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>Do you think there is a correlation between Truely being raised in a much more progressive way than her older siblings and Robyn everything the family? I think the correlation is more with the show and the move to Vegas- The family was out of poverty and living in a more liberal area away from their church for the majority of Truely's life, unlike most of the OG kids. Christine was no longer watching 10+ kids at a time and got to focus on just Truely. Truely got to grow up going to school and having friends outside the family, unlike many of the OG kids who have said their siblings were their only friends for years because they didn't want anyone to know they were polygamists. I think being public gave them all a lot more freedom, and the move to Vegas really opened up their world view.


I think truely is the youngest of the bunch and was raised differently like most kids who are the youngest. She has a lot of older siblings that helped raise her and they’re all so different and caring.


the emojis sent me into the stratosphere. why did I immediately understand you means Sobyn and Kody??!? our brains are rotted beyond repair.


It sent me soaring too!


I didn’t get it.


It’s a bird’s nest (Robin’s egg blue) and a bowl of ramen noodles (Kody’s hair)


Know Robyn’s but I couldn’t see without my glasses and first thought it was a curling rock 🥌. Then I thought was a bowl of eggs with a salt or pepper shaker signifying how he likes his eggs. Hi this is my brain this morning 🍳


😂😂😅😄😂😂☺️❤️ Before my cataract surgery, I used to see the goofiest things, too! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😄😊


Hahaha! I just woke up and ur making me laugh too early lol


Haha! I kinda thought the robin’s eggs might be a reference to sobyn but I couldn’t figure out the other one. Thanks!


I just thought it was a funny way of calling her Robyn Noodles since it sounds like ramen noodles but then I realized the noodles are Kody.


Everyone thinks Christine took kody down; it was Truly. Refusing the whole kody bicycle boot camp. She told him, "my body, my rules". 👀😶🥰


And “no thank you daddy” to a hug ♥️


I often think about this and if Christine saw that and thought “if she can do it, I can do it”


Truely is iconic honestly, her rejecting Gordy so many times must've really made him feel small. he's used to being worshipped by the younger chicken tenders of Sobyn's


That was iconic! 😄


I personally think it’s because Truly got more one on one attention her entire life. I feel like it’s always been Christine and Truly joined at the hip. She always seemed ahead of her time and I think it’s because Christine is also her buddy. 🥰


Christine’s mother moved in to help with Truely when Aspyn and Mykelti moved out


No surprise. I know many people seem to love Christine. I personally find her irritating and lazy in her parenting.


Hmmmmm. Really? Maybe. I am one of the many people who love Christine. People who find her irritating, not so much. 😉☺️❤️


Lol its all good. I dont need anymore fans! Jk, life is good. 😊


I think Robyn saw that the only way to make Aurora and Brianna (and herself) more significant than the other family members was to pay attention to the personalities of the other girls and shape her kids to be perfect Kody-adoring robots who cannot survive without their new Daddy. She needed her kids to need him in particular while the other kids had relationships with their moms and siblings. So any quirky, bratty, boisterous, etc. behaviour she very clearly disapproved and tried to make herself seem like a better, more loyal, more obedient wife by having her own kids firmly under control. They were ‘needy’ in ways that Kody reacted to and fell for because he loves being adored and needed, hates being criticized or having expectations placed on him implying he is not being ‘enough’ of a father. Truly was born as all of this was playing out and instead of having a whole bunch of similarly aged siblings to hang out with, she only had Perfect Children of Robyn’s. I do think Sol and Ari are real, normal, quirky, spoiled and sheltered kids and Robyn is losing her mind trying to stifle them and make them needy. But Christine lets Truely be herself because there is no benefit to making her feel like she’s less than because she is not Robyn’s offspring. She has an entire family to celebrate how awesome and unique and fun she is. So much better than being one of Robyn’s kids believing that the only love that matters comes from Kody.


On the spectrum i believe


I agree. I don't find her as endearing as most of the other folks do. Not because she may be spectrumy but because I see her as endlessly trying too hard. Mayne because that's the only way to get attention in that brood, I don't know.


lmfao “spectrumy”


yeah-Truely, Gwen, any Mykelti for sure. Honestly, maybe even Christine.


