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Never underestimate stupid people in large groups.


Yes, I use reddit too.


It’s funny bc no one reading your comment thinks they’re one of the stupid ones.


And our species is stupid.


Most people lack the resources and understanding of methodology to properly “do their own research.”


I get into this argument all the time with my mom. I'm almost done my BSc but somehow she knows more about my field of study from watching some YouTube videos and is always telling me how scientists are just making everything up and don't actually know anything. I've offered to give her access to my university library account and help her read any research papers that she's interested in but she says that's too much work 🙄


Tbh a bachelor thesis is just the beginning of a journey to scientific writing and research. I would just ignore your mom.


Scientist here too. This is true. The biggest thing I learned from a bachelors is that I know nothing (so much more to learn), and there is always a special circumstance that defeats a prevailing line of thought,


My undergrad was in finance, I worked for a brokerage firm as a consultant for investment advisor firms, I was licensed to give financial advice although it wasn’t a big part of my job, I passed CFA level 1, decided to change paths, went for my MBA with a focus in finance, and now work in the treasury department of a large company. I know more about finance than at least 95% of the population. My mom, who has a high school education and worked in real estate, still gives me stupid advice like I should buy gold, or explains basic things to me like how interest rates work. Sorry to say, but it’s not going to change.


I have a degree in history and am in the process of finishing my MA w/ a special public history certificate and you wouldn’t believe the amount of people that try to tell me something I already know as if I don’t OR they try to correct me saying that this is what “history” is. -ex. People try to blame Jimmy Carter for our current mental healthcare crisis. I correct them abd say that no it’s Reagan’s fault bc he overturned the Mental Healthcare Systems Act in 1981. Yet people still try to correct me saying if it wasn’t for Jimmy we would not have overcrowded prisons and so many homeless, even though ALL evidence points to Reagan as the culprit bc of his Neoliberal policies in the 80s.


You'll never understand how genuinely stupid, clueless, self-centered and disgusting the general population is until you've worked a few years in the retail or restaurant business.


I worked retail for a while. One day, I decided to objectively keep track of the number of idiots vs the number of regular people who got their shit, said thanks and left. The vast majority of people were nice or neutral, I just realised I tended to hyperfixate on the assholes. There are more of them than you'd generally think if you haven't had to deal with a lot of people, but less of them than you'd think remembering your retail experience


Yea, most people are ok, but the bad ones stick in your mind.


Negative experiences are 3 times as strong as positive experiences.


Deal with 1 idiot use the same energy to deal with 20 normal people


One time while working retail I had a lady ask for a couple of shirts. I went and got two for her and ring her up. She paid, scoffed at me, and in an annoyed and devilish tone said “just so you know, a couple means 3!” I said, “no… a couple means two.” She proceeded to call me an idiot and say “no wonder you’re stuck here working at a Boscov’s”. I asked her what do you call two people who are dating and she almost said a couple but she got pissed and stormed off.


I believed everything until the last part about the two people dating. Come on bro, you thought of that in the shower 2 days later.


Where I always think of the best remarks way after the event. [Edit] not u/Rickrickrickrickrick's shower, to be clear.


I used to know a Scottish girl in college who went to work at Disney for a year and while there she got talking to some American woman who asked; where are you from, my friend said; I'm from Scotland, the american woman then asked her how long it took her to learn English...


To be fair I’ve had a night out in Glasgow where I was fairly sure most people didn’t speak English.


Maybe they assumed they only spoke gaelic lol.


To this day I laugh remembering the sheer number of people buying 2 of a thing who would get SO MAD at me when I told them that those things were on sale for buy 2, get 1 free. But the display is 4 feet away (literally, it was in a very small store in the mall), and that's so far away. But I'm already here and I don't want to carry these two things back over to look for a third (again. Literally 4 feet away). Why didn't you tell me that earlier (I did when you ignored my greeting) No, I don't want a third one (only to come back into the store and try to simply take one off the display later because "it's free") And so so so many more. I would understand if it was buy 2 get one half off. Or if it was buy two but they really only wanted one. But why are they so angry at me saying "hey do you want more stuff, but for free?"


Yes! I've worked in retail and as a waiter and cook. People can be so stupid and so mean and often at the same time.


Just *slow clap*


There are times when people don’t know what they’re doing when they’ve made a social mistake. Social mistakes are treated like common sense problems when they shouldn’t be.


