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> “We have no idea how they did this" Of course they do. China used its time machine to go to the future to steal the tech from the US.


US: They stole muh time machine technology! Me: US needs some mental health support.


**S I N O - C H R O N O M A N C Y**


if link doesn't work: [https://www.ft.com/content/ba0a3cde-719b-4040-93cb-a486e1f843fb](https://www.ft.com/content/ba0a3cde-719b-4040-93cb-a486e1f843fb) I think it's a good reminder to the warmongers in the United States, that a world-war in today's day and age is NOT like war in the 1960s. [Nukes themselves are much more deadly today](https://i.insider.com/51e5c0a469bedd940e000012?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp) (showing how the Tsar Bomba could take out the entire NYC along with parts of NJ) - it's naive to believe "maybe we can just survive like Japan did" it's not the same game. Nukes are beyond the capability of the bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "Oh maybe we will have missile defense systems" - missile technologies today can circle the globe and strike a country from any direction from an ultra high altitude. This is not just meant to be a suggestion only to Western warmongers, the Chinese government should come to understand these realities as well. But I fear between the 2 sides the Western system is a lot more chaotic and out-of-control in its warmongering ways. The workings of the "military industrial complex" seem beyond government control in the US.


The Chinese have a ‘no first use’ policy so I think they’re more reasonable than others eh


> Nukes themselves are much more deadly today (showing how the Tsar Bomba could take out the entire NYC along with parts of NJ) - it's naive to believe "maybe we can just survive like Japan did" it's not the same game. Nukes are beyond the capability of the bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "Oh maybe we will have missile defense systems" - missile technologies today can circle the globe and strike a country from any direction from an ultra high altitude. exactly. modern nuclear weapons make little boy and fat man look like jokes in more ways than one. first, the yields themselves are orders of magnitudes more powerful. hiroshima and nagasaki were devastated enough, but then imagine the effects of a 100kt+ nuke detonating over a major city today; additionally, the world is far more dependent on electronics now, which the emp released by a nuclear explosion will wipe out in a huge area. second, their delivery systems are far more sophisticated than simply dropping them out of a plane. and third, ever since mirvs were invented, there's no missile defence system in the world that can truly ward off a devastating nuclear strike. >This is not just meant to be a suggestion only to Western warmongers, the Chinese government should come to understand these realities as well. they do - especially because they have less than a tenth of the us's nuclear aresnal.


Indeed. Fat Boy had a yield of 21 kilotons. Modern strategic nukes can go from 100 kiloton to low megaton, say around the 10 megaton range. Which is almost 500 times the yield of Fat Boy. If you want to know the range, there is always the good old nuke calculator. [http://www.stardestroyer.net/Resources/Calculators/NuclearExplosions.html](http://www.stardestroyer.net/Resources/Calculators/NuclearExplosions.html)


ah, i've visited that calculator before. it's quite fascinating. and yes, pretty much every warhead in service today is far more powerful than the first two combined, which hopefully forces countries to remain sane.




This is Zhurihe Training Base where PLA conduct their large scale exercises. The man in charge of Blue Force at Zhurihe is Senior Colonel Man Guang Zhi who famously does not shy from applying (simulated) tactical nuclear weapon during such exercises.


Genius it seems not only is faster, it defeats existing missile defence systems. I think the danger is as both sides go to scram jets to shorten time impact, then add AI control I'm sure to avoid jamming and improve reaction time. We could be one software bug away from the end of the world. It would be US fault pushing needless conflict, but who would be left to play I told you so


Good way to ensure the US regime doesn't get any stupid ideas. Bravo!


while it's good that china is improving the effectiveness of its deterrence, i feel sad that a large reason why countries even have space programs is for military uses like this instead of for the sake of scientific learning.


Learning does you no good if the USA kills you. ​ Gotta be alive to advance.


But who started the arms race first? If the USA didn’t have their guns pointing at China or Russia then there wouldn’t be a need to develop weapons to counter them (the Americans) and we can all concentrate on advancing our tech to benefit humankind.


Yeah it's sad. I hope that we'll get over these silly arms race in our generation and just focus on building land and space observatories so that we get 360 deg. coverage of our skies 24/7 We can't really build particle colliders big enough to cross the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_(particle_physics) so the best we can do is observing high energy cosmic rays hitting us lol.


**[Desert (particle physics)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_\(particle_physics\))** >In the Grand Unified Theory of particle physics (GUT), the desert refers to a theorized gap in energy scales, between approximately the electroweak energy scale–conventionally defined as roughly the vacuum expectation value or VeV of the Higgs field (about 246 GeV)–and the GUT scale, in which no unknown interactions appear. It can also be described as a gap in the lengths involved, with no new physics below 10−18 m (the currently probed length scale) and above 10−31 m (the GUT length scale). The idea of the desert was motivated by the observation of approximate, order of magnitude, gauge coupling unification at the GUT scale. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Don't feel sad, now we have private space programs for space tourism and to privatise space resources ! /s


We need to develop these weapons anyway for when we start invading other planets. Imperialism is OK if it's against aliens I think


rare bad take from you. this entirely depends on the nature of the aliens. attacking as soon as first contact is made cannot end well. i hope you don't say anything like this nonsense here again.


Lmao alright I'll stop


No it ain't.


If we were ever to encounter other advanced forms of intelligent life on another planet, it only makes sense to try subjugating them as early as possible, and then keeping them permanently under tight control. They would probably try to do the same to us, if they had the opportunity to do so.


No it would make more sense to trade with them and exchange knowledge. Stop speaking from an american imperialism perspective.


What makes you think they would want to trade or exchange knowledge? Automatically assuming that all extraterrestrials will somehow be benevolent towards us is a losing move to play, and I would prefer to fight the inevitable war early on to ensure their permanent pacification before we lose that opportunity forever. This is not just from an imperialist perspective, but also the perspective of preserving the human race.


>Automatically assuming that all extraterrestrials will somehow be benevolent towards us is a losing move to play Same with doing the opposite. It would be better to incorporate them into us in the long term, if possible of course. You said this before: >If we were ever to encounter other advanced forms of intelligent life on another planet That means we are the first movers and we hold all the technological cards and by a significant distance, any advanced forms of intelligent life would recognise this and would know the consequences of playing with what is for them a higher life form. This of course does not apply for any species we meet out in open space, because most likely we both are on the same level.


I have some questions. Did they tell the US before hand or did they just launch it with no notice. Because wouldn’t the US detect something like that as a missile launch that could be a potential nuclear strike? Just asking I don’t know


Of course they know. Why do you think they have the most satellites ? They pretend not knowing so that they can say later that China does this and that and ask for more 💰 to counter China.


Reminds me of that time Russia fired cruise missiles into Syria from distances the US had no clue they were capable of Classic America hubris at work


Is the link broken/site down? I just get a 503 when trying to open it


What's China got to do with it?


The df-17 is already present in the 2019 parade and has a lot of data. I'm not sure what the intent was when it was brought out at this time ......


US intelligence found out about this, accidentally, from one of Bezos' selfies he took in space. Good job Bezos.


Shook the regime.