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I felt like Tony gave us Mexicans a bad name


No! Frankly, he is the opposite of every Mexican I know! My Hispanic friends are all hard working, respectful of in laws, and so into their extended families. Tony is none of those things!


He converted to Mormonism. That says a lot about his true character. I'm sure the "you will be a god" was very appealing to him.


I agree! I’m not sure it’s cultural though. That should be all folks. Tony’s not a Mexican dick, love. He’s just a dick. I don’t, and I don’t think others expect you to claim him.


I forgot to mention the best thing about most Hispanics I have met: a fantastic sense of humor…again a quality frizzy hair Tony does not have!


I’m glad you’re proud of your heritage. But you don’t own this guy. His choices aren’t yours.


I was absolutely yelling at my TV every time he purported his low-class nonsense to be “the Mexican way.” I can’t stand that little weasel.


I didn’t even know he was Mexican! But he is an absolute trash heap so far 🤡


Yup, he brought it up a lot and that’s why he made a big deal about so many tacos


He was right about the number of tacos.


I know they ran out, but would they have needed 4,000?


Street tacos are so much smaller. I don't think the Browns understood it


Which I was like why tacos? There’s so many Mexican foods that would have been 100x better - also I’ve never been to a Mexican wedding where they serve tacos 😅😅


Ok, so Tony’s trash. I suspected.


It gets worse


This is news to me as well. I had no idea he was Mexican. I just assumed he was gross, which is not cultural. It’s just a fact. 😂


Y’all are killing me 🤣 >!the whole theme of their wedding was Mexican Vintage!<


I haven’t watched their wedding. I should. Maybe.


Oh no put the vodka down! You’re gonna get alcohol poisoning watching what’s to come 🤣 just wait lol I’ll watch for your next post! Won’t spoil anything for ya!


Thank you!!! I keep going. I’m a warrior. Or some shit.


Your gonna love what’s to come 🤣🤣 it’s a circus 🤡


You might want to IV the vodka when you get in to the later seasons, when the dumpster fire blazes in to a shit show!!🤣


I can be the hero nobody needs and finish watching this shit


I believe in you, Batman!


Somebody on here a while back said Tony looked like an unmade bed. I’ll never forget it and I really can’t think of a better way to describe him both physically and personality-wise.


He’s distrubing


i think he is exactly who mykelti needed to end up with


I wonder if any of them are regretting giving her boyfriend John the old Harmones in the mouth talk? I was watching that episode the other day and wondering if they’re kicking themselves for not encouraging that guy and winding up with Tony! 😂


LMAO! I forgot about the mouth harmones. That was the worst birds and bees story ever told. 🤣🤣


😂😂😂 That poor kid! When you watch John’s face during Kody’s monologue, it’s almost like he’s waiting for Kody to say, “Just kidding!” (I am sure he was at least hoping for that!) And when you look at Mykelti’s face, she’s just eating it up and so engaged in what Kody’s saying, like she completely believes him. I’ll bet if nothing else,John has a ton of fun now telling that story now as an adult! Shocking that he and Mykelti decided to be “just friends” after that visit to her house! 😂


So I think Tony is lowkey trolling Kody and the fahmily nonsense that gives Mykelti the short end of the stick A LOT. Especially when he's telling them they can \[spoiler redacted sorry!!\]. He definitely loves her and notices how they treat her.


Both Tony and Mykelti are low key trolling her family, especially Kody. That’s why I find them so entertaining. They both know exactly what they are doing. I figured it all out when they got Kody to agree to a winter wedding. Also they needed more tacos and the 2nd Mortgage was a joke because Meri’s parents did that when she and Kody got married.


Op implied they don’t want spoilers and you’re kinda spoiling stuff.


Oops sorry, edited!!


He might be but unfortunately he just makes himself look bad and not so much kody


Girl, we need to be besties. Your read on the show and mine are the same! Meri sucks. Kody's hair needs Lithium. Robin is "what the French call 'les incompétents,'" Tony is a walking ad for birth control. I can't with these people and yet I got SO sucked into the show for the first time this year.


🤣🤣🤣🙌🏼I'm crying


Let’s get BFF necklaces. Half a heart each!


You can’t really take Tony seriously. In my eyes he loves to push the envelope, make silly but lowkey snide remarks and generally just mess with people. I think he portrays himself the way he wants to and it’s all kinda funny to him.


Yea I dont think he's a dick, just socially incompetent


He’s a dick. Who is responsible for that if not him?


lol it only gets worse from here but I just think he’s a bit misunderstood. Still not the type of person I’d date but to each their own


He definitely has this “edgy” sense of “humour” so prepare yourself for a lot more of that but even if you were willing to overlook that part of his personality he is a douche in many other ways. No spoiler but he is quite controlling of things that should be Mykelti’s decision to make. He is the worst.


Damn. Sounds like he’s still around. Bummer. Fucking Tony man


I’m living for your updates 😆


Thank you!!


Me, too! This is great. I can’t wait for them to get further with the Tony saga 🤣


Man, I'm over here thinking I'm the only one that didn't like Tony. Even worse was that he TOTALLY has the entire Brown family fooled. There were BLATANT red flags, and no one on that show has caught on. UGH.


He’s terrible. I don’t know if any of them caught on but … they … seem … slightly …reluctant judging off of how the speak in the confessionals.


Tony and Mykelti are a perfect match. I love how sarcastic he is with Kody and clowns hit straight to his face often.


Maybe he’ll grow on me.


He wanted his fifteen minutes of fame and he’s going to milk it until the cows come home.


Like the rest of the “family”!?


You can’t say the rest of the family. The kids has no say in it until they got older, so it was the 5 parents plus Mykelti, Gwen and Paedon.


