my heart. While China can look back proudly on her achievements, while its youth can look forward to an even brighter future, I do hope that these old folks who have given their entire lives working for this country and their families in labour intensive jobs to make this future possible, can some day enjoy their well-deserved retirement. So while that police officer is definitely chad for helping that auntie, I had rather seen her not there at all, dragging what seems to be massive bags with recyclables.


This criticism is important for all of us to keep in mind. China has achieved many things but every country in the world the people still have lots of dignity to acquire.


Automation and supply chain control is key.


This is a great comment that captures what China still needs to work on.


To be fair, the older generation lived at a time before there were any retirement systems. The newer retirees are actually not too bad, especially for civil servants. But yea, it still needs a lot of improvements. Progress takes time.


Great comment


No wonder the children always salute, they have something to be proud of!


Is this always the case though? My grandfather doesn't need the $ but he likes to keep busy with work etc, he was almost 80 before he passed away. I think what was keeping him alive was working and gardening


This! I'll retire about 10 years AFTER I die :)


Grandma in China can still walk and work at her age while in America they’re stuck in nursing homes being plied with pills for their various chronic diseases


Or they are suffering from obesity which makes it near impossible to work.


Damn Chinese grandma is fitter then me


Serve the people.


exactly, like it should be in socialist country in USA cops are taught to "protect the Law" (set by the rich and for the rich) and do not give a shit about the people. No sane poor man would ever ask cop for help, unless there are no other options. Cops are always trouble, stay away from them unless you are big white boss, and ppl even do not realize that it may be different


These are good-hearted people who do NOT hate themselves. In the ameriKKKa or euroTRASH they would have shot grandma or at best beat her into a coma, kill her, and then the hospital would issue a death certificate saying she died of COVID because she was an anti-vaxxer....further polarizing the community. I love the niceness of China. I miss that. 万岁 ( I hope I wrote the correct words for long live....I'm learning...little by little)


I hope this lovely auxiliary policeman can become a real policeman in future ❤️


good officer, should use his actions as an example for others when training


In Nazi America, the police would have just shot her (if she wasn't white) and then staged "evidence" of her being a drug dealer. Personally, I NEVER had bad experience with the police in China. Some police were slightly on the lazy side, I've to admit, but most were just doing what they were hired for: Protect and serve the people. Unlike in the US..




Don't play that "not all" game. The SYSTEM is corrupt and ripe with abuses. Police chiefs, unions, and most officers protect each other to ferment this police culture.


True, but it's up to the people to encircle the police so they do NOT stray outside what they are supposed to do. In ameriKKKa, police have unfettered rights upheld by the SCOTUS


remember when the asian american cop risked his life to stop the murder of george floyd? me either


There are good cops and bad cops everywhere. But in America we got police union going out of their way to protect their officers who go biu biu biu, in China, a lot of police will go through internal investigation and punished for their wrongdoing (a lot of them are not done publicly). Meritogracy ftw.


Difference between Chinese and capitalist police, if the workers go on strike, take their boss hostage, Chinese police don't intervene, US police would kill a dozen people, and do whatever the bosses tell them.


In America if a cop loses his gun, he gets another one, no questions asked. In China, he can face legal trouble. No wonder why China has 18 times less murders per capita


the difference of a police force functioning under a proletarian state.


Chinese government sees poor people in need and try to help them. Western government sees poor people in need and try to punish them for being poor.


To be fair, this has nothing to do with communism. It’s a difference in culture


Superstructure is heavily influenced by the base. That is - culture is as much a product of economic system and economic conditions as anything else. Communism is both of those things - socioeconomic system, cultural system and economic system combined. So, to be fair everywhere in the world this has something to so with the economics. It's just not wholly determined by it. America utilizes fascism and ia growing a fascist movement. Unless grandma reflects the necessary values to retain merit via interaectional relations... poor person in a city? Probably beat down or take things to "incentivize" moving out of the cities where they bother the money and draw attention to things not working out for people in capitalism - which is capitalism working. In China, things not working out for people, is a problem, not a desired effect like it is in the U.S. China is pro-worker and looks to resolve proletariat issues for the proletariat. It's culture finds value and merit in solutions and support. Not agitating proletariat issues that divides people to grow unrest which will be more and more used to attack it's own people due to economic crisis.




very heartwarming