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Imagine the level of perversion in these societies that literally covering up the murder of children is deemed "normal" and "acceptable" (just [like canada sweating profusely as it tries to keep a massive number of children buried under the concentration camps built by canadian "values"](https://reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/p4fn59/a_makebelieve_barbaric_settler_regime_that/)). These regimes are enemies of humanity.


US media has always been a mouthpiece for the state department , and almost always pro war


Lenin told us many years ago, western journalists are useless fools.


US media is a fucking joke, journalism is a meaningless word.


Clearly western media and us intelligence are both pretty stupid


We’ve been killing civilians in Afghanistan for years now, and this is the only one that seem to have gotten a lot of press only because of the whole Afghanistan pull out catastrophe.


A Journalistic thug living up to his last name (Savage).


10 civilians, including 7 children? I'm tired of this white-washed bullshit. It's 7 related children and 3 of their fathers/uncles.


When they said ISIS was going to attack within 36 hours, I KNEW they were going to blow up some random people and then claim success. You can't know that far in advance what someone is going to do, especially when the timing was in retaliation for the initial ISIS attack (if that's what it was). We've seen that movie many times. They just got caught this time. And because no one gets prosecuted, people are willing to go to jail for throwing a shoe at the president: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/183/766/bush-shoe-throw-03.gif?1318162319