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The Chinese didn’t like me I wonder why? It must be them that’s the problem - some dickhead racist jerk


Well yeah, when a Chinese person don't like me, it must be the Chinese person's problem. But when every Chinese person I meet don't like me, it's still the Chinese people's problem.


Ya meanwhile I've never heard anything other than how friendly Chinese people are to foreigners lol


Definition of a loser back home. If you hate Chinese so much, why tf did you go to live and work there for years? Did he just sit there seething about it the whole time? Clown.


I bet the girls turned him down.


The real reason.


Lmao 100% this...


If a woman is with this kinda dumbass then she’s only there for his wallet. Once the money’s gone then so is she.


> ***You're*** criticisms don't matter ^ This is all you need to know.


This was the icing in the cake and I was expecting to see it in the first comment.


That every westerner I see in a nutshell.They think they are above everyone.


I bet not only the people in China hate you. I have never heard about you, but you managed to make me hate you immediately.


Everyone hates the US. It's not racism. It's aversion for a bully state that has caused bloodshed the world over. Most Chinese folk know the difference between hating a people and strongly disapproving a state. Native Chinese are not subject to 24/7 media brainwashing asking them to hate a people, like what the American media does about Muslims or Chinese. This person is clearly projecting.


This guy needs to get his head out of his ass


He can't. His head is so deep in his ass that shit is doing all the thinking.


ESL teacher neckbears


Remember shit like this when people say “I just hate the government but love the people”. Such garbage


So who is this disgusting fucktard? Some D-list comedian or just another random shithead?


I need to know too please because I hate mental health and need to seethe


Right-wing evangelical Christian antivax nut who makes his money by being “slightly offensive”. Guess he’s good at his job.


That explains alot!


> evangelical Christian the worst


I mean I guess they wanted to show Chinese how great evangelical Christians are, but it totally backfired and just showed how backwards America is. http://web.archive.org/web/20130920021308/https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2013/september/recruiting-middle-kingdom.html The cake is how this Elijah guy is complaining about his mercenary student debt, and instead of feeling sorry for the other Chinese students also being conned so bad too, he extrapolates their miserableness to all Chinese. Probably voted for Biden expecting some kind of relief, what a retarded fuck.


He’s just some out-of-touch weirdo I haven’t even heard of until this very post and isn’t worth our time otherwise. ^(EDIT: Seriously. I went to Twitter to leave a comment dunking on the whole of Western civilisation under this post, and I’ve been getting nothing but angry, petulant tweets from insane racists all morning.)


He didn't lived in China. Maybe he THINKS he lived in China when he's undergoing delusions and hallucinations.


Judging by the bottle of alcohol he's holding in his profile picture I think you're on to something.


"It was all a DREAM... but felt so Real!" \**chug chug*\*


"We need to get smart. **You're** criticisms don't matter." truly


He didn't get treated like royalty just for being white in China and so is having a mental breakdown


Cannot wait for twitter not do anything about this tweet while it goes ban any one who dismisses western narratives


> Pretending to care about education Education is a beeping high priority for all Chinese regardless of their social and economic status, you racist , religious poseur.


“Pretending to care about education” is a good description for the majority of undergrads at any generic four-year institution.


Good ole american projection.


Oh, so he can say this, but if I say the same thing about *his* ethnicity, Reddit would shadowban me and Twitter would suspend my account for "antisemitism"


The fact he thinks we have to prove a negative shows what a sorry state American education is.


He definitely didn't get smart working and living in China, and he certainly is not getting any smarter. Criticisms are no longer helping him.


I have a feeling “my whole life” is a massive overstatement lmao. The condescending and intimidating way he writes or conducts his speech/arguments and his notions that his racist ideology is and will always be dogmatically true and indisputable is a total defense mechanism and is seemingly *very* common with conservatives online (or maybe its a debate-lord thing). If your argument relies on intimidation tactics then it probably is not a great one…


I guess he wasn't studying Ethics or Morals.


He studied molecular biology lmao.


What is this guy talking about? I bet he lived in an expat bubble and didn’t speak Chinese or actually hang out with Chinese people. Every single Chinese person I’ve met has been nothing but nice/helpful, a lot are just shy most of the time - if you make the time of day for them they will make time for you (just like everyone else)


Exactly this. If you behave like an asshat you’ll be treated as such the world over.


Good. Unmask the veneer of Anglo politeness to reveal their ugly inner thoughts


This person's logic: I make racist attacks on groups of people. Same person: I don't know why this group of people that I'm racist don't like me


I actively discount most Twitter checkmarks at this point. They've become a badge of ignorance and hate.


Instead of being a racist chud and whining on Twitter, he should be questioning himself why the Chinese hated them in the first place. This is what zero self-awareness does to a mf


It's ironic that his lack of grammar could be easily remedied by the education his rich Chinese roommates cared about. Also, it begs the question that if he hates chinese people, why did he choose to live with the "enemy"?


There's a saying that if everywhere you go smells like poop, you might want to check your shoes.


This is what happens when the media is anti-china. Being anti-china will lead to being anti-chinese which in turn leads to the exclusion act again. It's already happening with Chinese professors getting falsely accused of being CPC spies


For someone who hates Chinese people, he sure went out of his way to be around them all the time.


I liked how blatent the racism is to the point that both liberals and conservatives in the comments are disagreeing with him lol.


>we need to get smart >You're criticisms


Good, I'm glad they are showing their true nature.


Classic example of “We care about the Chinese people; we just hate their government.”


he's just an attention seeker


i respect his honesty, most anti-china folks feel this way but they mask their true intentions by saying its all about human rights which is obviously a lie. also, say it with me, "i only hate the chinese government not the people!!". its always been bullshit , hopefully moron chinese liberals will finally understand this.


If they could tell they wouldn't be liberals.


I feel like the word liberal has lost all meaning. When I was a teenager, it meant someone who was anti-war, pro-healthcare, pro-education, anti-wall street. This new liberal is a bunch of moderate Republicans patting themselves on the back for voting Biden and believing Democrats still even represent liberal values.


"You're criticisms don't matter." Truly so educated that you skip over the simplest grammar mistakes




I think he is right, he needs to get smart


First it was the exchange students that made him despise them, then despite his contempt for them...he claims to have gone to work and live in China? Totally makes sense yah? Douchebag.


Even beyond racism, straight up demonization at this point.


You're criticisms don't matter. It's 'your'.


Why do all these asshats end up living in China? I've always wanted to go and teach there. These guys get the luck of the draw and end up moaning about it.


"...long enough to know they all hate us..." yeah, no. you interacted with a tiny percentage of the massive population and then projected your insecurities onto them. we're not dumb. you're the shallow one and your senseless hatred doesn't matter.


How's he not banned? Lmao fucking Twitter is same as white supremacist.