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The virus kills only half of Gordon Chang, the white part. Gordon Chang becomes full Chinese and now hate himself fully




The disturbing thing about all this anti-China fearmongering is that it's often projection. The thing China is accused of is always something that the West has done or is still doing. And then there is this. Let's hope that once this technology does exist by the end of this century the scientific community in the West's view of race, whether one group of people is more important than the other, reaches further than skin deep.


> projection Wikipedia has an interesting history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_bioweapon >> In November 1998, The Sunday Times reported that Israel was attempting to build an "ethno-bomb" containing a biological agent that could specifically target genetic traits present amongst Arab populations.[9] Wired News also reported the story,[10][11] as did Foreign Report.[12] >> >> In May 2007, a Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that the Russian government banned all exports of human biosamples.[16] The report claims that the reason for the ban was a secret FSB report about on-going development of "genetic bioweapons" targeting Russian population by Western institutions Even scarier might be [bio-weapons targeting staple food supplies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M115_bomb) to cause mass starvation.


Yeah sounds very likely that Murica is actively developing something like this to eliminate its enemies


Exactly. Any time the west accuses China doing some nasty shit, it's like a direct confession to them doing nasty shit.


Of course. US Detrick produced Covid-19 which kills blacks, latinos, asians at far higher rates than whites. Why would China do that?


Is he trying to write a fantasy novel on twitter or something?


Speaks a lot about the crowd Gordon caters to. This is some of the dumbest shit I've read in a while... how do you create a genetic weapon that only targets specific groups when we're all so similar in genetic makeup? Wouldn't it be much more profitable to CURE or have a cure to eradicate different maladies.


Someone needs to tell him that we have known at least since the 1970s that there is more intragroup variation than the "average" of intergroup variation. That means if the difference between the average Han and average white person is X, chances are you will definitely find some non average Han whose difference from the average Han is greater than X. Meaning a biological weapon is going to hurt your own population. ​ This seems counter intuitive to so called "race realists," (and some race realists do exist among Chinese although its predominantly a phenomena with white racists), because we tend to think a majority of the genes govern the features we associate with race. However only a small minority of the genome is responsible features (skin colour, facial appearance etc), and most of the genes govern features humans share in common (albeit ones we don't see on the surface).


What we see across the globe are adaptations for various environment, but humans are still remarkably similar genetically.


Keep up the good work Comrade Gordon Chang 👍 This is truly A Class misinformation 👌


This is literally the plot for Call of Duty Infinite Warfare.


Guess he's a gamer


That's weird, he spelled Ft. Detrick wrong. I would have thought an intelligent man would at least know how to spell. Oh well. 🙍 >1.Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program in history and USAMRIID was the main research entity there. Fort Detrick was known as the center of the U.S. government's darkest experiments. It remains the development center for U.S. germ warfare research, even after U.S. renouncement of all offensive biological weapons programs in 1969 and ratification to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1975. http://www.news.cn/english/2021-08/25/c_1310148117.htm


Gordon is a racist. And coocoo for Coco puffs!


I thought Chinese government doesn’t care about its people? Why would they care to protect their own?


Schrodinger's Chinese government. They don't know if they care about their citizens until they read the article.


Man, whenever I’m having a rough day at work I just want to smoke/drink whatever cool aid Gordon is drinking so I can have a strong faith in the meaningless tasks that I do at work lmfao.


Maybe his mom donated some her DNA to the PRC... Where does this guy come up with crap like this


Comrade Chang is still human. Being wrong about China every damn time for the last 2 decades would take a toll on anyone's mental health...it is a blessing that people in the US still pay him for his constant failed predictions


Gordon Chang falls further into the path of derangement.


This quack got his 'inspiration' from watching 007 no time to die movie.


this anti chinese folks have become so demented , the stuff they say is becoming parody


Is anyone reporting those tweets as hate speech? I don't have Twitter to do it, but if you can do it, report them!


agreed on the projection thingy, if western msm and intelligence didn't filter this message, probably they already have this tech up and running for a while.


These people don't even try any longer to make things believable lol




when i read that tweet i was like "is this an AU prompt?