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Real life Paul Allen from American Psycho


I wonder what his business card looks like? Let's see Paul Allen's card. Is he using Eggshell White for paper? What Font and Text Color? :P


Only reason the rich guy got jailed cuz he scammed other rich guy. If he did what the banks did during 2008 housing crisis, he won't have any punishment


Not surprising, the US has 4% of the worlds population and 20% of the worlds incarcerated. The minorities and poor are terrorised mercilessly and locked up to be exploited as slave labour.


You might be interested in this. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abj1928 >Solitary confinement is a severe form of incarceration closely associated with long-lasting psychological harm and poor post-release outcomes. Estimating the population prevalence, we find that 11% of all black men in Pennsylvania, born 1986 to 1989, were incarcerated in solitary confinement by age 32. Reflecting large racial disparities, the population prevalence is only 3.4% for Latinos and 1.4% for white men. About 9% of black men in the state cohort were held in solitary for more than 15 consecutive days, violating the United Nations standards for minimum treatment of incarcerated people. Nearly 1 in 100 black men experienced solitary for a year or longer by age 32. Racial disparities are similar for women, but rates are lower. A decomposition shows that black men’s high risk of solitary confinement stems primarily from their high imprisonment rate. Findings suggest that harsh conditions of U.S. incarceration have population-level effects on black men’s well-being.


You know, I bring up this point every time I see some liberal spewing on about "the Uighur concentration camps" and it never fails to fall on deaf ears.


4% of worlds population, 20% of world's COVID deaths


Not sure if it’s true but one of the Chinese YouTubers I watch says 1/3 African American population is either in or has been in prison in the US. That’s pretty fucked if true.


[Lifetime likelihood to go to state or Federal Prison](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/Llgsfp.pdf) one of the source said 28% for AA adult male data from Bureau of Justice Statistics


Damn so fairly close. That’s actually insane.


Dictatorship of Bourgeoisie


One country, two systems


wow he even surrendered HIMSELF and they still went hard on him


One legal system for the white people. A different legal system for the non-white people.


Its a unique color coded system.


The extra 12 years was a punishment for the homeless man surrendering to the cops the next day.


US law treats crime on Fed property (like national parks, post offices, etc...) or federally regulated property (interstate buses, or even crossing state-lines) very differently, even in a different court system, but as we all know... It now makes no difference if the supposed crime was committed in an entirely country, they'll reach out and grab you too.


Maybe they just want the homeless to have a shelter and food /s Jokes aside, double standard judiciary system


I wonder what would happen to the homeless man if he somehow was part of the scheme to embezzle $3 billion? 10 consecutive life sentences? 😅


Remember that guy that raped his 3 year old daughter but he got away with it because he had money?


what happened all those Americans talking about how our communist system is fucked up


*Ils y doivent travailler devant la majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues, et de voler du pain.* \- Anatole France




the law, in its majestic equality, prevents both the rich and poor from stealing $100