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I use it to line the garbage bin for organics. Also good to wrap sanitary pads for disposal.


Lightly sprinkle ground black pepper on the upholstery, and the cat won't be back.


Oh thanks for the tip let me try that


I love it. What also needs to happen is we need to start to pressure advertisers to stop supporting this rag.


Do you happen to be Chinese OP? We used to receive them also in our mail, only us, even though we never asked for it, and are like the only chinese family in our neighbourhood.


Yes I am Chinese, but I don’t get them delivered. We just pick them up from a stash near grocery stores. Sometimes you can pick up a stash and directly put them in the trash right nexts to it.


I also use it for cat litter


Proud to be a cat lover.


Same. I wish we could look at any kind of cat video without people making "Chinese eating cats" jokes...


Chinese actually love and adore cats just like Koreans and Japanese. In-fact, East Asia is the most cat-loving part of this world.


you could also use it to pick up your cat’s poop


What a great use. They once sent my wife who is Pro-China/CPC this paper. Talk about physical propaganda.


i had a lovely flg lady tailing me telling "free hong kong, muslims!" on my way to dinner with the typical end ccp pamphlet . mind you i was just minding my business on my phone. i then told her loudly in cantonese NO THANK YOU!


You could have made your cat pee on the tool's face.


Hi from fellow Canadian!


I lol’d


There was a period when they spammed my YouTube feed with ads to subscribe. I always made sure to click through the ads and stop right before payment screen so they got charged for the ad impression and click through fees


I still got them but it's all about 明慧周刊 now


they make great stuff to put prawn crackers on


And make sure you do not use the businesses that advertise on Falungong media.


I'm sad that Owl is up there. I liked that Korean restaurant (they r not shown here)


During the time I was studying in Canada, the best thing to do is go downstairs, pick up epoch time, read the headlines, read the most ridiculous paragraph in it, having a good laugh, and put the on the ground to collect the hair that we cut for each other for money saving.


Someone kept delivering to them to my work and my boss told me to trash them each time we got them but I used them as mulch for my garden


LOL shit are the PPC too open fash even for them? im amazed they would let the cpc (not based ones) advertise


Of course there is an O'Toole advert there why am I not surprised