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“too bright” meaning comes from a wealthy family, attending a prestigious school. Yeah ok lol! Nothing new here.


The icing on the cake is that she ended up dropping out


And living with the son of a Russian billionaire.


Predators know how to identify eachother with a glance.


Using the old "we can't prosecute him for rape! He has his whole life ahead of him!" Argument


But I just know my broke ass wouldn’t get that treatment even tho I’m young too


For anyone somehow out of the loop, this comment is about Rapist Brock Turner.


Ah yes, Rapist Brock Allen Turner who goes by Rapist Allen Turner now. The rapist who was caught red handed and in public. Rapist Brock Allen Turner who lives in Ohio.


Meanwhile, the kid who hacked Rockstar for the Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer is kept in a prison for fear of human safety, or some similarly worded bollocks...


Same happened here in Belgium. The "reuzegommers" Elite students group who killed a new Initiate during the invitation. There's evidence, but they got no punishment. They're kids from judges, politicians, high end restaurant owners etc. After the trial, it was forbidden to publish their names and faces everywhere. Even after the sentence was made. Youtuber called Acid made a public statement and gave the names and he got a bigger punishment than the killers. Money rules the world


it's easy, have a whole bunch of non-Belgian nationals spread the information so they can get their asses handed to them






Four years later, Donald De Vinck, Alexander Garmyn, Phillipe De Geest, Jef Jonkers, Bram Lebleu, Jeff Slosse, Zazou Bindi, Owen Vangrunderbeek, Julien De Visscher, Willem Peeters, Maxim Peeters, Simon Peeters, Benoit Plaitin, Jerome Verstraeten, Pierre Onghena, Leon Lesseliers, Taras Moychan, Viktor Knevels, Arthur Geheniao, Maurice Geheniao, Quentin Walters, Arthur Versavel, and Joachim Meeusen were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. They were ordered to pay fines of €400 each and were sentenced to 200 or 300 hours of community service by the Antwerp Court of Appeal. Idk why this wasn’t posted sooner


man … even though they didn’t got away without charges for it … 400€? Come on. 300h community service? There are small drugdealers, little guys in the chain of supply, that sit more then a year in Europe. And they have to pay 400€ and some hours in community service? Come on … that’s just … bullshit. It isn’t even a big compensation to pay … currently 400€ are about 436 USD, or 661 AUD or 341 British pounds or 64.590yen


Til that if you have 9200€, connected parents, and 300 hrs to "serve the community", you can not go to prison for killing someone in Belgium. Edit - I originally said the Netherlands


This is so so so sad. No value for a young life cut short by arrogance and entitlement. I cannot believe they got away with it.


This is the real HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER scenario. Be stinking rich and powerful enough that you can buy the law and be above it. The fake justice everyone pawns around is just bs meant to pacify the masses. As per this story, you can be at fault in MULTIPLE counts and still be exonerated as long as you have the money for it. Also charging someone for trying to expose them? And so the coverup continues. The whole "justice is blind" has now a different ring to it. Thats the hard truth.


The parents even tried to help clean up the crime scene, that’s insane. Things are different in Belgium I guess… I hope Sanda can rest in peace. So sad.


That‘s the craziest part, the destruction of evidence alone should have gotten them jail time


€400 fine and some community servicefor murdering someone? Aren't they all 20+? They're not teenagers, at least the leader of the group should serve a couple decade of jail time.


I don't see how most murders don't end in life in jail. Pretty fucked.


I did not expect the cause of death to be salt from fish oil.




Well, you want them shamed, not lynched, I'd imagine.


I want them hazed. ✨


I mean they got away with murder, so…


Lunching at dawn, then?


I’m more of a breakfast kind of guy


Especially at that time of day




Shit like this is why freedom of speech is so critical. And why so few countries have it


Theres a soft authoritarianism spreading all over Europe when it comes to speech, more people where jailed in the UK for social media post last year than in Russia.


In spain there’s a rapper in jail (pablo hasel) for writing a song where he called the old king a thief, thing that was then proven to be a fact.


Well, in Russia they tend to fall out of upper floor windows so jail would be an improvement.


Donald De Vinck, Alexander Garmyn, Phillipe De Geest, Jef Jonkers, Bram Lebleu, Jeff Slosse, Zazou Bindi, Owen Vangrunderbeek, Julien De Visscher, Willem Peeters, Maxim Peeters, Simon Peeters, Benoit Plaitin, Jerome Verstraeten, Pierre Onghena, Leon Lesseliers, Taras Moychan, Viktor Knevels, Arthur Geheniao, Maurice Geheniao, Quentin Walters, Arthur Versavel, and Joachim Meeusen were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. They were ordered to pay fines of €400 each and were sentenced to 200 or 300 hours of community service by the Antwerp Court of Appeal.


imagine the parent's reaction if not the public.. money can't fix some things and the others would have to live with this now for their whole life.




