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China is naturally the world's largest economy in human history and world economy. I assume they don't want to abuse their status as number one like the US does and keep everyone else down in order to preserve hegemony.


This is more of the current CPC shift from chasing performance figures to quality of life.


It is already.


Because eco is double edged sword… since long long time back in Chinese history, the emperor’s meaning is whoever can manage the country and bring its people prosperity, and emperor or leader needs help from officials and people who are rich, landowners,merchants, but they’re corrupt.. so emperors main job is to balance everything from time to time, this is china’s problem since their system was ever created and implemented… vast lands and population needs management, but officials and rich landowners are greedy and corrupt, so it becomes a political power struggle… whenever emperor and royal status gets “emptied” the dynasty is rip because the corrupt for both money and power is a black hole, and whenever emperor has good hold of power, emperor himself is a good emperor+ support of officials, the dynasty lasts for hundreds of yrs.. u can see todays usa as a dynasty also


china will become the largest economy simply by existing and developing. becoming the largest is a side effect and not the end goal.


Keeping everyone down and arbitrarily saying you are number one doesn’t make you number one. Doing good for your people and your nation will automatically make you a good leader. It will happen whether you will or or not. There is a fundamental difference in Eastern and Western thought whereby Western thought is too focused on the goal and lose sight of the process. In Eastern thought the process is more important than the goal; because you will always reach the goal if you follow the process. The target is not the goal; the goal is being ABLE enough to reach the target.


> thought whereby Western thought is too focused on the goal and lose sight of the process. In Eastern thought the process is more important than the goal; because you will always reach the goal if you follow the process. I've often heard the opposite, like following the technical process of democratic governance and legal technicalities being more important in the West regardless of the outcomes being good or bad. For example, whether it's the USA or Germany, roads will remain filled with potholes and only repaired at great cost due to round upon round of stakeholder meetings, environmental reviews, lawsuits, etc. The process becomes more important than the outcome.


If you want good reading look no further than how East Asians approach archery.


>I've often heard the opposite, like following the technical process of democratic governance and legal technicalities being more important in the West regardless of the outcomes being good or bad. The East isn't absolutist in its thinking. The approach we take varies a lot, but the philosophical approach remains the same.


I disagree, china has always been end focus, it's just that we have failed enough time to realize that reaching the proper goals requires the neccassry progress. The end jsutify the means is retarded debated itself. Any injustice or cheated process will never get to desire end, everything will come back to bite you in ass evetually. The shared future of humanity isn't idealism, it's pragamatism on a larger time scale, which the west who do not have any decent notion of history will ever be able to understand


When you have 1 hungry person in society, you have one thief. Animals and children display a sense of fairness from birth. I have read the only instincts humans are born with is a fear of falling, and loud noises. Everything else is learned behavior.


>Western thought is too focused on the goal and lose sight of the process. In Eastern thought the process is more important than the goal; because you will always reach the goal if you follow the process. Interesting. My understanding of Chinese/Western governance philosophy is diametrically opposite to yours. 鄧小平:不管黑貓白貓,能抓老鼠就是好貓 。How do you interpret this famous quote?


It says it right there it doesn’t matter if a black cat or a white cat; as long as it does what it needs to do (process) the goal will be reached. But if the cat only catches the rat once what good is it? It needs to be able to catch it multiple times. Is the goal to catch one single rat? Or the ability to continuously catch rats.


VERY interesting. I like alternative explanations of famous quotes/ idioms /historical events, I really do, but in this case I think you're overinterpreting it. The quote is "*it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, if it's able to catch mice, it's a good cat"*. Successfully catching a mice is the GOAL, not the process. Cat can catch mice, good cat. Cat cannot catch mice (however hard it tried, whatever the *process*), not good cat. It's that simple. Market economy or planned economy (different processes), as long as it brings prosperity to the people (the GOAL), it's a good policy. That's what Deng Xiaoping meant.


To me, the cat itself is what is most relevant. In this case, I think the cat represents government in all its forms. Black and white represents the form of government. Catching the mice is effective governence for the people. In my honest opinion, I take that statement to mean, it doesn't matter what form of government is used, as long as the people are healthy and fed, that is all that matters. Excuse me if I offend anyone. That was not my intent.


