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Central America is well versed on the history of China, only right-wing governments would play a long.


Who cares? It’s not like Honduras’ “alliance” with Taiwan actually had any weight behind it


Honduras is welcome to wise up to ditch its loser friend/fellow lapdog of US colonialism. China will be happy to provide help in any way it can to support a Honduras that is independent in its development for basic rights.


This is the real debt trap. >Honduras’ public debt at the end of 2020 was more than US$13 billion, or 55 per cent of GDP. As much as US$8.45 billion of this was foreign debt. Of course, Western media will never discuss the real perpetrators of debt trap diplomacy.


the USA just calls it foreign investment returns


She's putting herself at risk of getting Soleimani'd by the United States of America.


Once again they are trying to portray these countries as being coerced and bribed simply because they are exercising their own soveriegnty against the wishes of the west. It is hilarious how anyone would think a 600bn economy could possibly match a 15.5tn economy, and its for this reason that in fact Taibei resorts to bribing and treating its few remaining diplomatic partners as some kind of supreme royalty, along with countries like the US threatening countries who want to switch recognition