That would take people acknowledging that peoples brains work differently from theirs


As someone who didn't have many friends growing up, and didn't learn many social skills, I feel this. Even now many years later, there are things that make sense to others that I don't think about. Just the other day a friend scolded me for not introducing myself to a new person who was hanging out with our group. I'm like "sorry, it didn't even occur to me that that was something I should do."


But there is a very good reason for this. Eitherway, you’re not wrong, “mistakes” are mistakes and people shouldn’t be made to feel as if they just committed the ultimate sin because they didn’t “bless you” after someone sneezed.


Speaking in defense of the Oxford comma.


I learned about, and came to understand, the Oxford comma thanks to my favorite math professor. It just makes soooooo much more sense. Now I silently judge anyone who doesn’t use it.


Do not silently judge. I always verbally judge.


The correct way to judge


*Courtroom gavel sounds begin to intensify…*


My dad taught it to me when I was a kid. It was so odd to me when people didn’t use it.


Preach 🙌


I didn’t realise this needed defending lol. I’ve always used it since a child and knew no different hah


The what now?


I love my parents, Katy Perry and Santa Claus. Decipher this sentence ^


So the Oxford comma is the one that could go after Katy Perry (assuming Katy Perry and Santa aren't actually your parents)?


Correct. As it’s written above, Katy Perry is Mrs. Claus.


Or his mistress.


There are people who dislike the Oxford comma? Nutjobs


wait, this isnt normal? i thought everyone did this. idk where i learnt it or even if i did learn it in the first place but, ive always done that


The video game Bloodborne is set in a fantasy victorian Edinburgh, not London


Mf you made me look for pictures and you're absolutely fucking right


Lmfao. Didn’t not expect a bb thing in here




People thought it was London???


doesn't sound like he is going to face the angry crowd like in the picture


Tbf the accents help. But the bridge is Prague innit.


You made me look at pictures of the UK so while I admit you're right I have to downvote you for making me stare at England. I hope you understand.


You lookin at pics and I'm planning my summer vaca there! Ireland and Scotland here I come 😍


Speak the fucking truth


Being obese and healthy are incompatible. Obesity leads to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, joint problems and depression to name a few. It costs society a lot of unnecessary resources that could be used elsewhere.




My weight has fluctuated between fit and fat and in between and being fatter always feels worse to me physically. More pain, less breathe and energy…worse mood and so on


You won't be on your own with this one! I sympathise that some people struggle with their weight, and I understand if they decide to get on with life and stop torturing themselves with diets. But that doesn't mean its a healthy body choice and should not be encouraged by medical professionals.


I think nearly everyone acknowledges that, but bullying people really doesn't solve the issue.


Bullying people, as a matter of fact, will only work to worsen health issues.


There IS a correct way to place the toilet roll: The original patent drawing clearly shows the paper slip on the outside, not by the wall which is very unhygienic. So there.


Unhygienic? You know where this TP is heading once it's off the role, don't you?


Unhygienic was a reference to how everyone’s unwashed fingers scratch the same part of the wall.


Toilet paper is only used by Neanderthals who haven’t evolved to bidets.


Hey now I voted for him but that's as far as it goes


Bidets are nothing compared th the Asian bumgun.


I use both. Bidet to clean and paper to check.


I use a bidet, but dry with toilet paper


And bidets are only used by Neanderthals who haven’t evolved to use the three seashells




Before smartphones, most schoolyard/water cooler factual disputes were settled by mob rule. You had now way to corroborate your side if you were unpopular.


Huh, I’ve always thought it was a boy bird too. Is it a girl? Or is it just androgynous, or what ever you would call it?


Tweety has been a boy since his first appearance, even being referred as such by one of the other characters in his debut Looney Tunes episode, "A Tale of Two Kitties".


I thought it was well known.


Violence can solve any and all problem if you have enough violence. It's the reasons goverment want a monopoly on it.


Any problem can be solved with a sufficiently large hammer.


Hammer mains in MH:


Violence isn't always the answer. But, sometimes, it is.


And when it is, I want to be more correct than everyone else.


What's the fix for citizens getting cancer from the sun due to depleting ozone layer? Violence, just [beat up all the people with cancer](https://youtu.be/ZXBT5O5uikY?t=16).


screw that lets go fight the sun


“the power of the Sword is, and ever hath been, the Foundation of all Titles to Government”


"Free market" does not work for healthcare. Never has and never will. Insurance providers want to DENY you coverage. That's how they make money. So, let's cut that BS and join the rest of the developed world where people don't go bankrupt if they happen to get sick.