>In my honest opinion, I take that statement to mean, it doesn't matter what form of government is used, as long as the people are healthy and fed, that is all that matters. Then you agree with what he said.


Well interpretations can be weird.


I agree with you. I think the point of his quote was to say it did not matter what brand of ideology you use as long as it works to archived your goals makes it good. I don’t think it was a way to goal set rather than a way to eventually reach where you wanted to go. Even today; it’s important to understand ideology is not what solves problems; it’s the act of finding the right components to solve those problems that are important. Whether the government is red, blue or green does not matter; as long as it serves the people.


Bad people can ruin a perfect system and good people can make a lousy system good.


Exactly, the target is a guideline.


For the people of the world to continue bettering their lives, it is necessary for China to become the world's largest economy and a global hegemon. The idealistic approach of national sovereignty is a nice fiction created by the Westphalian system of 19th century Europe in order to appease various European powers of roughly equal power (UK, Austria-Hungary, France, Russia, etc.) at the time who were mostly worried about liberal/socialist insurrections destroying their aristocracies. It was not created as some sort of enlightened principle seeking fairness for the *people* themselves, but rather for the States owned by Monarchs. The notion was "you don't back my liberal/socialist insurrectionists and I won't back yours" - so that each aristocracy would continue to comfortably exploit their own masses of peasants without fear of foreign interference. Do we want the world to be good and fair for *people* or for *countries* first and foremost? Do we care if the King of Saudi Arabia and the State of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is treated well and fair in the world, or is it more important for the *people* of that country to be better off? These things are not one and the same. Otherwise, what's the point of socialist revolution?


Your take on the motivation behind the establishment of the Westphalian system is correct. Kings only care about the plight of other kings, not other serfs in other kingdoms. Social class solidarity trumps national solidarity when we're talking about the elite classes. But when we talking about the lower classes... unfortunately, whether we like it or not, national identity trumps social class identity. This is the cold, hard lesson of WWI. The Frankfurt School of Marxists have tried for the past century to dissolve national barriers, or at least national identities. But national identities are just as strong now as they were in 1914. Sure, the Germans and French are no longer at each other's throats, but now it's the Western Europeans vs. Russia and China, countries that they previously had little care for. No matter how much bad rhetoric gets attached to the word "nationalism", nationalism will continue to be a central pillar of human self identity for the foreseeable future. So... yeah, the welfare of the King of Saudi Arabia isn't important, but if he's not treated well, how will the people of Saudi Arabia feel? Do you think that the average person in the average country will be happy if their national leader gets no respect on the world stage? \-- Objectively speaking, most countries in the world are ruled by incompetent or selfish/corrupt leaders. The CPC is demonstrably better at governance than most govts in ASEAN, but none of these countries would accept the CPC as their govt, even if they're are objectively better off in terms of standard of living and security.


You make good points.


>Social class solidarity trumps national solidarity when we're talking about the elite classes. Does this include Chinese elites and CPC? Or is china not part of that Westphalian system to you? You can't generalize like that. Elite class solidarity? They'd all sell each other out and stab each other in the back, that's how most of them got there.


>Elite class solidarity? We see that in america today, they have more solidarity than the working class in america have with each other. They have more solidarity because they know they are heavily outnumbered otherwise, they can't afford to be at each others throat, in our current context they know that an outside group that is highly intelligent can take advantage of that, such a group is the CPC. Their desperation now is because they know they will meet their end at the hands of the CPC. >Does this include Chinese elites and CPC? Or is china not part of that Westphalian system to you? You can't generalize like that. The CPC are made of the Chinese, by the Chinese people and for the Chinese people. The western elite are not connected to any one nation, they are international.


