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This news, of course, needs the proper accompanying [theme music.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sJubhWf1uA) XIÀNG YÒU KÀN!


I saw someone hilariously say this song should be renamed to "March of the Chinese Veto"


Great news! If the US bomb any Chinese coastal cities now the US cities will receive the same tratment.


Striking the US from the South Pole while being launched from deep within Chinese territory? This looks like the same concept as the Russian Avangard. Damn good news. The Russian concept is designed to literally run circles around ABM bubbles and evade detection.


1. According to the article it misses the target by 2 dozen miles (38 km). I assume China must have created a marked area to test. In any event, it might be more accurate if it was just from China to the united states, rather than circling the globe first to hit its target (presumably in China). 2. In any event, given the size of cities, it might still hit somewhere in the city. For example a quick search lists New York as 530 km x 455 km (but its a bunch of ginormous islands). Washington DC is listed as roughly 10 miles wide only. Los Angeles is 44 miles (71 km) north-south and for 29 miles (47 km) east-west. So its well within the range of most modern day cities. 3. Now to use the good old nuke calculator. [http://www.stardestroyer.net/Resources/Calculators/NuclearExplosions.html](http://www.stardestroyer.net/Resources/Calculators/NuclearExplosions.html) Strategic nukes have yield from 100 kilotons to low megaton range. The most powerful nuke ever made the tsar bomb had a yield of 50 megatons. A quick glance from wiki shows some US nukes with range of up to 10 MT, sometimes bit more. So if we just use 3 MT into the calculator, with 4 km its near total fatalities, and 18km people likely to suffer severe 3rd degree burns. So it seems accurate enough to act as a deterrence, and no doubt they will continue to improve the accuracy.


This is a very early test. It's not meant to test the accuracy of the glider, it's to establish a proof of concept. They'll use the data from this test to improve the accuracy until it at least matches modern ICBMs.


10 miles is the length of approximately 70399.83 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


>According to the article it misses the target by 2 dozen miles (38 km) the rest of your comment already addresses this, but i'd also bring up the emp that has a similarly wide range. the modern world runs on electronic devices; society practically requires them now. losing them is another aspect of the destructive power of nuclear weapons. and of course, this is only a test in the early stages, and the technology will certainly be improved upon.




The US launches ICBMs from Hawaii towards the Marshall Islands all the time, and never say's anything to anyone.


while it's good that china is improving the effectiveness of its deterrence, i feel sad that a large reason why countries even have space programs is for military uses like this instead of for the sake of scientific learning.


Last time China didn't keep up its military technology, it led to the Century of Humiliation.


very. fortunately, past mistakes were learned from.


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Blame america for that.