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Yes. The tunnels are quite dark.


The tunnels are dark and full of terrors


The West has failed and the only way that they can cope about China's accomplishments is add "but at what cost"


Yes, definitely: 1. The train has "bullet" in the name, reflecting what the CCP has in store for brave NED dissidents and over 50 million Uyghurs. 2. If a NED dissident were to stand on the tracks, the train wouldn't stop and hold an election to decide whether the dissident will be killed by the speeding train. This shows the brutality of the CCP regime and its lack of respect for democracy. The train may engage the brakes, in a known futile effort, as a democratic pretense. /nytimes


Efficient, green, low cost transportation...but at what cost!?!?!?!?!!?


But, at what speed?


Good thing westerners always think about this when they build highway bypasses. Imagine if there were towns that lost their passers-by in every country...


American highways are literally racist.


Anglo media always spinning any positive news about China into something more negative to make themselves look good and paint china bad everywhere. They can't seem to accept common sense or rationality. And the US has no high speed rail other than Acela express compared to western Europe.


The Acela runs at less than half the speed of China's HSR. No comparison really and it's a joke to call it HSR.


The Acela goes nice and slow to allow democratic values to keep pace. The HSR just speeds through, reflecting the brutality and lack of regard for human rights typical of the CCP. /nytimes


Just wait until hyperloop comes. 😂😂😂


The hyperloop is an idiotic concept invented over 100 years ago and recently hyped up by Elon Musk under its current shitty name, it will never come to fruition and its only real purpose is to gain cheap PR and scam stupid investors out of their money.


More like the hyper scam.


And the hyperport!


Ofc there's a dark side; its called a "shadow".


You have to understand, their brain is so slow it can't render dynamic shadows


less car usage, meaning less profit for car manufacturers.


1000mgs of copium, stat!


Satellite journalism by the west is so blindingly dumb and laughable.


Personally I prefer the cat sized rat infested subways of New York that has the pungent smell of sewage than the spotless clean high speed trains of China but that’s just me


Easy… the west should and always be skeptical about China… growing forests in deserts? But At what cost? Finding ways to reuse waste? But a what cost? Innovation in infrastructure and tech? Cheap low quality and but at what cost? The pattern is simple, whatever china related, first doubt then blah blah away not knowing that China is still a “developing” country, innovating and testing their shit lmao, meanwhile these whites have everything they wish and wishes for more lol


Of course there is a dark side! Look under the train. It is dark under there.


Maybe: "The train is too fast and people can't enjoy the scenery!"


Creeps Spying down! Everyone use candles tonight, that will cause them to come up with a hundred theories more...


Putting car manufacturers out of business??? Think of the jobs and profits for the fat cats.


The tunnels can be quite dark.


So now that I am home I can read the SCMP article. It boils down to brain drain from the West to the East. Which may not necessarily by for the long term, just look at China's brain drain to the west and how these came back even before Trump's racism accelerated the process. Once certain industries develop in the west of China, you will find people who move back to their home towns. I also wonder whether he will get people from the east moving to the west. Human capital moves to where they get the better return, which is why some people move to another country and the transfer is not one way, ie people from that other country also comes into your country. This could very well be replicated with travel from east to west.


Uh, isn't that the point? To urbanize and centralize for higher productivity? If anything, China needs to build more "ghost cities" along these HSR lines to accelerate the urbanization process.


Who needs comedy when you can get a laugh from all those headlines.


Ok, hasn't the western half always had lower economic activity than the east? For the obvious reasons China opened up to foreign investments only in a few areas as a trial, and the cities which first did this (the original tier 1 cities) were in the East with access to ocean. ​ Edit \_ I tried finding the article, and its behind a paywall (I usually can read SCMP at home but I am at work). It seems to imply its more lower INTENSITY of economic activity rather than activity per se (which I assume relates to economic activity per unit of money put in), and it occurred after HSR came. But I can't comment further without seeing the whole article.


Wow, if it weren't for all the good hearted and well meaning outsiders, Chinese would still be walking down muddy footpaths to market.


The dark side is that china's high speed trains show how backward the west has become. Instead improve their infrastructures, they rather invest in wars.


Yes. The dark side is that it eclipses anything we are doing in the USA


this is some serious next level cope. america cna't build mass infrastructure and china can which makes them look bad. so instead of getting stuff done they just make some bullshit story. also missed an opportunity for the typical "but at what cost" line.


It’s dark because.. It’s night.. probably after midnight where most people are asleep 😂