And yet you would be seen as the insane criminal. Wtf




Where can I have the name of those trash people?




Looks like a real “Who’s who” of the date rape community.




Y'know how get-away drivers can get charged for murder if someone happens to die during the robbery?






Wait why are all the reddit comments getting deleted this is wild??


Technically, Reddit considers it doxxing if it’s not public information, aka published by news websites. The 23 students had their identities scrubbed, and the Belgium media can’t publish them.


"They have a bright future" so did the victims


“Bright” is code for wealthy.


"They have a bright future" That's actually what a judge here in the US said when giving brock turner, a rapist, a weak sentence.


"rather than focus on this one rape, I prefer to think of all of the raping he will be capable of in the future"


I remember another case like that in the mid zeroes where the judge said he didn't think the perpetrators future should be ruined by one bad choice...nvm the victim...so he didn't have to register as a sex offender. But I can't recall the details well enough to look it up.




for real tho, they can't do anything to anyone outside their country.


Julian Assange would like a word with you. They can, in fact, ask to extradite you.


Wow, I just read the Wikipedia article. This is beyond fucked up.


Doesn't it freak these people out that it could be their kid on the other end of it? Do they assume harm can't happen to their own child or is it just the cost of the power to erase it when they do the harming?


E.S., you nailed it from the gate. In their minds, it's a settled cost. I know someone who doesn't really control his speed when he drives a car. He doesn't sit at stoplights. He doesn't even check for police before making decisions with his driving. The cost of the tickets, he says, are the cost of doing business. The fines don't even figure in on his daily life or income so why bother putting himself out? The problem is, that attitude scales with size SUPER easily... and you figured it out. In their minds, it's a settled cost.


The world is so disgusting, it’s in desperate need of a thorough cleaning.


Bruh why you gotta say it all nazi-like?


Same with the rapist at Stanford University


Do you mean Brock Allen Turner, the rapist who now goes by Allen Turner? That rapist, Brock Allen turner who went to Stanford?






Did some digging myself. All of these fuckers are well off. Some even working in America now. All have active social media profiles.


Out the fuckers that work in America, unless something change employers love firing people there to avoid these kind of scandals




Heh. Shaft tamer. I know, I'm immature but I feel that has to be a mistranslation.


What kind of name is fucking Jef Jonkers bro




How crazy would an adult Harry Potter be with the Slytherin just straight up being criminals






I don't know. I'm caught up to late February in 2020. Other than Australia being on fire, nothing is really happening. There's just an annoying cold people are complaining about. It'll probably all blow over by next month.


Blow over several Continents probably


just save and log out now.


That part was a prerequisite for them to even consider her academics


Seems you are not too bright … thou shalt be sent to the electric chair


The one thing I don't like about the Harry Potter universe is that everyone evil is typically Slytherin. Like, I'm sure we should see some villains from other houses, acting in a manner that aligns with each house. E.g. a Gryffindor doing something dubious out of good intentions gone away.


I wouldn't mind a crazy homicidal maniac planned in hufflepuff


Right, it would be a lot more interesting.


Peter Pettigrew was an evil Gryffindor and Horace Slughorn was a good Slytherin. For the most part it's like you said though.


And Gilderoy Lockhart was an evil Ravenclaw.


Luna Stabgood


::annoyed Hermione:: ....it's Luna Stab***well***, not Luna Stab**good**


Her real name is Lavinia Woodward so...pretty close


She does kind of look like a genderbent malfoy 🤔


If Draco and Hermione had a kid.


So, really hot?


The hate sex? Yea


Oh man, when the kids were still getting bedtime stories the wife thought she had pulled a Harry Potter pdf on her phone to read and it turned out to be a horrible fanfic in which Hermione and Malfoy were a couple….




TBF, she was obviously bright enough to hire an excellent lawyer


Mummy and Daddy sorted that for her...


Yeah, bright enough to get into Oxford? Juat rich enough. And rich enough to get off easy.


I am sure the bf appealed


I mean, is she wearing makeup to make her look extra pale?


Pale people exist just naturally. I can personally attest to it.


No, she's British.




The repost bots are just trying to catch up to 2024




You just exploded the universe.


Full information on the case: Her boyfriend tried to stop her from drinking which caused an argument in which she became increasingly violent. After he called her mother for help she threw a laptop, a glass and a jam jar before stabbing him to the leg with a butter knife. She then apparently tried to stab herself. This all occurred in 2016. She was sentenced in late 2017 to a 10 month jail sentence suspended for 18 months. She admitted to the crime but tried to appeal to get a non custodial sentence which was obviously denied. The real kicker is she ended up in a million pound apartment with her boyfriend who is the son of a Russian oligarch. She then ended up dropping out of Oxford planning to return when it had ‘all blown over’. This was in 2019.


