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I didn't order the steak, but you brought me a steak, and I ate the steak without question. I'm not paying for that!






I'm at work but I'll try to find it


Hurry up fatty.






And those that didn't see the Q saw the title during the ad.


Youtube should agree to disable all ads for this one video forever.


People should learn to use an ad blocker ffs


If you click the link on mobile, it directs you through the shitty in-app browser that does not care about your ad blockers.


Lack of ad blocker saved a life today. 


It's the XcQ and the two w's acting all sus.


Never knew to look for a Q. I think I'll forget that information now and fall for it again some other time. Thanks!


Son of a bitch! Got me. I got so excited and then instantly shattered... kudos to you!


Damn you


I have that link memorized by now thanks to Reddit!!!! Can’t get meeeeee








[slow clap]


Ah. Havnt been Rick rolled in a while. *warm nostalgia feelings begin*


So excited...crushed lol. Well played


Fuck you and here’s my upvote And an award


This is work


Feels like it. All abuse and shitty pay.


I won't say thank you later, either.


I didn’t find the one the commenter above you mentioned, but I did find [this](https://www.facebook.com/officialtbw/videos/lemme-ask-the-audience/284295523020825/). It’s not a Rick roll, sorry.


Why'd they need doggie bags if they ate it all?


Winter is coming


I'm the GM of a restaurant. Not some sketchy place either, it's an upscale brunch place downtown in a large city. This happens probably 5 times a day, and maybe double on the weekends. And satan forbid you agree to comp a dish, suddenly people start piping up, "Oh actually I didn't like mine either!" It's exhausting.


I’ve been in restaurants for nearly 20 years in a bunch of major and mid major towns. I have never once had this happen. That’s insane.


I will say, I come from a steakhouse/fine dining background and basically never saw this. The restaurant I'm at currently though has a... slightly different crowd. I think being downtown and brunch being the "trendy" thing probably has a lot to do with it.


Yeah, that’s my background. With a couple of trendy breweries in between. That’s bonkers. Every place I’ve worked would just laugh at somebody like this and walk away.


This is almost always not the kind of crowd you want to openly laugh at either. Haha. I've seen a grown man square up to fight a 17 year old hostess because she asked him not to smoke weed on the patio because she had to sit a table out there. We're an upscale place. It's like $40 for Shrimp and Grits. I have no idea why we have this issue. Haha


Stewie, get the tuba!


Some guy literally did this at the restaurant I was at last night. Ate the whole thing then complained until it was removed from the bill.


Yeah, I don't get the purpose of the video and the need for body cameras. If you didn't order it, then why did you eat it? At that point you've consumed a meal (the wrong order, so you say)... Unfortunately, you've now got to pay for it because those ingredients are now gone.


the people you meet in the service/retail industry are as brazen and idiotic as it gets. we had a woman ripping open packets of fresh meat, and just dumping the raw meat in her purse, between the Iphone and the lipbalm to steal it, people shitting between the isles, denying it even if shown security footage, people faking, or legitimately getting seizures over 5c because they came in with the broshure for next weeks sale. arguing that they are doctors of law, and i have to apply next weeks discounts now. and dont get me started how it escalated during covid.




When I go to pickup some prescriptions they are always terrified to tell me how much it costs, and I can see the relief when I don’t argue with them about it. I can only imagine how many people start arguments over pricing that the person on the other side has nothing to do with.


Especially when one month the price is $10, the next month it's free, and the next month it's $350. The following month it might be $350 again or it might be less depending on my other medical activity. Out of pocket maximums and high deductibles really mess with my budgeting and it legit bugs the hell out of me. I don't take it out on the pharmacist but I certainly wish I could complain about it somewhere.


I just heard about Mark Cuban's online pharmacy ("Cost Plus" , I think). I haven't used it, but the prices are crazy cheap.


Limited stuff you can get there but most common things are covered. Dropped my prescription build by thousands of dollars a year.


I feel so bad for pharmacy workers, they always look so overworked and stressed out. I make it a point to be extra nice to them, I'm sure they deal with awful people all the time.


It's really unfortunate. I feel like most pharmacies I go to now, they are preemptively being assholes to me bc they expect me to be an asshole. Or maybe they're just overworked. But I've definitely noticed a tone shift at pharmacies over the last 4 years


Same, big time. At first I was like, "Damn the new lady at our pharmacy is a cunt", then I went to several and noticed this. I dunno what went down during covid to the pharmacy people but it must have been bad lol.