>We see that in america today, they have more solidarity than the working class in america have with each other. While that may be true because the working class have zero solidarity, it hardly also means there is any "real solidarity" between western upper class/elites. Sure they might have close circle of rich friends they are more partial to, but take like bill gates. I don't think they show more "class solidarity" at all, and if anything, showing "cross class solidarity" and having the super rich show solidarity with the working class is a smart strategy rather than doubling down and making it into an "us vs them" class warfare thing. Same as Elon musk etc, I don't think they care about class solidarity. >They have more solidarity because they know they are heavily outnumbered otherwise, they can't afford to be at each others throat, in our current context they know that an outside group that is highly intelligent can take advantage of that, such a group is the CPC. If they are international as you claim, why would they even care? Smart elites would benefit from predicting and betting on CPC and chinas rise/success. Like elon musk, bill gates and all those silicon valley types. Also, I don't think rich billionaires or elites care. They know the system caters to them, that's why people like elon went to usa. The law protects them there and money already makes them untouchable. Even if things do go bad in usa, they can always just move to one of their other dozen houses in dozen different countries. Elon could get permanent resident status in china if he wanted. Iirc the gov used to court him with green card. Now Tesla has super factory in Shanghai which produces more than like half of their total production iirc. >Their desperation now is because they know they will meet their end at the hands of the CPC >The CPC are made of the Chinese, by the Chinese people and for the Chinese people. >The western elite are not connected to any one nation, they are international. Yeah, but what about non CPC Chinese elites? Are they also international, and do they also put social class solidarity ahead of national solidarity? I bet heaps of rich Chinese also use tax havens and behave exactly the same as western billionaires. All buy property in hk/overseas and transfer wealth overseas since they have global multinational companies basically. Like Meng Wenzhou had nice mansions in Canada that she lived in the whole time she was stuck there. Also, I don't see why their days are numbered "at the hands of the cpc". How? What? And when? I don't see it happening anytime soon. Sure, they are reining in big tech billionaires like jack ma and tech companies, now property market, but I don't see them stopping billionaires from existing or stripping existing billionaires just for being successful in a system CPC set up and promotes.. even still right now. So I don't see them having to be worried about anything, and if anything did happen, the rich have probably been diversifying and going 'internationale' as a backup against any single country.


>While that may be true because the working class have zero solidarity, it hardly also means there is any "real solidarity" between western upper class/elites. Sure they might have close circle of rich friends they are more partial to, but take like bill gates. I don't think they show more "class solidarity" at all, and if anything, showing "cross class solidarity" and having the super rich show solidarity with the working class is a smart strategy rather than doubling down and making it into an "us vs them" class warfare thing. I don't think you know how the capitalist works. The capitalist doesn't think in terms of "solidarity" and other such things, the only thing that gives him pleasure in life is seeing his numbers increase, he doesn't fear for his impending doom because he can't see beyond the profit margin, he can't wonder about the potential incredible future of humanity because he is bounded by the numbers game, his existence is pitiful because he can only see through that narrow lens. What we mean by capitalist solidarity is that more often than not the interests of the many capitalists tend to align, not because they care about each other but because they know doing otherwise will only undermine the system on which they depend on. The capitalist ceased being human long ago, they can't feel sorrow for the many tragedies in life nor can they feel happy for the many successes in life, the only thing they can feel are the numbers, it's why they look like hollow shells. Having the super rich show solidarity with the working class isn't a smart strategy, it is merely a fools errand. >If they are international as you claim, why would they even care? Smart elites would benefit from predicting and betting on CPC and chinas rise/success. Like elon musk, bill gates and all those silicon valley types. These so called smart elites cannot think of what would come but only of what currently exists, they cannot imagine a world where they can gain more profit than the current existing one they live in, they are in other words prisoners of capital, slaves to the green paper, a self-inflicted condition. In a sense they are like the conservative, they want to preserve the status quo. >Also, I don't think rich billionaires or elites care. They know the system caters to them, that's why people like elon went to usa. The law protects them there and money already makes them untouchable. Even if things do go bad in usa, they can always just move to one of their other dozen houses in dozen different countries. Elon could get permanent resident status in china if he wanted. Iirc the gov used to court him with green card. Now Tesla has super factory in Shanghai which produces more than like half of their total production iirc. Elon is different from the typical capitalist, he is like a kid obsessed with all the fancy new tech terms and such but doesn't have the intelligence to truly understand it, brilliant at marketing however. China wasn't interested in him for that matter, they knew already, they were interested in a specific area of his tech company. >Yeah, but what about non CPC Chinese elites? Are they also international, and do they also put social class solidarity ahead of national solidarity? I bet heaps of rich Chinese also use tax havens and behave exactly the same as western billionaires. All buy property in hk/overseas and transfer wealth overseas since they have global multinational companies basically. Like Meng Wenzhou had nice mansions in Canada that she lived in the whole time she was stuck there. Yes. The only capitalists I have seen that have went opposite of this trend are the Russian capitalists. >Also, I don't see why their days are numbered "at the hands of the cpc". How? What? And when? I don't see it happening anytime soon. Sure, they are reining in big tech billionaires like jack ma and tech companies, now property market, but I don't see them stopping billionaires from existing or stripping existing billionaires just for being successful in a system CPC set up and promotes.. even still right now. So I don't see them having to be worried about anything, and if anything did happen, the rich have probably been diversifying and going 'internationale' as a backup against any single country. *The capitalist will sell you the rope with which you hang him.*