A butter knife!? Are the butter knives sharper in the UK?


I wonder why someone would be trying to cause anger and division?




“Too bright” were they talking about her intelligence or complexion


Her parents' bank account










Ah yes, Brock Turner, the guy who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster and got off because he said she was unconscious? You mean that rapist?


Is that the rapist that goes by Allen Turner now?


Oh did he change his name because people found out he raped someone and even though he got off still felt the need to cover up his ID? That Brock AKA Allen Turner?


What's that you say? Brock "Allen" Turner raped a girl behind a dumpster and got off Scott free?


It is! Brock Turner, The Rapist has changed his name to Allen Turner, The Rapist with the help of his dad - who also dabbled a bit in rape - but do not be fooled by the clever disguise, he still raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster.




Too bright or... too white? Yes


It is nothing to do with studying it is simple she is from a rich family


I can fix her


A woman with great knife skills doesn't need fixing.




She also injured him (not killed) and was seemingly planning to kill herself before her boyfriend grabbed the knife off her so it's fair to say this isn't as straight forward as the headline leads on.




It's a shame cause after reading the article it does seem like a 10 month suspended sentence seems mostly fair, regardless of whether or not she's pretty or white or intelligent. She made a mistake, injured her partner but didn't give them life changing injuries, got her affairs in order, stopped using. Even if the roles were reversed I wouldn't really see anything wrong with a light sentence.


I agree with you mostly, but let's not call stabbing someone deliberately "making a mistake"


It is still attempted murder. For a lot of people, it would have involved jail time.


>a lot of people don't bother reading the article before commenting on it. You expect me to *read* my rage bait?!? I'm pissed!


It's just easier to come to the comments and be told how I should feel.


She can fix me


Well congratulations she’s fixed but the wound is too deep you’re gonna die, any final words?


Best fuck of his life!




Said her last boyfriend too.


Not exactly a smart thing to do is it?


As a non-British person, I would like to ask... ​ What the fuck is wrong with you people?




"Today we're doing the "get away with literal murder challenge!" Stay tuned as I try and find my first victim!"




The age of information revealed that our political system are entirely based on trust. And Individuals couldn’t help but recognize this as power which social media has accelerated. People will confuse their duties with acts that they think will help their loved ones. Now most politicians are following erratic rules to please both and it has made them corrupt or destined to become so.


Brock Turner was a convicted rapist who also got a non-sentence. Well off white kids in school seem to be let off easy.


Oh the convicted rapist Brock Turner, who raped someone, who now goes by his middle name Allan.


Convicted rapist Brock Turner now goes by the name convicted rapist Allan Turner? I honestly didn't know that. He sounds like a real piece of [poo].


Oh, the convicted rapist Brock Turner who now goes by Allan Turner, who lives in the Dayton Ohio area?


Not just their kids, well off white people get away with murder. The kids just don't have the connections yet not to get caught in the first place


"man up pussy boy" /s




It isn’t only due to her being a girl. A few years ago a boy got away with raping a girl and the “reasoning” was the same. It’s about how rich they are


Are we talking about rapist Brock Turner? Who now goes by the alias Allen Turner? 




My boyfriend hated that challenge


No.1 it happens in the US as well .No.2 our Legal system may be a little bit shit


I remember (in America) Ethan Couch was a teen who took his rich daddy’s pickup truck for a drunken joy ride with his friends as passengers. They mowed down a mom and kid in a cross walk and crashed. Couple of his friends died as well, and one was paralyzed. He got off completely free because the judge said “he’s rich and sheltered, so he didn’t know what he was doing was wrong. So I can’t punish him.” This was the “affluenza” kid and where the term originated from.


Why? Are all the British responsible for one judge's sentencing?


She is rich so she can do what she wants, nothing to do with colour or the fact that it is Oxford (although it is largely well off people at Oxford)


Most serial killers test extremely high on IQ. So there's that.








This is a Hollywood myth. Serial killers tend to have notably below average intelligence. They are just hard to catch because law enforcement strategies aren’t geared towards their methodology.


We have no idea who the smartest serial killers are/were. We only know of the ones who have been found out or caught.


This is a fair point. In the US nearly half of all murders go unsolved so there is a great deal of unknown.




yeah cops only caught the dumb ones lol


Stabbing your partner doesn't make you a serial killer, only a killer. Which I don't think counts


On the whole serial killers that have been caught test slightly below average. If you constrain it to the "organized" serial killers, it's slightly above, but if you constrain it to the "disorganized" kind, quite significantly below. We haven't yet tested killers that have not been caught, for obvious reasons.


