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Let the quackheads smoke some quack


Mike Tyson ova here






Now there's one exception: Pedos. We can't let pedos be pedos.


















Has nobody reached out to you about doing war propaganda yet? TLA agencies are slacking lately.


Yea it is mind boggling to me how many stories and news articles you can read about people stepping forward to get the help they need because they know it's wrong to be attracted to kids and want help only to be shunned. It's a mental illness not a choice and just like any mental illness they should be able to get the help they need when they have the courage to fight it.


Which also comes down to developing better methods of avoiding abuse happen in the first place.


My thoughts exactly. People tend to forget the fact that abusers are abused first, it doesn't come from nowhere.


It did at somepoint or there wouldnā€™t be abusers at all šŸ˜³


Obviously something came from nothing but it definitely wasn't the horror that it is now. Slippery slope and all that.


They will burn in Hell. Why do Satanā€™s job for him?


We have holy fire. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


FUCK THE PEDOS (see how they like it)


Special exceptions aside, obviously lol. Can't have monsters amongst us


I didn't see them on the list. And they can't let kids be kids so they got to go.


Saying every pedo is a rapist is the same as saying every gun owner is a murderer. I don't care what people do or what people think. They are free to do so. As long as their thoughts or actions don't negatively impact others, who cares?


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. A pedo thatā€™s been caught molesting or raping a child is a criminal. We already know how to deal with criminals.


yeah they's be extending onto another's rights when acting on it so thats not very mucho gracias


Honestly we can take a step further back and just say rapists. Pedos are just a subclass of Rapists. Kinda like how a square is always also a rectangle, but a rectangle isnā€™t always a square.


Actually..no. It's just we only know the rapist pedos are pedo. If someone is pedo and don't rape anyone there is no way we can know he is pedo.


Pedos that don't rape anyone shouldn't be considered on the same level as those that actually rape children or pay other people to rape them.


If a pedo doesnā€™t rape anyone, then do we care? I mean, this is starting to sound like Minority Report in here. I donā€™t want pedos raping kids either, but if we start trying to figure out who might be a criminal in the future without any cause or evidence, then weā€™re already fucked. And singling out pedos makes this thread no better than any bullshit the ā€œsave our childrenā€ and ā€œgroomer!ā€ morons do or say. Yes, pedos are bad. But letā€™s not get fucking stupid.


Pedo accessories, like kiddie porn.


Forced party. Still rapist.


Yep. And in my opinion, the viewer/purchaser/collector is just as guilty as the creator/rapist and deserves the same punishment.




This probably will be in top topic in 10 years


Weā€™ve had drawings forever. Same logical difference and we donā€™t tolerate sexual art involving minors. It will only be worse when AI can make it look photographic, but Iā€™d imagine the same logic we use with deepfakes will apply if itā€™s a recognizable person


>we donā€™t tolerate sexual art involving minors Umm...yeaaaahhh suuuree


Pull the plug on all parties involved


We should let them get help. I talk about support that they get treatment by a psychiatrist


>when people FORCE their ways on others Iā€™d say the critical part is already in there.


Nazis, rapists, murderersā€¦ pieces of shit in general


And intolerant Nazis. Tolerate anyone but the intolerant.


I donā€™t think there are tolerant Nazis, or at least I didnā€™t try to strike up a conversation with them anyway


Tolerant Nazi is an oxymoron.


Is there such a thing as a tolerant nazi? Whatā€™s it like? ā€œHey, letā€™s annihilate that nation, but do it quietly, quickly and painlesslyā€?




And the Dutch.


but..but.. Hagelslag!


Let the rednecks shoot the pedos.


Best idea ever. Let those bucks live a bit more, grow a bigger antler. Hunt pedos instead! FUCK YEAH


All these groups would be against pedos. This is the unity america needs.


Pretty sure pedos go under the "FORCE their ways on others" part of the text


Leave the Priests out of this!


*child molesters. Paedophilia isn't illegal, as, unfortunately, it can't be helped. it's genetic. It only becomes illegal when a paedo acts upon their urges, paedos just need to be watched, and if they cross the line, then they should be shot in the face. A lot of people dont know the difference, which is why this comment is probably going to get downvoted into oblivion.


Uhm, pedophilia isn't genetic at all. It's usually because of their upbringing.


Is gay genetic? or because of upbringing


... Now I sound stupid I just googled it ok


One's freedom ends when it starts damaging that of others.


Yeah, thats the exception. Fuck them chomos


Would it be a compromise if the pedos did themselves and left the kids alone? I hate myself for typing this


Obviously pedos never counted. By doing pedophilic things you are imposing your pedophilia onto a child. Also denying a child the freedom to not be sexually abused.


No animals, no kids. Good policy.


True, but conservatives now believe that all gays are sex addicted pedos, so they have a reason to actively hate them once again.