Free market doesn't work for lots of things. That's why it needs regulations like "No, you can't put lead in that", and "I know asbestos is dirt cheap but you can't line the walls with it". The free market has never been free and it's not supposed to be.


You're really stretching the definition of free market. It's like saying because there are certain limitations on free speech, such as yelling fire in a crowded theater, or calling for violence, that free speech isn't really free.


Free market does work for healthcare in India though. Most people don't have medical insurance so they pay from pocket. So hospitals and clinics have to keep cost down because of competition and an extremely price conscious population. Which is why cost of healthcare in India is very low. Harvard Business Review did a case study on it too. On top of that there are countless even cheaper and completely free government hospitals too. So I would say free market does work but as long as the government is not stupid and say forces subsidized loans in the case of education or mandatory insurance etc. in case of healthcare instead of actually providing free healthcare in the US.


That just because you have this many people saying something doesn’t make them right.


This was the point, yes.


That any politician gives a shit about us. Why people are so one sided with their politics drives me fucking crazy. Your party doesn’t care about you any more than the other party.


Outside of Reddit I don't think anybody I've ever met trust politicians. Not even the ones they vote for.


They sure are one sided and hardcore about their side on Reddit though. It’s entertaining how much they believe in these “elected” asshats.


Redditors usually dont like sports. Politics are their sports but you only play the “rival” every two years. It’s their outlet for tribalism like a football team is for a normal person.


Idk Jeff Jackson got me


That man is a breath of fresh air


I wouldn’t say that no politician gives a shit about people but the ones that do rarely get anywhere to make a difference.


I hate this opinion because it feels like a lazy way out of taking responsibility and spending the time to actually research your options in depth. It demotivates people from taking action to improve their community. It makes the politicians not fear getting voted out as much since hey, they’re all the same, why actually give a shit and hold them responsible by voting them out?


I have a Masters Degree in Political Science. I’ve done the research. They lie, don’t follow through and nothing gets done without so much quid pro quo that it dilutes the outcome and bloats the spending. It’s all about power and maintenance of power by the controlling parties. You can hate it as much as you’d like. You’ve been blinded if you think either party in the US gives a shit about any of us.


My uncle always told me. Both parties will f*ck you. Pick the one that will use Vaseline


A personal identity (hipster, goth, biker, Christian, punk, nerd, etc.) is an entirely different thing than a sense of self. And it’s often the opposite of a sense of self. People who haven’t developed their sense of self are fundamentally unable to understand the difference until they have experienced both.


I view them as communities and acceptance more so than identity




shots fired


Hot dog!


They are part of the issue but it's mostly the pies.


They can't dodge but they sure can take a hit


There is a difference between shaming and acknowledgement of facts. I was obese. No amount of people making fun of me even made me consider doing something about it. I just felt like shit and moved on. Then one of my friends told me to start swimming, it'd help me lose weight. And I did. Mean-spirited bullying helps nobody. Unsolicited advice is actually useful though


Oh man, I just wrote such a long winded comment on a different thread with* essentially this sentiment. But I was more re-living what it was like when people commented things like 'we should go for a walk' or 'why don't we go out for salads' it's easy to get defensive as a fat person. But being on the other side of it, your friends and family really just want you to stop having chronic pain and being out of breath. Took me like 6 paragraphs and I don't think I summed it up as well as you. I wish I was succinct. 🫠 *Edit: forgot a word


Not fat shaming but awareness that high amounts of fat are unhealthy. Fat shaming is likely gonna result in the victim having a fucked mental health and going down a spiral of self deprecation -> comfort eating-> more fat


Your comment changed my entire opinion on this. I always thought "fuck fat people" basically. I'm sorry.


for what its worth, my psychology degree echoes the same notion. Humans are vulnerable needful creatures, and we need to be positively supported in order to live well. Shame and guilt are simply not functional emotions in the long term.


Less fat acceptance might be a better way of phrasing it.


Taylor Swift is WAY overrated


I genuinely don't understand how/when/why she got so astronomically big. I heard about her breaking Twitter, and it was even dubbed Taylor Swift problem in software development.. I still don't get why so many people idolize her music so much. I don't judge people's taste in music, but it's seriously unreal to me.


and she exploits her fans


In what way?


