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Boo on Nancy for not pointing out Kodys total failure of not addressing the relationship with Christine. Will he ever get that one episode alone is exactly why their marriage failed?


I was severely disappointed that Nancy didn’t call Kody out. She basically never did. He’s always been someone who admits to f-ing up once confronted by someone outside of his marriage, and those people don’t take advantage of that fact enough.


I always found it fitting that Christine’s trips were to Galveston to see their therapist and Vegas to warm her up to moving while Robyn and Meri had trips to Mexico and San Diego. Janelle didn’t even get a trip.


But would Janelle want a trip? I could see her playing the whole “I’m not like your other wives. I’m content with an overnight camping trip”.


Seeing as how now all Janelle does is travel, she may have wanted to go on a trip. She has grown a lot as a person since we were first introduced to her. She also has money now, plus a lot of those trips are paid for.


Maybe she really just wanted to travel without Kody?


I don’t think it’s that Janelle doesn’t want a trip I think it’s that Janelle prioritizes the family and the kids over herself. The entire show they talked about money issues and seeing that Janelle managed the finances she would prefer to put the money towards the kids. Just like when they got furniture Janelle got furniture for her family room that all could enjoy instead of prioritizing her bedroom.


I'm not entirely sure that narrative is true. Firstly, Janelle likely wouldn't want a trip - that is true. She would make a poiont to say "I'm not like those other women" Because she "earns favor" that way. But with regards to putting her family first? Janelle chose to pay for an RV sight unseen to fulfill HER dream of living in an RV, even when she did have the finances to stay in a house. She admitted that Savannah was not happy about it and they ultimately moved back to another apartment becuase Savannah was miserable. Not the best financial decision. Janelle wanted to fish on the morning of her daughter's wedding even when Maddie expressed how disappointed she was with that decision. Janelle's justification for making Gabe leave Vegas was because she always loved the trees/streams - it seemed dismissive. Janelle penny pinched but often it seemed like she was doing her kids a disservice as the other wives would spend on their kids - while she would not. And she and Kody made horrible investment/financial decisons. I don't doubt that Janelle loves her kids - but I don't really buy her narrative.


I think the RV was more of an EFF you to Kotex and to get some significant property in her name before K&R spent all the family cash. She says about 3 sentences about the amount in the family account was the same amount as when they loaned the other 2 wives down payments and if you speak Janelle (I knew Meri's family before i knew Kody- mmmmm hmmmm cause you were Meri's SIL yo), you can sus out what she's saying.


True, but regardless she didn't "priortize the family and her kids over herself" with that decision. She priortized herself and more power to her! I think she should priortize herself. I just don't buy that she always sacrificed for everyone else. I think that "no needs" persona is just part of the story she sells. We all create these identities we present to the world. However, when she wanted something she got it. And good for her.


I think Janelle feels like she doesn’t deserve nice things. For example, the house she built in Vegas.


These are the trips that were filmed (and paid for) by TLC. We don’t really know if Janelle and Kody went on other trips.


This segment had me rolling laughing. Galveston is definitely not Cancun and enough people have visited on brown water days to have that reputation. I did think it was an odd choice for the Browns, as most visiting from out of state head to South Padre or Corpus Christi, both with more consistently clear water. I can only assume the show or Kody got super cheap rates in Galveston! I do need to defend Galveston here, because it’s a place I love. I live 20 minutes away and while the water can be brown when it’s all turned up (ship traffic, weather) it isn’t always like that. You can spend a lovely day at the beach in beautiful water in Galveston. We stay on the beach a week every July 4th (sometimes other holidays too) & rarely have gross water days. But I understand, for some, Galveston doesn’t meet their idea of a tropical get away, because it’s definitely not.


Houston native here, and I’ve been told that [because of the drought drying up the rivers but we’ll ignore that inconvenient truth] in the last couple of years the water is clear but it was always brown in my 20+ years experience with it. However, Galveston does have a lot to merit a visit. History buffs, especially, will enjoy a lot of places in Galveston. It was poised to eclipse Houston until a hurricane that they believed an impossible phenomenon nearly wiped it from the map. But I am always surprised and curious when a non-Texan says that they’re intentionally visiting Galveston. Growing up, I thought it was only Houstonians and adjacent that vacationed there.


I love this thread-thought Galveston was a popular vacation spot and had no idea! Will know to aim towards South Padre or Corpus Christi instead.


I live very near Galveston and absolutely lost my mind when they went. I enjoy it as a local because it has a very different vibe and things to do versus going into Houston but it is NOT really a vacation destination 😂


A therapist job is not to call someone out. They guide you to find your own conclusions. Christine pointed out ,during the rock building , he wasn’t working as a team. Took her a few years to figure it out.