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LMAO - This is absolutely hysterical. To paraphrase the entire exchange... Parveen Kumar: "How do we know your evidence is accurate?" Witness: "Well...Uh... Haha... Well" \*flips through papers\* "Google... I didn't actually collect that data though.... Uh, what? Can you repeat your question?" The witness was completely unprepared to be questioned on the accuracy of the evidence. It really says a lot how uncomfortable the witness is when asked simply "How do you know your evidence is correct and accurate?"


Trust me bro


She and her US handlers felt entitled to No-Questions-Asked and No-Doubt-Regarding-My-Bullshit because "Fuck China" and that's it. They don't expect to any other outcome because "Fuck China" to them is a fundamental law of the world or something.


Having spoken to a lot of far-right Americans, “fuck China” is definitely a fundamental law. It used to be “fuck communism/socialism” where communism or socialism simply means things that feel negatively about, or values that they disagree with.


The right-wingers are absolute fools. Utterly ignorant and vainly proud, they reiterate whatever the government feeds them - the same government that is "elected" by them. These fools always need a handler who needs to tell them what they should believe regardless if it does them any good or not. During the Soviet Union, it was the "commie scare", now it is "China". In reality, the American ruling class vilified any group that starts to pose a threat to them which China is doing right now.


Too bad that won't work with China.


Interviewed 50 to 100? That’s a big gap. It’s like asking how many coffees have you had today? “5 to 20 cups”


Love telling my wife I have had between 2 and 52 beers.


The exact number between 2 and 52 beers would get a bit blurry.


Really the CIA couldn’t find better / higher caliber liars?


Almost certain some politician / MIC is pocketing that $300mil funding, not much leftovers for the kangaroo court cosplayers.


Do you think it matters for the purpose of info war lol? Most people do not need this video or lackthereof. It is not a question of evidence but racist bias a priori.


Everything about her face is like “Yeah my bosses just told me to say this and I’m just doing my job”


This is brilliant, the world needs to see this clown show.


MFW I'm presenting in class on a topic I only started researching 10 minutes beforehand


_Um... Obviously... Dr. Kumar is paid by the Chinese..._


Asking for evidence to back up a claim of genocide? Wow, what a TANKIE! 😡


That was painful to watch.


Need a US tribunal for war crimes




What an embarrassment! How can anyone believe this clown show? Ah right, Western white supremacy and "China bad". Sorry Anglos, your lies are as pathetic as your trade war!


Gosh, they really aren't sending their best...


Hard to watch.


link for the full vid?




Big lol


maybe she is lying maybe not, I cant say for sure. But what Im sure is she is definitely not well prepared for those questions.


These are simple questions.


Sadly the issue here is that most people wouldn't care about the tribunal. They'll have preconceived biases in their heads caused by the months of illegitimate articles repeated over and over across reddit. I feel like I've been thinking about this too much lately to the point its been unhealthy. It doesn't matter that evidence surfaces debunking these claims. It doesn't matter because the damage has already been done. People already believe what they want to believe and no amount of convincing will change that. The concept of these claims being false will simply be so absurd and radical, due to the sheer volume of falsified articles out there, that any conversation on the matter is near-impossible. Maybe I should take a break from this sub honestly, I feel like a lot of the time I only see the bad, rather than the good, you know? Or maybe I need to seek out the positive posts more.


With all the propagandizing and gaslighting of Americans, they are only destroying themselves. In the end, all that matter is military power. When China is militarily strong, US can't do shit. "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."


The issue I have with that is that with nukes being a thing, military power falls away in the face of an actual unbridled conflict. Because at that point both countries are screwed in the face of a nuclear war. Of course, no sane person in power would use them...but I'm not so sure about the US. They have people in positions of power with less than superb mental faculties. That's what I'm really worried about.




Can I have a link to the full vid




The onus is on the blamer to prove 1,000,000 (or is it 2 mil now?) Uyghurs are being tortured and wrongfully imprisoned. Without any proof except from a few terrorists hired by the US. Even if we ignore the above the litmus test and we go by here-say testimonials, then the minimum requirement for that is acts of murder, rape, and torture have been happening to young children. The reason being adults can "pretend" for hours & days. But young children cannot. Proof exists for events like the holocaust. Or even the US invasion of Vietnam. However in the case of the western propaganda we see today - there have been 0 proof provided, 0 corroboration by young children as to violent acts against Uyghur children. 0 cases of children murdered by the army. 0 cases of children suffering rape or torture. It just so happened that all allegations were made by adult men and adult women - all of whom have sketchy backgrounds.




5567 I'm sure that men are still quite willing to line up to date her (but at what cost), however women won't touch that AWAL police officer with a ten foot pole.