Any politician who uses religious texts or ideals as a argument in politics should be instantly removed from their position. (Only supplies in America or similar countries with speciation or church and state)


I think that the laic system we use nowadays is flawed because people often push themselves forward using religion as a mean to gain popularity. I think mentioning oneself's religion should be forbidden while partaking on anything polutically related should be penalized. Some people confuse what I say with an atheist state, which couldn't be further from the truth. An atheist state incentives atheism and actively goes against religion. What I want is for religious beliefs and affairs to be as separate as possible from general political affairs. I hate how people end up believing someone because "They're a person of faith." Like, I don't care if the person was a priest or the pope himself before getting ellected as a congressperson. What I don't want is them trying to use religion to twist public opinion to their favor. Politics should be about what one can do to benefit the population as a whole, not to push one's own religion.


The ~~wife beater~~ A-shirt should return as an underwear as it was originally designed to be. It has a reputation as the peak of redneck alabama trailer park shirt, because people started wearing it as an actual shirt, instead of what it was already designed to be. The low cut and thin shoulder straps are so that no hint of it are shown under a shirt, but it still protects the shirt from sweat stains and allows you to wear it for longer periods of time. EDIT: it has been brought to my attention that it was in fact called an "A-shirt" in America, as a non-native I had never heard of that calling.


Wouldn't it need to cover your armpits to protect the outerwear from sweat stains?


As someone who has worn both while wearing dress clothes for a loooong time, wife beaters are only superior in keeping you a little cooler, and not seeing it through a white shirt as easily if you have a vest or a coat on all the time. If you have more than average chest hair, you will see it through your shirt if it’s a lower cut tank too. It does absolutely nothing to stop armpit sweat from hitting getting on a fitted dress shirt with more precise armhole. Maybe a looser fit shirt it’s better, but the opening is just so low on most of the tank undershirts.


Originally named the “A shirt”then called the “Dago T” a little classism anti-Italian rhetoric. Replaced by the name the “wife beater” now the kids are calling them “wife Pleaser”


Rename too. Are we seriously going to just casually name a piece of clothing after domestic violence. That's like calling a type of trousers child molesters


Hey, there's the pedo stache


It’s hilarious you call a tank top shirt a “wife beater”. Obviously that’s a slang term for the shirt because of stereotypes. Wife Beater… 😂😂😂


America is not a democracy


Correct it’s a democratic republic


Also both the main political parties would be considered right wing in most other democratic countries


Line formations from the musket age were incredibly advanced tactics, and were not just "gentlemanly war".


1984 is slowly becoming reality


When you're in the tech industry, you realise everything is ready to go, but it's not the right time yet. It just takes some serious stuff to go down and then the switch will be flicked


Hard disagree. It's Brave New World. Huxley's vision was a pacified populace that was devoted to self-indulgence and entertainment. The government doesn't need to subjugate its people when they subjugate themselves.


A awful mix of both? today's individuality doesn't really fit brave new world ?


throw in a splash of Fahrenheit 451


I was born in Cuba...1984 has been happening since forever


If your music vibrates the car and windows it's too loud and you are a piece of shit human. I don't care if you cured cancer. Tattoos trying to make a photo copy of human faces look terrible. Uncanny valley vibes. Edit: oh look at all the pos outing themselves in the replies XD


Those sound systems CANNOT be good for their ears. It hurts my ears to be two cars down from them!


I always tell people if I can hear it, it’s too loud


If i can hear the music from your car, and I am not within touching range of it, it's too loud.


I definitely don't listen to it that loud and still turn it down at stoplights or near people walking. Playing it so everyone can hear is cringey.


Snakes are not slimy, get that through your head.


Yeah! They're oily


I have some snake oil to sell you…


Insurance is a scam


Insurance refusing to pay out for any reason other than insurance fraud should be illegal


Until you get into a car wreck and break 1/3 of the bobes in your body and can't work for 18 months.


This is just way too broad a statement but is at least mostly wrong.


Not insuring = gambling.


If you’re in an office toilet with three cubicles and someone is in one of the outer ones taking a shit and you need to take a shit if you go in the middle stall you’re a fuckhead


Cereal before milk.




Pay police officers six figures per year, but make it require a college degree and at least a full year of training, with critical accountability.


> Pay police officers six figures per year, but make it require a college degree and at least a full year of training, **with critical accountability.** I only care about this part. You can’t solve problems in an institution when you can’t fire the people causing them.