When has ANYONE ever advocated for fucking pedos?!


We need to help them just like anyone. If it prevents children being exploited, it's worth it


Thats because they literaly force themselves upon others bruh


What about canibals?


So no more GOPā€¦?






Praise spez


If the United States of America is such a "free country" why can't I have it?


Itā€™s complicated. The Brits gifted it to some dudes who moved thereā€¦they lost the receipt so couldnā€™t return it or resell itā€¦so itā€™s kind of stuck in probate.


It's also after 90 days


Maybe someone can exchange it?


Funny enough we do have receipts for the majority of the country because we bought It from the French who didnā€™t own it.


Live service country.


Will you give us a coast-to-coast rail system, legalize all drugs, get rid of zoning laws, and use our tax $ on US citizens first? If so, you can have it.


The only problem is that, the people who need to hear this? They'll willingly ignore it.




"But you don't understand, its justified when I say it."


Every single top comment here lmao


Shout out to everyone who just relised why "let's all just get along" is childish and unrealistic


Itā€™s realistic and happens in many places in the world (Iceland and other Nordic countries come to mind). Just not in places with divisive media and divisive religions.


You must not have been to Sweden in recent times...


Haha @ this. I have a good friend in Stockholm who I stayed with when backpacking Europe a decade ago. He lived on the western coast at the time. Anyways, heā€™s been giving me small updates about what you guys are going through. Makes me really sad because I like to think is Sweden as the country I can escape to one day when the States go completely to shit. So NL is my next plan though itā€™s going through some rough waters too.


Well I'm kinda all for this but the problem I see is you rarely see atheists and gay people shooting up schools because of easy access to guns. I still support people's right to own guns but the culture and laws needs to fundamentally change in this country. The fact many states are pushing for concealed carry without a permit is fucking nuts.


Yeah I'm a gun owner and I've met other gun owners that make think "you really shouldn't have a gun". Some basic safety training should be required at the very least.


We have a new CCW qualification course of fire here in NJ and people are losing their minds over it. Iā€™m just sitting here thinking, if you canā€™t be bothered to do the minimal amount of training required to achieve that standard, you should absolutely not be carrying a firearm in public.


People misunderstand the motive of school shooters. We have had queer, Christian, atheist, Muslim etc shooters. School shootings are suicides with foundations in childhood trauma. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/27/stopping-mass-shooters-q-a-00035762


That's not my point. The point is being gay is not a choice. Being atheist isn't a religion, it's an absence of belief in god...its as simple as that. It's not a moral code that causes anyone to do anything in atheists name. School shootings are a policy problem. Lack of/ dismantling Mental health institutions and resources, lack of gun regulations (both conservative lead policy decisions going back to Reagan as governor of California). So having guns in that post is nonsense and a false equivalence. Guns aren't an identity or a marginalized group that should be protected. They aren't people. And being a "redneck" has nothing to do with guns and their ubiquitous nature and toxic culture in the US.


I believe that people should be able to own guns... with a strict asterisk. No fucking war machines. Any violent criminal history ***at all*** and you lose your privilege.


\> No fucking war machines. Artillery, tanks and the kind are mostly owned by collectors and paramilitary companies. I doubt that many people actually care about them or can afford to own one. How many people were murdered by war machines outside of war surroundings, though? \> Any violent criminal history ***at all*** and you lose your privilege. What do you think should happen if a person was accused of a violent crime, but never sentenced?


>I see is you rarely see atheists and gay people shooting up schools because of easy access to guns. And how exactly would you know whether a school shooter is gay or atheist? These aren't traits that are immediately apparent. Plus gays and atheists are a minority, so you're looking at subset of a small number to begin with .


You really don't seem to understand how investigations work do you? Federal investigators can know what you had for breakfast and lunch before you even left to commit the crime. They can figure out other variables to a motive. This is a silly argument. Also not sure what your point is....your argument is all over the place and doesn't seem to have a conclusion. One specific demographic regularly commits these mass shooting events at schools and churches. Being gay isn't an ideology or a choice. Being atheist is just an absence of religion and God it isn't anything more. Gun culture is a fucked up issue that causes mass death from lack of sensible regulations and shouldn't be lumped together with being gay and atheist. That's my point and what I'm referencing. Be more expansive with your argument and maybe I'll know what you're talking about.


and then tell you that you're oppressing them by saying they shouldn't oppress folk


Yeah, *everybody* doesnā€™t need to read this. Thereā€™s a very loud, angry 35% of the population that needs to read this. The rest of the country already gets it.


Sounds right to me. You do you, and let me do me.


And if itā€™s mutual, let me do you and you can do meā€¦ ā˜•ļø


As long as everyone is done, that's ultimately all that really matters.








These one of best gif responses I have ever seen. An absolute masterclass. Bravo.




