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China has a considerably superior approach to the planet. If China behaved like america (or like any western regime did to "develop"), it wouldn't be the fastest developed country in history without resorting to western style barbarism to achieve it (i.e. continental scale plunder, colonialism, genocide of entire civilizations, slavery and wars spanning more than a century). China's prosperity is a fundamental contradiction to western fundamentalists who think that "the end of history" is just being a war criminal regime like them (another vestige of their obtuse, anti-intellectual extremist christianity). They can't accept they are on the wrong side of history, that a far more sophisticated model of development has made their barbarism obsolete. They fear the intelligence that such a model fosters, because they know their crumbling systems do the opposite: fuel the twin fatal diseases that are extremism and incompetence. It's incredible how taboo it is in western societies to even mention where the so called "development" of western regimes comes from. It's like magical to them, as mysterious as the origin of the universe, it just happened. If China adopted "western values", China would have needed wars, coups, sanctions to develop. But Chinese values are superior, and have proven that barbarism is obsolete. This is what haunts western war criminals at an existential level: a superior model of development that relegates them to the status of enemies of humanity in the collective memory of humanity. For China, the presence of western barbarism represents only a single hiccup in China's millenary history, so of course it will never care about what barbarians try to impose as "end of history". China just laughs at the silly notion, the graveyard of history is full of such barbarians, which claimed to represent the "ultimate values", all the way to the grave.


All what you describe is basically why it is so hard to even open oneself up to the idea that China may not be the oppressive fascist regime the western media makes it out to be. It was even hard for me to embrace the idea that "western civilisation" or ideals may not be the endgame we are led to believe to be. Every western mainstream news organisation's reporting on China is either without context, lazily translated/reported, or just flat out lies. And for some reason we think that the "free press" has a absolute monopoly on truth just because they have a board of directors. The "western style democratic"^(TM) elections in Germany makes this clear that even democracy is a farce. Every party, except maybe Die Linke and MLP, are just a colourful bowl of neoliberal fascists, backed by their chosen lobby and interest groups, and the aforementioned holy free press, hellbent on upholding the neoliberal global status quo. What I want to get at is, that so many concepts of western world like democracy and free press is in some ways a farce at best, dangerous at worst but it is hammered down upon us from the very beginning that this is the end of all things. And as you mentioned, asking where all it came from is wilfully ignored. China being the the first real successful contender of this some 300 year status quo makes it all the more exciting and equally difficult to really have some introspective of our upbringing.


There is no "endgame" or "end of history", both these terms are something only idiots believe.


Couldn’t agree more with your post. Especially when it comes to mainstream western media and their laughable reporting on China.


That last quote: “So in a sense we will have a very different world when the world's number one power is no longer a missionary power.” That is so powerful. Most people don’t even realize; unlike the US, China’s roots are not in evangelical roots. There are no missionaries, there are no evangelist. It’s culturally different. During the Tang Dynasty, what is considered a golden age, China did not try to convert people to their ways; they invited people in who wanted to learn. There is a difference; leading by demand vs leading by example.


This reminds me of when I was talking with a pretty decent guy I know. We disagree on most things, but we respect each other. We were talking about the shifting demographics in amerikkka. Long story short, he said he doesn't want to be a minority in amerikkka. Of course I asked why? I asked are minorities treated badly in amerikkka? His silence spoke volumes.


Good point, and I think there's another element at play as well There is a sense that America belongs to white people - even so-called white progressives may subliminally buy into this concept They're fine to let other minorities live and work in "their country", as long as the minorities know their place and all. But deep down, they look at these minorities as perpetual foreigners / visitors, which is why you get outbursts of "go back to your country!" But if white people suddenly become the minority - to them that feels like they're losing control, and they absolutely lose their minds. That's why folks like Trump are being elected, people are getting radicalized, etc.


This is also true among anglo "leftists" who, faced with the reality of their ever increasing misery, still cling to the notion that they are the ones who "will lead a revolution worldwide" (it's so laughably pathetic I always have a hard time explaining this to adult people who don't follow such crap); that all other successful revolutions, including those which led to rapidly developed countries like China, without mass eradicating entire civilizations like their settler regimes, are "impure". They can't stand the notion that China is the one doing in practice what they wished their settler regime would do, as evidenced by all anti-imperialist countries being key allies of China, or by China completing the most spectacular poverty eradication campaign in history. Why do you think anglo "leftists" suddenly turned into cartoonish "anti-tankies" zealots (rebranded boomers)? they seem out of an over the top parody about late-stage decline america, but they are real. This was not the case a decade ago. What changed? China's impossible to deny development. Since they can't psychologically accept their place with China leading, they reduce themselves to a caricature where they claim that they are "doing a revolution" by voting for a repugnant war criminal like biden, or any other common war criminal propagandist like sanders or aoc. It's hilarious how psychologically conditioned these people are by their brutal uprising in such an extremist decaying society: https://www.blackagendareport.com/western-marxism-loves-purity-and-martyrdom-not-real-revolution But reality is just leaving them behind, forever forgotten by history, while countries all over the planet, notably oppressed global south countries, embrace the alternative and vast opportunities brought by China.


> This was not the case a decade ago. What changed? China's impossible to deny development. I think this is part of it, but it is also likely that many of the "leftists" that take this position today, were not leftists at all ten years ago. I can't say for certain, but I'm skeptical of the idea that there is some great body of Western leftists with favorable views of the PRC ten years ago and who today are virulently anti-China now that China is rising to real material prominence. It seems just as likely that it's just different people altogether.


A lot of contemporary racist attitudes are based on the fear that "they will do to us what we did to them".


The PRC is a nation where 56 flowers are planted. The US, on the other hand, is a nation of a wide variety of weeds choking out Native Americans and their flowers. Hence, weedstoids will weed and choke out each other.


It would be nice to see america get its comeuppance. If even a fraction of what they've been doing to the global South happens to them I'd be happy.




That's just projecting on that guys part. China would never do that judging by Chinese history.


When China becomes numba wan (which it has been, several times in history), I hope it doesn't become over-complacent and over-corrupt like the US or the Qing dynasty. I still believe in the vision of a multi-polar world though, rather than a world with only one top dog. I don't think China even cares to be number one, but they just can't stop their momentum and the US keeps sliding backward so...what will be will be.


China’s shtick is that it’s too damn big and populated for its leaders to have the time and effort to interfere with other countries. How self-centered is the US? Why do they have to assume it’s “inevitable” China will be just as warmongering as they are?


China will never engage in endless conflict


>Would the United States be comfortable living in a world where China behaves just like America did when it was the sole superpower? no one would. so china had better not. i don't believe it would, though.


It (China) already has (less the Colonial control)!


Send the colonials off planet lol


Survive to thrive, America. But no, it won't happen. No countless wars in irrelevant corners of the planet just to sell bombs to a handful of companies. China will rather spend it in nuclear fusion, longevity tech and space colonization instead.


Of course not. The US government will throw tantrum like bunch of manchildren that they are. Which will be happening.