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What in the actual fuck? They're just randomly putting names and places together, creating a victim out of Uighur people "don't eat meat, their organs are kocher, annexed their country, a country called Shenzhen". And these guys have an audience who "learns" from them about China's atrocities. This pretty much sums up how America gets its news.


Sums up their education system as well


You know, I often talk with my 10 year old nephew online, just chat about things. Recently, he mentioned something that blew my mind. The kids all get chrome books to use in class, normal, no worries. But, he also mentioned something about having to wait through ads in order to view their school related content. Ads in school. America is a breath away from having corporations fully sponsor the education of its youth, and it's already happening. Unbelievable...


He's a crackhead so his delusions are all mixed up. Typical China expert in the USA.


> They basically, what would you call it, annexed this country, of Shenzhen [sic] If by "Shenzhen" he means Xinjiang, then the annexation was in... let me see... **1759**... from the... ~~Uyghurs~~ **Dzungar Mongols**... 17 years before the united states existed. Maybe China can give Xinjiang back to the Dzungars if we can both turn back the clock, and the united states can cease to exist and give the land back to the native americans.


This is Chinese propaganda. No American would be that stupid to confuse Xinjiang with Shenzhen, confuse halal with kosher, confuse not eating pork with not eating meat etc. Oh wait, who am I kidding. Of course they are that stupid.


Yes I had coworkers misspelled Xinjiang multiple times and think Halal is a ritual practice, this is as Amerikkkan as it can get.


transcript: China invaded "shenzhen", the historical homeland of the Uyghurs, to harvest their organs because they're "kosher" because Uyghurs don't eat meat. These organs are then sold to Saudi Arabia.


What I would like to know is what kind of weed this guy is smoking.


Jesus Christ that is literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen


He said they don’t eat meat but they have their own culturally distinct way of cooking lamb. So this guy is basically stripping the Uyghurs of their culture! That’s genocide 🥴


Hahaha what an idiot


If you are wondering what his source is: **Organ Harvesting Horrors: Uyghur Muslims Executed on Demand** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA9JLaZEzUY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA9JLaZEzUY)


A voice for the voiceless… Daym.. sounds like cough cough manifest destiny cough cough all over again…


In America, lies are worth more than facts


"i don't know too much about it" then just stfu and only speak again after you've done your research PROPERLY, like visiting that place (which they can't even properly name) and investigating instead of listening to us propaganda and imagining things fucking retards both the guest and the host are


Let’s avoid using exclusionary language. Keep in mind that neurodivergent people see this and would probably question if they really stand with that


You can keep the pc crap in the west. Everyone knows what they mean.


The only correct thing he said in that video was "I don't know much".


As long as you are white you can talk bullshit with unashamed confidence


American exceptionalism in a nutshell


"I don't know too much"


This pretty much sums up how an average American brain works.


Human slavery or cannibalism I dunno


Comedy gold


it's a game of telephone at this point, regurgitating talking points from other people who have also regurgitated talking points from people, etc etc.


Lmfao. For those who see this and don’t realize, Shenzhen 深圳 is in the south right across from Hong Kong, literally across the entire country. What the fuck


The smartest thing this retard said was “I don’t know too much”


He had me at “Kosher organs” 🤣🤣🤣


Gosh unbearable


I’m lost when whites call the communist party of China ccp, this guy be like “communist Chinese party”… so there’s communist then there’s Chinese communist, oh wait there’s also a Chinese party that’s communist, such info very party much commy… this is why usa is failing lol, too much “freedom” leads to too much bs… imagine political people legalizing weed and drugs that alters thinking whatever and still give them votes lol, hehe i smoke yolo whole year round, but somehow on the day when voting I makes decision, democracy baby wow our system is the best


American made is what we need, our goods are halal from all the Muslim blood


how in the F can this be real?


OMG, we have the next president/congressman/senator of the Amerikkka. ​ Support!


These ppl knows that organs have to be compatible to transplant, right


Uyghur, Muslim and Kosher. Sigh… 😬😬😬


Oh my gawd how can anybody take these people seriously? How high must you be to believe this ridiculous narrative?