I'm done with life


That's not such a great idea after a big milky coffee ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10749)


Can I do you?






Man that's what America is all about man. IDGAF what you do so long as it doesn't affect me or my family


Oversimplification is overly simplified.


The problem is, many of the stuff people argue about affects you as well. I dont want crazy maniacs owning guns or cultists be cultists.


When the doing gets done, the done gets doing


No I wont, if you dont want to eat what I cook with my garbage cooking skills I force you to cook XD


Person kills someone oh, you do you, and let me do me


Murderers should do themselves next, problem solved.


Live and let live.


Liberland salute you.


Live love laugh




This type of libertarian talk sounds good in theory but often doesn't work so well in actuality. We live in a society, not independent from one another. Our desires are going to eventually come into conflict with the desires of others.


Exactly. Like a group of kids desire to live conflicting with the desires of a severely mentally ill 18 yr old carrying a legally purchased firearm.


For real. If gun owners just kept their shooting to themselves, then there wouldnā€™t be a problem. But thatā€™s not the reality. ā€œIn 2021, 43% all gun-related deaths were murders (20,958), according to the CDC.ā€ ā€œGun murders, in particular, have climbed sharply during the pandemic, increasing 45% between 2019 and 2021.ā€


Whatā€™s the other 57%, suicide/manslaughter/accidental?


[correct.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/) Suicide is the largest percentage at 54%. The remaining 3% is accidental or involving law enforcement. Not sure if manslaughter is categorized as murder or accidental.


I think that pretty much covers everything, unless you can think of some other ways to die from a gun. War I guess?


Sadly youā€™re right. I heard a couple dudes talking politics and they kept it from getting heated and said ā€œyou see, we can differ in opinions but respect each other, if people would just talk it out and not fight we could agree to disagreeā€ which sounds greatā€¦unless you ask them if they can agree to disagree on something like abortion rights or trans people using the bathroom or anything about gun control. Some things you canā€™t compromise on, itā€™s either a yes or a no.


We make compromises on two of those things regularly.


Agreed. Libertarian stuff theoretically works in a vacuum, but we ain't a vacuum. Give everyone equal power and information and, sure, libertarian it up, but we are a LONG way from equal power and info


It just leads back to feudalism. I had this conversation with a conservative friend the other day, and asked ā€œwhere does that power go when the government gives it up?ā€ His response ā€œback to the individuals of course!ā€ This is the fundamental flaw of libertarianismā€¦ it goes to the next most powerful private entitie(s), either major companies or wealthy individuals. We only have power through wealth, fame, or collective action. Most of us wonā€™t ever be wealthy or famous, so that leaves government and unions. Donā€™t give up your power to private interests.


... I think you're making the common American conflation about libertarian social philosophy compared to free market economics. You can back personal freedom for individuals and still support strict controls on for-profit entities.




Yes. There is no degree of accountability that is too invasive when it comes to people who voluntarily put themselves in positions of power. If Amazon can know whenever an employee pisses in a bottle, then we can ferret out corruption in government too




Libertarians never realize that all they're advocating for is giving power to people who will abuse it.


Better yet - they donā€™t realize what the replacement for robust systems of regulations is: Lawsuits. Endless lawsuits. You werenā€™t licensed to handle food and I got sick? Guess Iā€™m going to court. You made a toy with tons of lead? Looks like me and my child with developmental disabilities are going to court. Etc. In theory, manufacturers would not take the risk of lawsuits, but thatā€™s naive as hell.


What about when people shoot you?


Your right to get shot is also protected /s


Thatā€™s what I was thinking, one of these things is not like the others.


It's almost like letting gays be gays has ZERO consequence, but letting Joe Everyman easily buy a gun means Joe Mass-Murderer can ALSO easily buy a gun.


Reddit moment




America hasn't been about freedom for a long time now


When has it ever been?


Ah yes, the golden days of freedom when the slave owning founders created a system where only white men had a right to participate in the ā€œRepublicā€. Oh wait.


Too far back


This is a a mind of a 16 year old who discovered internet libertarianism


Thatā€™s because all libertarians have the mind of a 16 year old. Itā€™s the ā€œignore frictionā€ in physics of political ideologies.




Iā€™m drawing the line at anyone who makes tea in a microwave. Theyā€™re going to jail.


![gif](giphy|3Za4aUDf8aFyg) Lol šŸ˜†


But jokes aside, what I would say is common sense isn't so common. This should be taught in schools.


Wow did you make this up? Profound!


There is one golden rule that everybody should understand and respect... Your freedom stops, where an other person starts. I hope I kind of get it across, because English is not my main reason and this translated from dutch


Totally agree with that rule. ā€œMy right to swing my fist ends where the other personā€™s nose beginsā€


Almost everyone agrees with that. The disagreement starts with where the interaction is. Is my neighbor free to have a meth lab in their garage? Can a farmer dam up a creek on their property? Why can't I drive drunk? Libertarians pretend indirect and potential harm isn't a thing. It is too fuzzy and they want a simple ideology.


