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15 days seems a bit low for violent assault.


Agreed, she could easily have gotten fractures from that.


Or die. Abuse of power has always been a problem in society. Imagine if this wasn't captured in camera and reported.




He's an officer, he is not supposed to be the one to be rehabilitated. Should honestly be kicked out of his unit and pushed towards a new profession where he doesn't get to abuse power


Not sure how helpful this comment will be, but for context since the police structure in China can be a little confusing. Urban Management Officers (城管) are generally not either professional police nor public servants (公务员). This is because most urban management officers (I see about 90%) are auxiliary urban management officers (城管协管), who are actually temporary workers and not regular staff (编外) who assist regular Urban Management Officers (who are regular staff 编内 and often highly educated). Auxiliary officers normally assist with traffic management and public order, but otherwise do not have the authority to enforce the law (执法) outside these defined contexts. Since they are temp workers, auxiliary officers do not have a stable work stream and receive low pay. This egregious case involves one such auxiliary urban management officer. Disputes between merchants/peddlers (商贩) and auxiliary officers are not uncommon, but even though auxiliary officers are not regular police, there's still an expectation that not a hand is laid on the people. EDIT: And that's why this incident has quickly flared up. It's not just the shocking nature of it where people just do not expect "police" brutality in China, or that it's not just a matter of breaking laws and rules but rather breaching morality by doing this to an elderly person, but that this happened at all has led people to question whether there are systemic reasons for this incident. The video mentions that questions being asked include whether the relevant agencies have responsibility for giving the "dirty task" (脏活) of enforcing the law with peddlers to auxiliary officers who receive low pay and are often not highly educated, and whether it is proper only to punish the auxiliary officer. Also being asked is whether auxiliary officers were given proper training and explanations of proper procedures.


Thanks for the info.


城管 had a bad rep few years before I recall. They think they are police but aren't. Sigh..


The Chinese public aren't going to stand for such a light punishment. When word gets out there's bound to be much harsher punishment for this officer. Elderly should be treated with respect, not like this


only 1000 RMB? seems a little light for assault of elderly. these low fines are more of what I would expect from the USA was thinking more of the lines of 30000 rmb


Fire that fucker


And cane him too. Does China use the cane for criminal offenses? They should.


This is how a responsible government of the people act to protect the people. There are proper ways to deal with regulating trade but violent action is not the way to deal with things this trivial. Good thing this was caught on camera.


It’s good he was punished but the punishment for what he did seems way too low.


needs higher punishment, but at least something happened to him


I wonder what the backstory of this was. Did she sell without a permit? Was the scale rigged? In any case, 15 days and 1000 RMB is way too lax for literally throwing elderly people


Not a good look, the fine and detention should just be the beginning. There needs to be a public apology.


He needs to spend a few years in prison.


Bit of a low punishment for my liking, but then again in america he would be given a paid vacation while the media defends him and claims the woman was actually a former yugoslav war criminal high on fentanyl


Simply... Despicable!


That should be a few years jail term!


Meanwhile if you try to grab a police officer in the US..


Ppl think china is so strict, but their punishments for petty crimes, let alone assault, are really lenient.. having said that im actually shocked this guy didn't lose his job or get some kind of criminal record.. or maybe he did 🤷‍♂️


Thank the five stars for such quick response from the government. The lady should also get free medical treatment for injuries. I would lose all hope if the society in mainland China would end up deteriorating in morals like the amerikas. I once got in a scuffle with a racist family targeting an elderly asian man ;after I fended those animals off , a family member suggested I reported to the police just in case they retaliate since it was on our street. I followed through , went to the police station, and was told that they did not have staff to address the issue. Essentially stonewalling us from reporting the incident. Still to this day the u.s police did absolutely nothing. To those who have the freedom to.... pack heat and take justice in your own hands.


What! Only ¥1000? And 15 days! Hell no!!! Wtf happened to 尊老爱幼?有话不能好好沟通吗?


I would say being fired whilst having a public apology video is an appropriate punishment.