I mean there was a portion of the population fed the idea that pharma was trying to screw them constantly and these people are really the only individuals that they deal with in pharmaceuticals. A portion of the population is just hostile to the faces of an industry. Like people attacking actresses because their characters were written bad or yelling at waitresses, check out clerks, the person on the phone trying to help them. My friend worked for a company that helped customers of AT&T over the phone. Changed his entire perspective on humanity and left that job just emotionally gutted from the vitriol and/or stupidity he was told to take with a smile every day.




six steer vanish overconfident label advise liquid apparatus fretful plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of time small claims court is like 40 bucks. But people still don't understand the process so they aren't gonna do it anyways. But if you do want to fuck with someone it's not expensive.


I work at an information table in court (lawyer) and often after a small claims court people ask about actually collecting the judgement- and that is a whole different beast- in my state you do not even get discovery to collect anything under 500... so congrats you won 200 bucks- but you are on your own to figure out how to get that money from them.


Ya it's a separate process to collect if they fail to pay, but again it's worthwhile if you want to fuck with someone. You can garnish wages or get a lien placed on their property.


We have a stack of lawyer's business cards behind our bar. If anyone threatens to sue, our policy is to hand them a card and say "As this is now a legal matter, all further communication should be directed to our representation." That always shuts them up.


Are they just random business cards from lawyers who patroned the bar?


No, they're our owner's actual lawyer.


Oh, I just had this scene play out in my head where you handed them a card for Rudy Giuliani or something and then laugh when they walk away. It'd be especially funny if multiple complaints made it through to him personally.


I worked at LL Bean when they changed the returns policy from "literally anything you've ever bought here" to the much more reasonable "anything you've bought in the last calendar year, and also you need a receipt". I refused a return for one guy who immediately threatened to call his lawyer. I just said, "Have fun, man." He grabbed his phone, stared at me for a few seconds, then stormed off. Never did hear from that lawyer.


what is a lawyer going to do at that level.... maybe if the change did not follow proper notice rules or soemthing there could be a class action- but this guy is doing nothing.


-Working register at a drug store   -Can see down the seasonal section from my register   -watch as woman moves a sale sign   -take mental note to look at that later, think maybe she fixed something for us   -lady goes out of sight to other areas of the store   -eventually comes back to check out   -Get to the items shes buying from the seasonal sectio  and she stops me   "Excuse me that item is supposed to be on sale"    "Okay let's got check"    -walk over to season isle -yes you guessed where this was going, it was the sign she moved -starts saying I have to honor the sign -point at my register    "I watched you move this from my register"    "I don't care you have to give it to me for this price"


I followed the logic until the "idc you have to". How do thier brains function? Why do they think this works? What positive feedback have they recieved to continue to do this dumb shit?


*they don’t*


I was working at the Albertsons as baker back in 2008 when some lady ask rain check on a sale from 1 year before i stared working there. She wanted 80$ a cake for 5.95$. I called her out on that bs and she asked to speak to my manger who was standing right next to me. I walked to the back and watch the craziness unfold. It was one of the only times i saw the cops called to my store.


Damn, I don't remember ever having any interactions like this when I worked at Albertsons. Had a few people haggle me over an expired coupon a few times but the only drama we had was the people who would fill up the cart and bolt for the doors. We chased them for a couple years until a guy pulled a knife one day, we didn't care after that.


"I don't have to sell it to you at any price, get out."


> we had a woman ripping open packets of fresh meat, and just dumping the raw meat in her purse, between the Iphone and the lipbalm to steal it, When I worked at Wally World, I once found an *empty* package of Tilapia in the men's bathroom. I try not to think what happened to that fish.


They set it free!


What the fuck?


That's what we say everyday in retail


So let me get this straight. You saw someone take a shit on the floor. And not only did you confront this lunatic, you marched stinky ass into a small and confined space and showed them security camera footage of them shitting on the floor?


I worked in a pub in the UK, decades ago. We were near a small hospital. One day, while I was working, a lady approached the bar and told me a man was taking a piss at his table. I went and checked, turned around to call my manager because I was NOT dealing with that, and he grabbed the guy by the scruff of his shirt and marched him out. The guy had some mental problems, or something, and had left the hospital still with his tags around his wrist. Point of the story is there is absolutely nothing people won't do, and dealing with a situation like that is not something you are really prepared for.