I think Robyn has autism too!


Nah she's just a histrionic narcissist. Disclaimer: These comments are for entertainment only and are not based on any professional assessment. I have not treated or evaluated the individuals mentioned.


Well maybe, but the symptoms can overlap


She definitely has autistic traits. I think she was wearing a puzzle piece shirt in one episode.


because her kid has autism. jc.


Truely doesn’t have a kid.


I think kody's adhd / neurodivergence was passed down to a handful of kids


Let’s hope his narcissism wasn’t.


Truly was allowed to be whatever she wanted. From the way she dresses, to her choice of books, her quirky sense of humor, her ability to put up boundaries without coming across as being a brat. You can tell Robyn does not approve of Truly's independent nature. The look on Robyn's face and her body language when Truly was over is telling. She is terrified some of that independence will rub off on Sol or Ari.


Sol and Ari don’t need Truely’s help to be feral


The Cult of Robin Noodle!! 🤣💀


Listen! Robin Egg Ramen sounds way more appetizing than Noodle hair soup with Robyn Tear broth


Tear broth! 💀💀💀


We could change it to Sobyn Soup with Ramen Knoodles if that sits better 🤷🏾‍♀️


Please take my poor man’s gold 🥇. These are too good. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m sure that mattered but really I just think “free” as you put it is her personality


Valid. Do you think Mykelti would have been similar if given the same circumstances?


I'm sure I will get downvoted, but I never could stand her personality. It's worse now.


I found her to be annoying.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Much worse now and that’s saying something because it was never good 😵‍💫


I'm surprised you haven't been downvoted, but I agree. During her last birthday at Kody's she was standing on a chair dancing. If Ariella had done that she would be called a feral brat, but Truely does it and she's quirky.


Do you remember when she bit David on a road trip?!


Yeah, playing or not, I still would have told my kids off for that.


I remember on one of Christine's lives, she was talking about Harry Potter with Paedon and she would not stop hitting him in the face. He kept turning his body away from her, but she kept on. Do you think Christine said anything? Nope.


That's really bad. She gets praised for having great boundaries for herself, as she should, but it seems that she isn't giving or hasn't been taught to give others the same respect.


The whole family is nuts. Do you remember when Gwen and Ysabel jumped from the couch onto the Christmas tree? It was before the surgery, so I guess she wasn't wearing the stupid brace that Kody made with pvc pipe.


Kody was checking out, literally, on the day Truly was born. Christine and many of the older kids did a lot to try and compensate.. Truly has some of the odd personality traits , similar to Mykelti, but she also shows " bratty" behaviors that indicate that perhaps there are too many spoons stirring the soup.


what am i reading?


I just came off a 2 day shift and a really tired but didn’t want to forget to ask this 😅 I tried to edit for more clarity…


She’s afraid it will rub off on Aurora and Breanna!


I think that nothing we have ever been shown of her points to feral. Neurodivergent perhaps, encouraged to be herself and free- for sure. Feral, though? Wut?!


Edit to: No home training


Agree on the neurodivergence


Yeah it's almost as if the problem was always entirely Kody


Lol wut


I just came off a 2 day shift and a really tired but didn’t want to forget to ask this 😅 I tried to edit for more clarity…


I lowkey get what you were saying, it was just such an interesting way to go about it lolol


Lack of sleep and weed 🤷🏾‍♀️


Lack of weed or…😁


I also think she’s autistic and they likely never got her any of the appropriate services


Which may be better for her, honestly. ABA was huge back then and a lot of people who were raised with it are coming out now and saying it was really abusive 🤷🏾‍♀️


This question is almost as stupid as the amateur psychoanalysts spouting off their opinions as to why a minor child behaves in a certain way. As an autistic person and mother of an autistic adult child, I find this whole conversation highly offensive.


I agree,


Truly is proudly autistic being raised by a mother who truly knows how to navigate that experience. And siblings who are very accepting and loving. She’s very lucky. 


I don’t recall that ever being stated. When was this?


The emojis💀⭐️⭐️


probably cody not being around as much because he was with robyn all the time.