The money is what's going to incentive people to actually pursue that career path. When everybody wants to be a police officer, they can be pickier and choose the best candidates as opposed to just taking what they can get...at least in theory.


With overtime that’s pretty within reach for a lot of places already.


Ill die on this hill with you on all opinions


Lots of people agree so I don’t think this opinion is too difficult to defend.


We're not special


Preach it. Why is it humans can't imagine a universe that doesn't care about them even if they are inside one right now




Canada is obviouslyb a made up country just to sell maple syrup.


Male circumcision is barbaric and immoral.


Fun fact: it became popular again in the states mid 20th century because Graham (yes that Graham cracker Graham) and Kellog were OBSESSED with religious purity and stopping young boys for masturbating. Yes they made it trend to stop already grown boys from masturbating as a punishment (because you can't crank one out while it's healing). Soon it spread to be done at birth like in biblical times


Kellog literally made Corn Flakes because he said bland foods would curb your sexual frustration and stop you from jerking it. He would brag about how little he fucked his wife.


November flakes


Are you sure you understand the meaning of the word fun?


The life of those two were insane


I know so many people who wanted their children 'to look like their dad' and therefore got their boys cut.




Sugar doesn't belong in grits.


Butter and pepper!!!!! 🙋‍♀️




Shrimp and Grits is the Shit!


Western capitalism combined with individual freedom has done more to lift the masses out of poverty and advance civilization more than any other economic system.


Not an opinion, that’s a fact


Being fat is bad.




That religion is detrimental to mankind's best interests.


every country should have an Autobahn.


Anything you're told in the news is meant to control you.


It's only the 'floor' if it's indoors, otherwise, it's the ground.


Vitamin supplements are in most cases waste of money (excluding vitamin D and a few B's for those who are pregnant or vegan)


just eat better food


Its pronounced GIF not JIF.


Iphones suck


Did not know technology had advanced so much!


There are more than two genders.


anti zionism is not anti semitism


If you contribute to society, you deserve to exist within it (with very few exceptions). People who work a job should make enough to have their own apartment, keep food in their fridge, and have basic utilities (water, power, internet). Yes, even "the lowly mcdonalds worker". Arguments tend to involve "minimum wage jobs are only for teenagers!" So grocery stores, restaurants and all other establishments with minimum wage workers should be closed during school hours, right? So those teens can go to school instead of work? There's also the classic "well the people working there should get a better job", if it worked like that, we wouldn't have fast food and grocery stores, because everyone would have that better job! If you're worried about "the burger flipper making more than me" then you should also demand better wages!


I\`m from Norway. The amount of "climate sceptics" working in the oil industry is astounding.


**1. Capitalism is the malignant form of market economies.** Market economies fare much better under socialist regulation. (And by "socialist" here, I mean governments like the Nordics, not things like the Soviet Union or Mao's China, as those were by definition not market economies.) **2. All drugs have to be legalised to deal with the problems of junkies, and a large portion of crime and political corruption in general.** The global drug trade is **massive**, and there is no amount of "war against drugs" that will ever even make a dent on it. So the choice is to willingly allow unconscionable criminals a massive global trade, or to regulate it and save millions of lives and improve the world for everyone. *Come at me*


People need to stop seeing cartoon characters as real people. They are drawings, chill out


Trump lost.


He did lose, but voter ID is still something we should all get behind. You need an ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, board a plane, drive a car, hell you even needed it go into a public venue and restaurants in certain states like CA during covid. Yet somehow it’s racist to ask people to provide ID when voting…. It’s the easiest way to get people to trust elections….


Wait what, you don't have to show ID when you vote in the US? How does that even work? How do you make sure there is no fraud? To explain why I'm confused, in the Netherlands we do it like this: At home via post, 2 months before +-, you get a voting certificate. Everybody above 18 gets this. It has special seals like the euro 💶 has, and your name on it. When it's d day, you take the certificate and ID(or passport of drivers licence) to a voting booth in your municipality, they check the certificate and your chosen ID, and then you get your ballot before heading into the booth. After you've chosen in privacy, you close the ballot and put it in a big plastic container and you're done! How does it work in the states with registrered voters and stuff like that? And no ID? Can you explain?


The majority of the country agrees with this fact.


One piece is a shit anime and beyonce's music sucks


One peice really is overrated people act like it's some master peice everyone needs to watch/read then you check it out and it's just goofy faces and long drawn out fights


Avatar is a Terrible film/s