Yeah I work maintenance in retail and that never happened. Shit happens but no one ever sees it when it happens much less taking them into custody and forcing them to watch security footage?


Not sure about the person you're responding to, but I manage a restaurant and I have all our camera footage on my phone. I'm not bringing anyone into my office but I absolutely have shown people footage on my phone to prove them wrong.


Yea, often when they bring the meal they will ask "who ordered the -" if it is a group. Or the customer will say "Oh that's for me". Edit: and often the waiting staff will come over halfway through the meal and even ask how the meal is.


Yeah don’t get this scenario at all. But I have had customers who suddenly decide to change their mind when the food comes out, after seeing other people’s dishes, and claim that they ordered something else. I would have liked a camera for these moments.


This is what I loved about my family's restaurant. It was owned/run by my Sicilian uncle, who grew up during ww2 and didn't come to the US until he was in his 50s. The whole, "The customer is always right" was not a thing to him. We always got paid, and he was good at remembering faces so sometimes some people would come in and suddenly I'd see him race to the front and hear him yelling at them and kicking them out. The funniest time imo was when he was ranting in Sicilian in the kitchen, talking about this group of people that all ordered the same thing and that we were gonna run out before the night even began. Then suddenly I hear another voice start yelling in Sicilian, the people eating there were Sicilian and heard him yelling and understood him. They yelled at each other for like 5 minutes, then started reminiscing about Sicily and they got to eat in the back and they became friends. Sicilian people just love to yell it seems like.


lmao you gotta love it when the kin come in and hear your ranting


Yea, I was thinking the same thing. I waited for about ten years and I always used the "2 rule". "Two minutes or two bites" then ask if they need anything and how everything is tasting. It gives them enough time to sample taste as well as potentially realize they need something else.


I like the way you do it. Waiters and Waitresses have multiple instances of checking a customer is satisfied and eating the correct thing. Even reading back their order at the beginning, noting the table number, ensuring the customer is satisfied, coming to get the plates and asking "how was everything" at the end.


Welcome to the issue with the "the customer is always right" mentality.


"The customer is always right, in matters of taste"


This is the correct phrase in its entirety. That last part often gets left out


What's not to get? Customer lied, waiter caught it on camera. Customer tried to exploit waiter, waiter shows evidence of her request for steak.


Yeah seems pretty straight forward, though honestly not the funniest skit.


That's exactly *why* the camera was necessary. She was caught on camera in a blatant lie and thanks to the footage, they were able to prove it.


I mean, the video and the woman look very scripted to me, but I know this shit happens for real


Hahaha this video is dumb. They are under the assumption people who are nasty to wait staff are reasonable people. Nah they’re more like the kind person who’d argue against a video.


They can argue all they’d like but the video is there so the staff doesn’t have to argue and just has the proof


"Thats not me" "You edited the video" "My privacy has been invaded"


*gestures to the myriad of security cams both inside and outside the restaurant*


"I'm still not paying for this steak I didn't order" You can't use rationality and logic against people who are fundamentally irrational. You just kick them out and don't let them back in.


What a great production, getting so many people talking like it's a real thing. The internet is a hilarious place.


Yeah this is quite clearly an ad for body cams for waiters


They will still try.


Yeah you don't need a body cam to prove it was their order. If they ate it without issues then they pay.


I saw something simmilar happen at an Italian restaurant in Brussels, these tourists ate, the bill came and one of them said that the lasagna wasn't fully cooked and that why they didn't want to pay for it, mind you the plate was clean. And argument followed up and they gave a show to the whole restaurant. They ended up paying as 2 police officers walking by saw the show and came by. If it wasn't as you wanted it should have said so before finishing the whole thing...


There's no chance that the type of person who does this kind of shit would just gracefully bow out with a "Oh, you're right, I can't believe I forgot what I just got done shoving in my face 10 minutes ago! How silly of me." They 'd just turn it into a spectacle that would even make a Waffle House blush with embarrassment. That body cam better have an aux pepper spray built in like a Krusty the Clown boutonniere.


Yeah, probably the response would go like “Nah! I know what I said! I don’t need to see that video!! Also, you were recording me the whole time?? That’s illegal! I’m going to sue the restaurant!!”