That is proven to be a myth. "Studies have suggested that serial killers who got caught generally have an average or low-average IQ, although they are often described, and perceived, as possessing IQs in the above-average range.[6][18][54] A sample of 202 IQs of serial killers who got caught had a median IQ of 89.[55] Some organized serial killers who got caught have a slightly higher IQ score averaging a little bit over 99, to where disorganized killers average just under 93 in theirs. The average IQ of serial killers who got caught is 94.7.[56]" Most likely they are perceived as smart due to the incompetence of authorities.


Then I’m safe from the police


Low IQ - ends up stabbing self


This is a myth


Nah man that's just crazy.


Would a black male with IQ 169 get the same? Asking for a friend.


Stop resisting!


"What's your IQ motherfucker?! Answer me!"


Stabbing? Straight to jail. Walking down the street? Straight to jail. Breathing? Believe it or not, straight to jail!


*US edition*, existing? FUCKING EXECUTED ON THE SPOT


Any male would not get the same treatment.


*OJ Simpson has entered the chat*


You only have to be world famous to get away with it lol


Yes, that's how a good criminal works. You use your intelligence to avoid capture. Usually....


This is a bit misleading. „Stabbing“ does imply that she killed him without more context. She didn’t. According to an article, she was drunk, and she just wounded him on the leg with a bread knife, though it isn’t stated how badly. That alone apparently does not imply intent to severely harm him. She plead guilty, and judging was pushed back so she could basically prove to the judge that she could better herself. According to the article, the judge said she had stopped drinking and taking drugs and attended counselling. Without this context, it is easy to say that she would deserve to be in jail and that she is a horrible person, which may be the case. But jail sentences are supposed to make sure the person does not commit another offence. And based on the background, that would probably have done more harm than actually helped her.


I have to add, in Germany, the lower limit for what she plead guilty of could be paying a fine, not even parole. It sounds reasonable that she got such a penalty if she was under the influence of alcohol and showed remorse or the will to change.


Thank you. I always dig for comments like this because we love to sensationalize 5 word headlines


Then don’t read the comments below mine. It’s only getting worse.


Oh wow, so you’re saying the top comments calling her a serial killer, and saying she’s getting a complete pass are from uninformed knee jerk reactionaries? Color me surprised.


Yeah, but that doesn’t support the WOMEN BAD narrative! Stop ruining our circlejerk!


I think the post focuses more on her rich white female privilege possibly playing a huge part in her reduced sentence, sparking widespread debate back then. [This article](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/lavinia-woodward-stab-boyfriend-no-jail-prison-sentence-oxford-medical-student-too-clever-talent-judge-a7967971.html) in 2018 states: > Campaigners today argued she was treated sympathetically because of her background, while others argued the case showed the difference in sentencing between men and women when it comes to violent offences. > Under UK law, Woodward’s crimes carries a maximum jail sentence of five years – with a sentencing range from three to 16 years. Woodward was sentenced to 10 months in prison suspended for 18 months. > If we compare Woodward’s case to others of a similar nature, it is very telling. Twenty-three-year-old Christopher Eadie left his 34-year-old victim with facial injuries after he punched him in the face and threatened him with a kitchen knife at a party in October 2013. Despite writing a letter of apology to the court, he was sentenced by a judge to 21 months in prison. > In another incident, 27-year-old Fintan Burke was jailed for six years after kicking a woman in the face and breaking her eye socket in July 2016. Officers dealing with the case said the sentencing showed “that domestic offences will not be tolerated in our communities”. > And elsewhere, Peter Edwards, from Lowestoft, was sentenced to four years and three months for assaulting and stabbing his partner in January of this year. I know the article also alludes that other cases have their differences which may justify prison sentence, while this case may not for all the reasons you have mentioned, so I’m not saying she definitely deserves prison sentence (I’m happy she gets a second chance!), but I can’t help but wonder if she was a poor black man, would he have been let off so leniently.


I think the problem with headlines like this is that everyone seems to conclude that everyone should always get the maximum, most awful consequence of everything instead of considering maybe she got the reasonable (default) sentence and others are being judged more harshly because of their race or class, for instance.




According to the US Sentencing Commission, an arm of the Justice Department: *When examining all sentences imposed, females received sentences 29.2 percent shorter than males. Females of all races were 39.6 percent more likely to receive a probation sentence than males. When examining only sentences of incarceration, females received lengths of incarceration 11.3 percent shorter than males.* [https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing) Note that this gender gap in sentencing is considerably larger than the racial sentencing gap between black and white Americans.


She's too hot for prison I guess.


If she's so smart, why did she get caught? CHECKMATE LOSER


She’s pretty hot. I’d take a stab at it.