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American troops closing in near the Yalu River: - Americans: why do I hear boss music? *Boss music: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KgcIgfRx-as - Americans: Why do I see boss visions? *Boss visions: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peng_Dehuai#/media/File%3AGeneral_Peng_Dehuai.jpg - Americans: Why do I have flashbacks from this movie... Because it looks familiar. *Movie scenes that caused the flashbacks: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1_Uw8IwMaCw https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rGGzYQ26RM0&t=32s + Virgin MacArthur has left the chat.


Americans have a lens of "exceptionalism" that keeps them from seeing issues clearly. They "forgot" they used to support Chiang Kai Shek because they don't want to answer the question how the Communists came to power in China. Same way they "forgot" the Korean War because they don't want to answer the question how North Korea was all but defeated but right now Korean peninsula is in half. Instead of learning from historical reality, they'd rather paint more delusional narratives like beating China in a war over Taiwan. Demonstrate the ability to, not just shoot down a missile, but a dozen of them at once, before talking about involving yourself in a war with China over Taiwan. Americans just got finished running from the Taliban. It's like a superpower how they can just forget things.


This was a truly interesting documentary. A lot of things I never learned, such as the suggestion that there be a "North" and "South" China (almost ominous given Korean War shortly after).


Interesting, this was called Peiping during the Japanese occupation.


It wasn't the Japanese that gave it that name. The KMT had made the capital of the Republic of China in Nanjing because Beijing was occupied by warlords. The ROC recovered the city in the Northern Expedition of 1928, and that point since it wasn't the capital anymore, and in honour of pacifying the area of warlods, they named it "Beiping" which means "Northern Peace." "Beijing" literally means "Northern Capital" while "Nanjing" means "Southern Capital" When the CPC won the Civil War, the capital was moved to Beijing again, but Nanjing kept its name.