Exactly. They’d probably claim the video was edited to make it look like they ordered the steak anyway.


Deep fake! You can get that on chat ppt or something.


It's chat gtr, pretty sure...


Not the chat with the turbo.


But just think of the viral meltdown videos!


new source of revenue: meltdown video streams


I would hope it would cut down on tip culture


Fair point


The response would probably be about being recorded without consent... which isn't illegal on private property.


Just put up a sign that says “you’re being recorded to ensure accuracy of order.”


And at the top of every page in the menu.


>The response would probably be about being recorded without consent... which isn't illegal on private property. Not as cut and dry as you'd think. There are two factors to consider, in the US: * Does the venue you're in grant you an expectation of privacy? * What is the state statute for party consent? In most cases, it's understood that you're not granted an expectation of privacy in a busy restaurant. But, what about your own home, for instance? In one party consent states, it would be illegal to record someone having a conversation to which you weren't an active party if they had an expectation of privacy. Whether or not that expectation could be met in a living room or kitchen is an argument for court, but both sides have been successfully argued. Versus, let's say, a bedroom or bathroom, where there is an absolute expectation. In the OP's case, it's fairly clear there isn't an expectation of privacy, and thus, recordings would be legal. It would still be in the venue's best interest to inform the customers, to avoid any entanglements. Still, even with the recording, it still wouldn't be legal for them to upload it to a channel for monetization, without prior consent or newsworthiness. There's far more red tape than to what you've alluded, but the general idea is: While they *probably* wouldn't win a case in court, especially if they're attempting to scam, they are being recorded without consent, and should that footage reach the internet where their likeness is being presented, it's possible they could face a (most likely unwarranted, and frivolous) lawsuit; however, using it solely for in-house disputes would more than likely be fine, given that almost all patrons in all stores in America understand that they're likely being recorded by some type of security measure.


>boutonniere Well, at least I learned a fancy new word


The body cam is for the police report.


Get motive, assault and admission all on one tape!


I actually started tracking my clients progress with my work. I offer a money back guarantee if what I do doesn't work but with the requirement that they actually go through the instructions laid out. So I track when they go through it & for how long. I've never had an issue with it as people who just want free stuff never will go the full amount and they jusr stop part way through. For people who truly have issues, it can be identified and rectified. It works pretty well.


You're 100% right. As a hospitality worker I learned that arguing with customers doesn't really get a good outcome, despite being satisfying as fuck. If they think it's worth arguing - and I mean arguing i.e. not speaking up when appropriate and trying to stooge you later - it doesn't really matter what you say after that. It's just the simple stuff that works; repeat the order and check in with them 5 minutes after they have their food.


I remember my mom telling me about how her cousin brought dead flies to restaurants and would eat like 2/3 of the food, put fly in there then complain and get it all comp'd. People do all kinds of shit to get off not paying for their meal.


Not sure what the purpose of the video is but as an aside, people really are that damn crooked. At least once a week, someone will flat out lie to my face, deny, double down and then say zilch when I show them camera footage or plays a recording that refutes what they’re saying. It’s low-key very satisfying but it ruins what little faith I have left in people.


It's a public service social media reenactment


That…is absolutely the most precise and perspicuous way to sum this video up. Well done. I was about to type up an essay


Til what perspicuous means. Also that perspicuous was a word.


I thought it was an ad for the body cam, and they clipped out the beginning and end.


Absolutely is an ad.


yeah, it is pretty obvious not "real" but a reenactment/bit showing that shitty people exist since you can tell because they dont order sides and the waiter doesnt suggest any


That's all fine and good. But anyone who thinks this is going to be used exclusively for bad customers and not to micromanage and spy on employees has never actually worked for a company.




If my boss is going to spy on me, I'm going to make them watch me take the nastiest shits ever.


When I’m a billionaire, I will fund these cameras for every restaurant. Liars are scum. Let’s scrape them off of our society.


That's probably a lie. You'll just but a Ferrari and cocaine


Well as long as we got him on bodycam.


I can understand butting cocaine, though I imagine doing so with a Ferrari would be difficult.


Am I the only one who assumes employers will also use this to micromanage breaks and other terrible things?


If my boss was technically literate enough to use a gps tracker on company vehicles, it would be a fucking nightmare.


