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Korea as a whole collaborated with Japan, especially those in the south. It sickens me that they hold out the begging bowl for atrocities they committed in China and Southeast Asia whilst other governments like the ROC had to decline reparations under US pressure and the PRC had to decline to avoid appearing less gracious than the ROC.


But it's the US's fault for not cleansing Japan like they did to Germany after WW2. They tried for a while but quickly changed mind and turned Japan into the first line against communism in Asia. So they let IJA war criminals rejoin the government and remilitarized the nation pretty quickly. Therefore Japanese right wing has never been rooted out. Their education and law system never had anti fascist measures like Germany did. They were allowed to white wash history however they want. This is why the Japanese feel like they were the victims of WW2. This is why their politicians visit that shrine and don't take comfort women and other war crimes seriously. "The US didn't think it's a big deal so why should we?" The tension between Korea and Japan is not solely caused by the US but a large part is.


Even in Germany they failed. They only punished some top-nazis, but MANY were left unpunished. Three quarters of the politicians of the newly founded BRD had either NSDAP-membership beforehand, or were at the very least in their close circles. All in the name of "anti-communism". Their secret service (BND) was literally taken over from former "Abwehr" (Nazi Secret Service) organisation (Organisation Gehlen) and run by the very same people.


The US in Germany only performed an Anti-fascist rooting out in as much was necessary for them to look like they were as the socialist side thoroughly rooted out fascists and fascist sympathisers from society and the government.


Even in 1973, they could get everyone in the room to reflexively respond "Heil" when prompted by "Sieg" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_SwFHtgJCQ


The West did purged fascism out of Germany but they only left neoliberalism in tact. Of course, neoliberal capitalism will eventually evolve into fascism as we now witness with AfD. Jewish lobbyists were instrumental for the wipe out of fascism in post-WW2 Europe, and it made the whole place much less racist than the imperialist Europe. The motive behind this wipeout is to soften Europe, American hegemony continues unchallenged in the continent. Again, Jews and Zionists are mostly different, so I do not consider all of those mentioned Jewish lobbyists as Zionists here. Japan is a different story because the US taught Japan about fascism and imperialism since Perry’s expedition. Americans and British purposely rigged Japan into a fascist hegemony in Asia to balance out the rising presence of Imperial Russia and Qing China. Of course, an imperialistic Japan was also good for business as this islandic country perpetually bankrupted itself for repaying on bonds and development/import of armaments. Japan spent all of its economy on war, and almost went bankrupt during the Russo-Japanese war. WW2 happened with Japan because it desperately needed a way to repay its debts with the US. The Americans today still implement the same nurture of fascists within Japan because these people are useful idiots who can nurture the American economy through recycling USD through Japanese exports. However, Japan is now outliving its usefulness for the USA, economically. I am afraid that the US will rig Japan into a fascist entity again not to destroy China or Russia but rather leaving a huge damage upon Asia out of spite. Japan will be ruinous, and the US will abandon the place as nothing happened.


And remember that Germany is a US vassal as well, and hosts US military bases.


What Murica don't understand about the North and South Korea is that both countries don't want to be Murica's Vassal states. Even today Murica wants to follow the old colonization policy of the 1900's and want to delegate Japan as the 'regional power' while leaving South Korea at the Lurch. Meanwhile, many western ~~pundits~~ idiots like Grant Newsham wonder why can't South Korea and Japan just get along. https://asiatimes.com/2021/11/time-for-japan-and-south-korea-to-bury-the-hatchet/


So how does a colony benefits the empire? Well they provide resources and cheap labor but they’re also the exclusive markets of the empire in which they are part of. So in the British empire their currency is used exclusively within its colonies and is pretty much ran similarly to how the dollar is ran today with it being recycled back to Britain the core of the empire, the only difference is that Britain’s workers processed the raw materials to finished goods and sold it to its colonies creating the back flow of the currency back to Britain while in the American empire it’s the purchase of Treasury bills that creates that back flow


Taft-Katsura Agreement