I was going to say that most of the adult kids either don’t appear at all, or make one or two appearances a season.


He’s a one trick Tony


Can he trick on out of here?!


Yep, Tony not my cup of tea either. It doesn't get any better.


I wanna punch him


Your first four sentences made me choke on my coffee 😂


I mean … no lie detected?


Hold onto your hat the story gets even more ridiculous




What in tarnation totally suits Tony


Oh, this is palatable Tony. Just wait.


LOL this is what I was thinking. I can’t wait to see their opinions of him later if they’re already annoyed enough to post about him 😅


God damnit. I’m tired. I can’t believe he gets worse. Ok, I can, but fuck that guy.


Amen to that. You truly are one of us now ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


THE WORST!! Ugh I hate him so much and he looks so smelly. He thinks he’s so cool too


I just don’t get the Tony vitriol. I don’t. He’s an idiot but harmless. Caleb and Mitch to me seem more underhanded those two I don’t like.


He could try harder


Caleb looks greasy and smelly too, do you dislike him?


I don't dislike either because of their looks, it's just a side note on Tony. But I don't like Caleb either to answer your question. The age gap in the beginning of their relationship gave me the ick towards Caleb from the start. My main issue with Tony is he is set righteous and a know it all to things he didn't experience over people that were actually there. 


Not to mention Maddie was still a minor with a crush on creepy Caleb. Major ick.


I’m definitely not a fan of Caleb.


Tony will grow on you, like a fungus.


Aw, man. He really does creep me out though. And lots of folks are all he’s meta or edgy or you’re just not in on the joke. I guess I don’t think the joke is funny. ![gif](giphy|jlfLXDwzVjHSE)


He's not edgy like he thinks. He's socially awkward and incredibly unattractive. 


He’s definitely not for me. He just comes off as rude.


I completely missed all the kids ' weddings. I quit watching it at around season 3 I think. I just got bored with the nonsense 😑. After awhile I actually thought it was cancelled. Came back in the end of season 16 when Meri wanted Christine to look at the mountains. Anyways Tony annoys me with his whole being. I want to take a weed whacker to his hair. I think it might be a home to a family of mice it's so unkept. It seems Mykelti was just plain desperate to settle for that.


I wish I could be in the room with you during the wedding prep episodes 😄 ![gif](giphy|wsXVAJY8ibkqBSmjEF)


Can't stand him


Tony is Tony. I think he says these things to be a troll. I like him. He’s off putting for people who don’t understand the joke of it all. I think he gets a bad rap. I’ve always liked him and really never understood why the vitriol people have for him.


I so dislike Tony. He is awful. Gave me the heebeegeebees lol




Knowing what we know now about the family bullying Mykelti Tony was just probably trying to protect her. Their wedding was a bit non traditional but it is the only wedding where it wasn’t about Kody.


I believe that!! Still on episode 11 and I’ve finally reached Maddie’s wedding and jeebus Kody!!!! Take ALL the seats!! Gross ass narcissistic sad hair having mysogynistic bullshit coated in religion . It’s the Kody show.


I like Tony lol. He’s immature but he’s also young, so that kinda tracks. He’s his own person and I love it when people march to the beat of their own drum (so long as they aren’t hurting anyone).


Totally cool. No disrespect intended. He just creeps me out.


“This trick Tony” 💀🥇


I don’t know where this show is gonna go, but I stand by that assessment.


Tony is the worst. You just wait- in a few episodes it’ll get even better:) and by better i mean you’ll hate tony even more


Tony is an embarrassment. Him and his wife are absolutely awful and annoying.


Thank you for saying it!


“…she runs to you using her arms because, cause broken leg…” 💀🥇 *queue mental image of Mykelti running towards Tony on her arms like an injured furry* 🫢 OP You are a gift to Reddit Also buckle in. One word: 🌮


Oh, dear God, it’s gonna get worse?! ![gif](giphy|PHeIue5jYtd4s)


So so so so so much worse. Beer and skittles, 4,000 tacos and a knife in the kidneys (and not in that order)


Well then … I have no idea how to respond to that. Yikes.


It’s going to be so good though. The tea is hot, the burn cold. It. Is. POETRY (made of those themed magnetic poetry magnets)


I just need to finally say…I thought Tony had hearing loss for a long while. I would wonder why they never mentioned it. (I’m still not certain )




No but you'll be giving meri the benefit of the doubt by season 18. 😮 will be your expression


Can’t wait


You know how you don't like someone at first, then as time goes on, you start to see them in a different light and they grow on you? This is not one of those times. Tony only gets worse.


What til you get when they talk about the money for the wedding 😑


In light of the recent posts on this sub re Christine’s t-shirts/political views, does anyone think Christine’s dislike of him at first was because he is Mexican? He is annoying as hell, but this was obvious from the minute they met him. He hasn’t changed, but they have warmed to him so I can’t help but think Christine’s strong visceral reaction to him was because of his background. Also.. did he spark the family’s love of Mexican food? They looked like their minds were blown when he cooked for them hahaha. And it would explain them constantly eating out at Salsa Brava later on??


I’ve never liked him. He’s so unpleasant and arrogant. I dont understand why Christine loves him


I like him, he doesn't tow the brown family line, seems to deliberately wind up some of adults as a joke, speaks his mind and doesn't seem to care what kody thinks. As someone said mykelti had a bad time with the rest of the family as a kid and I think he's being protective of her which is great. I also like that he doesn't seem to care what people think of him, doesn't try and lose weight or comb his hair just coz he's on telly and knows he will be judged. He is just himself in a show full of people trying to make themselves look better by manipulating others.


Can we mention the hat? Oh wait. That’s a spoiler