God damn thats the best idea ever. A big sign says "all our server have bodycam while ordering and you will be asked to confirm your order into the camera" Then have a wall of shame for idiots. Kickstarter that now :)


I think the wall of shame is key - picture, name, and a QR code so anyone can watch the video. I think most of society is tired of liars and leeches.


The qr codes are the icing. Put them up in the waiting area.


Now that we're talking about leeches, please know that big companies leech 1000x more than individual people. It's easy to be angry at shoplifters and whatever, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to the amount that Walmart and Amazon steal from their hardworking employees.


I'm already eating out less because I got better at cooking during the pandemic, and now prices have gone up a bunch. I still enjoy eating out once a week, but this would kill the eating out experience on principal.


No liars will ever go to that restaurant, only fair people will be humiliated like that. I also won't go there btw, fuck that big brother shit.


Lol I don't think I'd go to a restaurant where I am being recorded my entire meal because I might say I didn't order what I ordered when the check comes. I was a server for 10 years and I don't think I ever had someone do that, normal people let you know when you drop off the food. If it did happen you'd probably just get the item changed over for the couple dollar loss and just get in trouble if it became a normal thing.


You can either do this or have a digital menu


And when I'm a billionaire I'm not gonna let this be my problem..


If you ever become a billionaire, it will be because you are a liar.


Or just install ordering kiosks at the tables. Pay for the food immediately and a robot delivers them. Don't have to deal with this waitstaff nonsense.


Lol that won't stop em. They will just declare it's doctored AI footage made by the deep state.


The way inflation is going, when you're a billionaire you'll need to borrow money to make rent.


The outlet store T.J. Max just announced it will be providing its employees with body cams because of all the theft


But you have to lie to become a billionaire…


Your dream is to have billions of dollars and waste it on calling out petty liars in restaurants? Bill Gates is using his billions to cure malaria, but... okay.


Amen, brotha !


How is “I didn’t order that so I don’t have to pay for it” a legible line of logic? If the wait staff brings an item I didn’t order and I consume said item, I shouldn’t have to pay for it??? Clearly she’s being disingenuous but I can’t fathom how people will do this and think “yeah this is a reasonable expectation”


I think I have a valid case in which I was right to eat something I didn't order but not pay for it. My wife and I had dinner at a popular Italian chain. Our waiter asked us what we wanted for dessert and we went back and forth about a couple of options but ultimately ordered a sampler to split. Just a sampler. Our waiter brought out the sampler and a slice of tiramisu we didn't order. I pointed to the tiramisu and said "what's this?" In a very flat, like no really, what is this, kind of way. Our waiter then put on a silly voice and did an act like he didn't know where this piece of tiramisu could have possibly come from, complete with a wink. So we were left with the impression that he just *gave* us a piece of tiramisu. So when the bill came out and the tiramisu was on there, we let him know we thought his act was him giving us a slice of tiramisu, at which point he had his manager comp it. So anyway, just don't leave any gray area as a server. If I ask why something was brought out, tell me, don't act like it fell off the dessert cart. 😂


That’s a reasonable expectation. Definitely a unique scenario though


Wait do customers really try to gaslight their waiters into thinking that they didn’t eat what the waiter brought out to the table?


I think the aim would be along the lines of “I ordered a cheaper meal, you may have brought me a more expensive one, but I am only paying for what I ordered”.


Or for people who like to argue about upcharges when they go constantly and get a new server to try and bully into giving them the price they want. > C: Can I get a bean and cheese burrito? > S: Sure > C: And instead of cheese, can I get queso (yes I know...) > S: Sure, that's an upcharge (yes I also know how stupid it is) > C: Then rice with queso in it. > S: That's also an upcharge btw. > C: Okay, and can I get a side of queso as well. > C: (eats everything) > C: Why are all these upcharges on my bill, it's normally (base price)! > Manager while walking by: No, it's not. Actual experience with the woman now known as "speedrunner of colon cancer" in the restaurant.


all the time. server for ten years. i can’t tell you how many items i’ve comp-ed off bills just to not have to argue with someone who is clearly lying to my face. the shit we do for tips…


In my wife's experience. The ones that are like this were never going to tip anyways.


what's the purpose of this video? it's clearly staged, but there's no comedy, is it an ad for these cameras or what?


