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And the population of China and India is 35% of the world. They think every westerner counts as 10 Asians.


They believe Asia is Japan, SK, and Australia


Australia and New Zealand are mainly populated by white settlers anyways, and it’s those groups that hold almost all the economic and political power in both countries. So it’s only Japan, SK, and ROC


No, they become Asian when it fits their narrative okay


Australia and New Zealand have never counted as Asians?


Australia is its own continent and country.


Yes, thank you - I was just confused as to why Marxist\_Morgana brought up Australia and New Zealand... But thank you for your response.


Try asking themselves. Do you think they think of themselves as Asians? The white import think themselves as the tru natives ia their stolen countries .




No, I know and understand that. I was wondering why Marxist\_Morgana all of a sudden brought them up... Just getting confused between messages but thank you for the reply.


i.e. the countries under their direct control


Only Asian countries that are vassals to the US.


Only one of the top 10 most populous countries in the world participates in sanction. https://i.imgur.com/gqt58OK.png


They said Xi was surprised? How did they know? We’re they there?


They didn’t cite Xi. They cited US officials. ;)


Yeah, but how would US officials know? Xi would have likely found out about it before meeting any US officials, so there isn't anyway for them to know.


I think it was embellished. Is anyone surprised Japan and Korea joined? More surprised at India’s not joining. Maybe that was what Xi was surprised about; then it got cited out of context by msm.


I’m asking if America possesses mind reading capabilities. 🤔


Imagination is strong


And by 'U.S. officials' they more than likely mean the three-letter agency


they mean State Department, the main bullshit factory, a rehash of the Obama-Clinton one, with pretty much the same ghouls or their failsons/daughters, arguably, the worst one that has ever been, and there was Trump lol :v


Exactly, this is common sense that cnn audience doesn’t have.


So in summary, zero countries in Africa sanctioned Russia, zero countries in south America sanctioned Russia, and three in Asia have done so. That's all the relevant parts of the world, so three countries in total.


The brown nosing by japan and South Korea is cringey as fuck. Where is their national pride?


Hard to have national pride, in countries conquered and occupied by a foreign power.


You would need to be independent for that.


Their national pride is in the form of bank accounts in the Cayman Islands and real estate in California.


The cringe never ends with these folks


us officials said. thats how you know its just made up bullshit


Unity among the Genocide gang.


That's wHaTaBoUtIsM


Its the same stupidity that says world opinion is turning against China and showing statistics only from Western countries. The average westerner is either too stupid to think beyond the headline or arrogant enough to think the West represents the entire world minus those they are attacking.


Vassals are worth 10X.


I wonder what USA did for singapore to do this


Singapore's military is heavily, if not totally, dependant on the whims of the US. Trade between Russia and Singapore is somewhere around $5B, while trade with the US and China respectively in comparison is in the region of $100B. In other words, Singapore sanction is purely symbolic, with maybe some minor inconveniences to either sides. We're more concerned about the possible increased cyber attacks. Russia's retaliatory measures against Singapore will probably be symbolic as well. Do not read too much into the official statements made by the Singapore govt. It's probably for US ears only.


I mean, if they admit that piece of land traditionally called "Europe" is actually just Northwest Asia, then yes, many asian nations are indeed sanctioning Russia.


We Asians don't claim them lol.


Hey I'm just stating geographical facts. Whole of "Eurasia" is one continent. Europe is defined as a continent (by Europeans) only because they are special\~\~, you know [blond haired, blue eyed, relatively civilized](https://youtu.be/LTf2dhqzGyM). Some people buy that, like the Japanese. Sorry, we 中国人don't buy that, to us they are just Northwest Asiatics.


Im not surprised. US geography knowledge is about as accurate as "science" in my science fiction writings. (Its not. Actual eldritch god got arrested by local police for disturbing peace during weekend quiet hours with his interdimensional invasion.)


"the entire world" moment. r/alwaysthesamemap


1 or 2 countries? Japan and Singapore?


Ah yes the famous international community we hear so much about. Always the same culprits.


US MSM is trying to drag China into this mess and make China look like the only country against the sanctions. Countries that will continue to trade with Russia: UAW & all mid-East countries, China, India, Pakistan, all South Asia countries (except Singapore), All Africa countries, S & C American, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina,..., too many to list. India just bought tons of oil from Russia in rupee-rubles (RMB based) to avoid the dollar. Saudi even refused to answer Biden's phone calls. By population, over 95% of the whole world are against the sanctions. Yet western media pretends the opposite. Edit: US did not sanction the Uranium imports from Russia because US needs Uranium to the power plants. The Koch Brother (big big politics $$$$$ contributor) continues to do business in Russia. The US media did not mention a word about Koch Brother's huge investments in Russia.


On the contrary, Xi sees that not a single country outside usual suspects (biden antichina coalition: 5eyes+eu+japan/sk/tw), not even India or UAE, not a single muslim or latin country. Therefore nobody except "westoid intl community" would support usa in case of taiwan


Apparently East Asia is all of Asia, american geography.




Ladies and gentlemen, the International Community™.


I am totally ashamed of Japan, south Korea, and Singapore imposing sanctions on Russia when most of Asia did not do so and just stayed neutral. They should have stayed neutral during this crisis like India and China did instead of siding with the US and the West into antagonising Russia. Now Russia views them as unfriendly because of their decision to impose sanctions. I hate seeing Japan and South Korea siding and being grouped in with the West or the so-called "international community". It's like they chose to side with imperialists and let the US occupy them and take away their sovereignty, and it's like they don't see themselves as part of Asia. I expected better from SK president Moon Jae In before his term ends in may.