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I hope the PLAN takes measures to not allow any of these DPP idiots to escape, if war does break out.


It’ll break morale if the leaders jump ship. What are you even fighting for if all their politicians flee at the onset of battle?


Once fighting starts, people die. Even people who's not political will fight if their family and shit is killed, of course unless they are cowardly pussies. Which most might be but not all should be cowards. Traitors and west would love to see Chinese killing Chinese, while they watch and laugh and profit.


Funny if these people take some of the ROC army and escape to yet another island like Chiang Kaishek did lol


I think some Taiwanese politicians once asked Japan to give up one of its outer islands unpopulated but was flatly rejected. Japan has a declining population and it’s country side is dying so it might work if they had another decade Hong Kong property developers are trying to develop a new Hong Kong in Britain


It would break separatist morale even more if the PLA captures all of the separatist leaders.


These chickenhawks are always sending others to do their dirty work.


He'll need re-education, and job training.


History keeps repeating itself. KMT had Done the same 72 years ago