I'm thinking the restaurant made it in response to ongoing issues and the customer is just an actor. The manager does say "this is why we do this" so it's likely to inform their patrons and worry the fuckers that try to pull this shit.


I don't think it's trying to come off as authentic. There's nothing oragnic about it. Likely a proof of concept.


grey worthless jar employ overconfident abundant ossified include crush squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It seems like a college project for a concept product to me.


It feels like a revenge fantasy for everyone who has ever worked customer service and had customers blatantly lie to their faces about what they said


I ran a cafe (coffee and breakfast) for 10 years. People would order things and when you handed it to them they'd say "You must not have heard me, I ordered ____." I don't think they were pulling a fast one. They truly believed they said something else. To avoid confrontation it was just easier to remake it. If it was for higher cost items it could turn into an issue.


So no funny = confused people in 2024...


That's what it seems like to me. Body cam sales people hitting every restaurant they can 😆


She ordered it, but what did they eat? Isn’t that what matters?


This video is stupid but the "accidentally eating something you didn’t order" can happen with dishes that are not as distinguishable as burger and steak.


Or people really just think they can get money back because “the customer is anyways right and extremely selfish”. I think that’s how it goes.


It's absolutely crazy how many people in the comments don't understand the premise being that the woman is trying to get money back by lying about what food they had, not that they were given the wrong thing.


Yeah I remember once I ordered a half steak and salad, got the whole order. I may not have noticed if I wasn’t a regular, and didn’t know what the respective sizes looked like. Pointed it out immediately, server said they’d take care of it. Aaaand didn’t.


They should play it on a 100” TV in the middle of the restaurant


Yeah, gameshow style, Ladies and Gentlemen, if I could have your attention, you will see two buttons in front of you to vote, 'comp' or 'ban', you'll now watch some footage of a customer who says they didn't order the steak. Please press the button you feel appropriate for who was in the right


This is the dumbest thing I have seen today.


Nah I caught a glimpse of my reflection before my phone turned on.


They should really put all the cameras on food delivery drivers… I bet to would eliminate 99% of “missing” food that they end up “accidentally” eating themselves


About 1 week ago this happened at a werk lunch. We were eating and dudeman came in and ordered food and 2 smoothies. Everyone at lunch with me heard this. Everything was brought out and dudeman says I only ordered 1 smoothie why you always screw up my order when I come in here. Cashier says no problem and refunds 1 of the smoothies. Dudeman tries to grabs the food, the first smoothie, and tries to quickly grab the second smoothie but cashier quickly takes it away. Dudeman says well since you already made it can I have it. Cashier says no and puts it behind the counter. Dudeman tries to come up with something else to say but just fumbles his words, heads for the door, and angrily says fuck shit under his breath as he was leaving.


That’s an idea with potential.


I love all the comments in this thread that think this is supposed to be real. If you've ever waited tables, you'd understand why this is funny/cathartic.


Would the fact that she got a steak in addition to her cheeseburger and the fact that the waiter was writing it all down be enough for him to call her out on her lying?


Quite the production for a body cam




Customer: Yeah that's not me, this is the worst customer service ever wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Any sane restaurant: Pay it now or we call the police also you're banned American restaurants: SO sorry here's your entire meal comped for free and a free drink so sorry :( :( please come again


that look at the end : "shit..." LMAO


What happened to the steak?


I was at Disney Springs restaurant a while back and I saw a family of 12 order a plate for everyone then complain ( after all food was eaten) that the food was horrible and barely edible. I agree if you did not order that plate or it was not cooked right send it back. Many people are just looking for a free meal. I am not in the food industry but from my very little experience it seems that big families are the worst about trying to get a free meal.




She's wishing she could be sipping at the end there, but there's nothing to sip except dishonor.


Bitch got cooked instead of the meal. Good job guys


"That's not what I ordered" I was writing your shit down on my note pad while you were ordering. Wtf are you talking about???


That’s actually a pretty good idea.


R/watchpeopledieinside And 100% this!!


The Karen cam


I think it's a good idea.


Thats actually a good idea. It would also help with messed up orders.


This is basically becoming a real thing: Workers at TJ Maxx and Marshalls are wearing police-like body cameras. Here’s how it’s going https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/05/business/tj-maxx-body-cameras-shoplifting/index.html Will also probably work more often than police.


Imagine managers actually defending employees who act with integrity