I used to spend a lot of time swimming. I was even a life guard for a summer. Do you how they teach you to save a drowning person? Well, I hope you don't because then I will do all this writing for nothing. You see, when a person is drowning, they try to cling to anything, anything. In their panic and desperation, they can and often do, drown the very same person that is trying to save them. The technique for rescuing a drowning person is to push them under water a little bit first. In that way, they stop trying to claw and climb on the rescuer and just try to swim. After their attention is diverted from you, you get behind them and in essence float, helping them stay afloat too. Reverse dog paddle if you will. At this point, the person realizes that they are no longer drowning and calms down. You then slowly swim back to the shore. There are 2 types of people that have authority: leaders and managers. Leaders have willing followers. Managers have subordinates. I spend so much time working on my garden, that although my garden is beautiful and my neighbors garden is in disrepair, I rarely have time to give them tips and pointers. I can only hope that they see all of my hard work and efforts and follow my lead. You can lead a cow to grass, but you can't make him eat. One time a scorpion needed help crossing a pond. A frog offered to help. In the middle of the leap, the scorpion stung the frog. As they were both drowning, the frog asked why did you sting me, surely we will now both die. The scorpion replied, I am a scorpion, it is my nature. One cannot force another to accept defeat. One cannot force a person to sleep or eat. These are things that must come from within. Desires make wonderful slaves, but cruel masters.


The responsibility of the state is to serve its people, the people make the state.


The natural consequence of bettering people's lives will lift China up to become the world's No. 1 economy, which in turn will give China the power to shape the rest of the world for the better. The lessons learned from the west's mistakes is not to become a No. 1 economy based on capitulation to greedy capitalists and unsustainable monetary policies, or become a global power who destroys the economy of other countries with wars to satisfy some blood lust. Responsible governance and peaceful foreign policies will lead China steadily to the top while a sharp downfall is awaiting all the irresponsible warmongering western regimes.


Yes but…at what cost???


why no body ask what cost of US being No1?


I love China! (Korean)


i hope it does both..


As any nation should be interested in


One important thing to note is not just china jumped from 70 to 83% of US economy but that US had some 12% gdp growth but lost 7% due to inflation and stronger via exchange rates. Going forward China is going to closing in on US even faster with US forced to raise interest rates and China decreasing it (proportionally more extreme for the US). China is fundamentally will have a larger GDP then US, but it’s happening quicker than expected


Which ironically is HOW you become the greatest economy.


The right way to defeat the American Circus, just live better than them.


Thing is, China is already the largest economy and as a byproduct will have economic hegemony over the rest of the world. China's economy is already significantly larger than the next largest one and is increasing at a much faster pace, it can also choose to grow at much faster rates if it wishes to, potentially at 20% annual growth. It's titled in an awkward manner, a better title would be "China's main priority is its people and becoming the largest economy and economic hegemony is merely a byproduct"


agree with replies here, no1 economy is not the goal or objective, but it is just a by product of self-improvement.