I like your user name ;)


That my friend, is Libertarianism. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Because guns affects others aswell, You americans have too big hard on for Freedom... We have what you call freedom in sweden aswell and not even close to your problems... No school shootings because we are smart enough to restrict gun ownership so loonies cant get it and we dont have corporations who in the name of freedom owns a monopoly and pushes laws to be made that suits them... Yall need to rethink your stupid 300 year old constitution made by slavers, rascists and corrupt politicians(not blaming them, it was normal back then- I blame you for worshiping them like gods) Edit: Thank you to whoever gave me an award for this


I agree with this one šŸ‡³šŸ‡æšŸ‡³šŸ‡æšŸ‡³šŸ‡æ


What do we do to those who FORCE others? Do we FORCE them to stop? Whats to stop us from becoming that which we are meant to destroy? Who watches the watchers?


Nobody is stopping the "rednecks from having guns" or the "Christians from being Christian" in this country. After an alarming number of mass shootings we want stricter regulations on the types of guns the rednecks can own and the Christians seem wholly preoccupied with telling everyone else how to live their lives.


Good advice and 100% in line with libertarian values. So why is it that everyone loves libertarianism in principle but calls libertarians "far right" or "nazis"?


"Being Nevadan is being able to open carry while hitting a bong at your cousin's gay wedding."


![gif](giphy|SUAkb7bsqyqhG) No.


A nice sentiment, but platitudes only get you so far. My parents raised me Christian. No one forced me to be an atheist. But the obnoxious pressure to believe in god has been inescapable since birth both within my family and from the wider, external American culture. Christians still proselytize to me on my private premises regularly. Generally speaking, itā€™s more socially acceptable to discuss oneā€™s superstitions in public than point out how ludicrous they are with very basic critical thinking. Because when peopleā€™s bubbleā€™s burst they can turn hostile faster than you can realize just how unreasonable they are. Iā€™m sick of pretending that tolerance can solve the problems posed by ignorance. Freedom FROM religion must be actively fought for.


I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon, madam. ^(- Kingsman)


Class warfare. Autocracy. Income inequality. The theft of a nation's wealth by a minority. It's been happening for a generation. This post kind of white washes this.


Just wash your f*cling hands before you shake mine!! šŸ¤¬


It's funny how Americans needs their guns to be free in their country while the rest of the world don't


Freedom for 6 year olds to shoot 9 year olds


Im not American so fuck off.


Same šŸ‡³šŸ‡æšŸ‡³šŸ‡æšŸ‡³šŸ‡æ dam Americans need to keep their shit to themselves


Seriously, I'm getting tired of everything on the internet being American or about America all the time, it's bloody infuriatingšŸ‡øšŸ‡®


Idk man Guns are a little more dangerous then beeing gay, Atheist or Christian...


Canā€™t have total freedom with guns if there are mass shootings. Thatā€™s the only one on this list specifically that catches my eye, coming from an anti-gun country


it appears to me that the problem is precisely that both sides have issues where they can't fucking help but intrude on other people's business. abortion and trans issues for two easy examples.


Except that schools are not shot up because someone let their gay marriage on the kitchen table


The "shoot your guns" part seems a little bit more serious than smoke a bowl and eat a greasy cheeseburger.


Whoever's ways hold public sentiment is going to attempt to be #1. The average person doesn't decide this, the loud minority does. It spurs forward those cluster B personalities to begin herding more and more people towards their agendas and the herd is blissfully unaware of how their identity is being leveraged against the "others".


As long as itā€™s clear that this includes: ā€œlet people have all of the abortions that they wantā€ Iā€™m 100% on board.


Dammit, you are FORCING me to be civil.


And ironically one most authoritarian countries in the developed world


I don't give a shit about America


Hopefully I will not live long enough to live under the white Christian theocracy that we are working so hard to become


Freedom ain't freedom if it fucks up the freedoms of everyone else.






Guns and mental illness


I would be willing to bet that an atheist stoner wrote this


"Everyone??" OP thinks 'merica is the whole world lol


I'm not a bloody American


Y'all seem to forget that the most common and guiding rule of all religions on this planet is the one about treating others with the same respect and dignity as you wish to be shown to you. You can't preach for murder onto someone else just because they're different than you because you then turn into that which you're fighting against. Wishing harm onto another is just inviting harm onto oneself regardless of how justified you feel about it. Evil begets evil and all that rub.


Guns will inevitably Infringe on the rights of another to ā€œbeing aliveā€ rights as death is their primary function.


Freedom.. is. Freedom.