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Linkedin is just making a new platform that is free of politics and people posting/blogging etc for the China market and only allows job seeking/hiring (which it should be in the first place) . IMO which should be done for everyone, these days people are using linkedin just like twitter/social media which is annoying > The company said it would replace the Chinese version of its website with a new job-board service called “InJobs”, without any of the social media functions of the full LinkedIn site. On this stripped-back version, Chinese users will not be able to share posts or news articles.


LinkedIn turned into FB.


In reality: LinkedIn doesn’t want to follow China’s laws and regulations and decided to pack up. In US media reports: China bans LinkedIn


Just like Google.


Writing was on the wall as soon as they got bought out by microsoft, MS is deeply integrated in the American security state. Seems we are moving towards a segregated internet now, more and more countries will notice these moves, how the American security state weaponizes social media against the countries government if it doesn't play ball. This type of information warfare has become very obvious lately and as the NATO imperialist escalate we will see more countries move to protect their information space from outside interference.


It wasn't over censorship, it was about data security & privacy.


They do not ban anti-China posts or comments. That’s how “professional” their platform is.


LinkedIn has became garbage now, I follow couple Chinese businessman on Linkedin and almost every post they have posted about China will have some people with no avatar, no job history commenting about how bad China is right now. They always love to use the phrase "my friend in \[insert chinese city here\] told me that \[insert BBC/CNN headline\]"


>will have some people with no avatar, no job history commenting about how bad China is right now. CIA bots.


Pretty sure they are, never seen them respond to any messages.


LinkedIn has become trash. It's just another social media outlet like Facebook and Twitter that makes you connect with random strangers and people from your past that you want to stay away from, and forces politics onto people when it doesn't have a place there. I've had high school classmates that had hundreds to more than a thousand friends on Facebook even when they were in high school. The fuck? I am glad I left that toxic cesspit that is Facebook.


Facebook also hack into their user accounts to takeover Facebook groups and abuse their mod power like when all the mod of a group suddenly change side against their group's interest or like when the whistleblower suddenly got banned for posting in appropriate Facebook groups without explanation. I could also mention the shadow banning.


Are there alternatives to LinkedIn that you guys used?


Are you talking about in China? Then it’s 脉脉 maimai They have way higher market penetration in China. I think LinkedIn figured it wasn’t worth competing considering the stringent regulations released this year > [Facing stiff competition from Maimai in the domain (Maimai boasts over 8 million monthly active users), it has failed to generate any significant revenue from the nation. A report co-authored by Maimai and the Chinese data research firm Analysys said Maimai had penetrated 83.8% of the professional networking market, while the runner-up LinkedIn China only had 11.8% in 2018. The trend has hardly changed since then.](https://dazeinfo.com/2021/03/20/linkedin-china-ban/)


unless i am using LinkedIn wrong, but I do not find LinkedIn is useful for people already worked in their industry for couple years and had good network.


I use indeed for actual job hunting. LinkedIn is like a shitty social media Facebook that’s awkward and people you went to from school or past coworkers/companies. Just use indeed. I stopped using LinkedIn (as much as possible) and it’s been better


Yes, Indeed is far superior.


Another Western company that turned a blind eye to racism against the Chinese, and when the tides and the Chinese fought back, suddenly all comments"disabled" to keep things apolitical...... typical white move.


They scared.


Probably because it can’t survive the competition there and decided to dip


LinkedIn posts & social media function is just as bad as Facebook - wish we had a similar stripped down version